On Friday, Premier Anna Bligh welcomed director Michael Apted along with two of the young stars of the film, Georgie Henley and Will Poulter, who play Lucy and Eustace respectively, to the Gold Coast of Australia. And now we have a first look at them in costume, speaking to the premier on the set!
While we’ve seen Georgie a couple of times in costume as Lucy, this is the first time we’ve ever seen Will Poulter in costume on the set of a Narnia film. He looks like he’s grown much taller since he filmed Son of Rambow, but then it has been a few years since they shot that. Georgie also looks much taller. What a difference a few years makes!
The costumes look like they were designed for a long journey on the sea. They’re reminiscent of pirate style clothes, the belt being reminiscent of something seen in Pirates of the Caribbean. Georgie’s hair reminds me of the length that Susan had her hair in the last couple of films.
-via Portuguese Narnia site: MundoNarnia
Not exactly as I imagined the costumes, but I guess I can live with it.
I think I like them. I like Georgie’s better than Will’s, but I think he looks a lot like he could be Eustace. And I agree with the comment about Georgie’s hair. It makes her look more like Susan.
I think they’re all right. It will be interesting to see more.
I think they will be fine. It’s pretty understandable that they wear these types of clothing on a boat. I don’t think it’s realistic to have elegant costumes when the characters will probably be on water for the majority of the film.
And they also wouldn’t be counting on a girl being on the boat either so they wouldn’t have a gown for Lucy.
And nooo, Georgie can’t get older. It’s wrong I tell you, wrong!
The costumes look great & Georgie’s hair does look a lot like Susan’s. 😀
Great to see the actors in costume and “on set”. The photo on the left has the director, Michael Apted, with back to camera.(white hair, dark shirt, and bluejeans.) 🙂
I really like Will Poulter for Eustace and his coustume looks okay.
Georgie has matured fast…wow! And her coustume isn’t what I imagine, either, but I think it’ll work!!
So far, so good!
Georgie’s hair looks as thought she had braids right before.
I like it, because honestly their costumes seem practical given the situation they’re in.
This time I’m more excited about Will being Eustace than Georgie being Lucy (she’s my favourite character). I just have a lot of faith in Georgie already, now I want to see what Will will do with his character more than anything! Gosh I can’t wait!
they look great! Georgie is supposed to be wearing Caspian’s clothing, it says so in the book. and Will Poulter looks so much like Eustace!
Cool! I can’t wait! Will’s costume is perfect, and Georgie does look like she could be wearing Caspian’s clothes!
Unless it is just my imagination, Lucy’s sleeves look a little too long for her! That would fit if she is wearing Caspian’s clothes. I think the costumes look great. I wish we had a picture of Ben and Skandar in costume!
I can’t believe Georgie has gotten to tall!
I think ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ is going to be very good, but I hope nobody says that the movie producers are trying to remake ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean.’ (You know, sailing to the end of the world, fighting sea monster, and that sort of thing.)
I agree with Tarwe, the Narnian Elf. Though the Pirates of the Caribbean are such fun and entertaining films, the Narnian ship and crew are made of noble creatures with dedicated hearts, unlike wild treacherous pirates! The entire point of their travels to the End of the World are completely different.
I really hope the make the dragon scenes well. They were my most favourite in the book. I love how Aslan peels the scaly skin off of poor little Eustace and the idea of a child in a monster’s skin and his loneliness and sadness really stuck to me. It’s how I think a lot of people have felt; like they were hidden in ugly disguises that were not their own. It is a very important theme in the story.
I also hope I learn to adore Will as Eustace. I think I will break into tears when I see that last scene of Edmund and Lucy who have been my absolute favourite in LWW and PC. Gosh, I will miss Georgie and Skandar so much, I cannot even explain.
I know! I loved the dragon parts to. I have realy high hopes for Will Poulter as i love ‘Son of Rambow’ an ‘Scool of Comedy’
I think that this is gonna be a great film if it is made well and i realy can’t wait! (Though i can not agree with the changing Caspians acceant thing!)
realy soon now!
I think it’s intresting that no one likes Georgie’s costume. In the books, Lucy is supposed to be wearing Caspian’s clothes. In these pictures, that’s exactly what it looks like she’s wearing! I think they both look great! I’m excited to see that this movie is staying closer to the book than Prince Caspian!
Lucy’s clothes look as if they were made for her They should look like they were made for Caspian then put on her, cause that is how it is in the book. I guess I always pictured her wearing one of Caspian’s shirts kinda like a dress and barefoot.
It good to see them finally in costumes and it is just as i imgined it would be.
The costumes look pretty accurate according to the book; both Georgie and Will look great! I can’t wait to see bthem on screen!