The Dawn Treader nearly ready for its Sail!

Dawn Treader nears completion

Wow, you get really busy filming videos and pictures come in from all over the web. Narnia Fans Spy Kylie wrote to us earlier this week with some new pictures of the Dawn Treader, with a huge set of ropes and hooks attached at the top. It’s looking like they’re preparing to use the part of the mast that they’ve included on the ship, very shortly, to attach a sail. Based on the size of the ship and the height of the mast, it looks like the overall mast will be much much taller in the final film, which will make for a breathtakingly beautiful Dawn Treader. It’s a technique that was used in Pirates of the Caribbean as well as Master and Commander and other such films with ships such as these.

Thanks to Kylie for e-mailing about her awesome pictures. See more at Kylie’s Flickr



    but it should be “its” not “its’.” its’ isn’t even usable!

  2. Was just up at the beautiful boat. Looking good to me to set sail for the movie. How exciting.

  3. Was just up at Cleveland Point looking at the Dawn Treader. What a remarkable job they have done.
    Looking good to me to set sail for the movie. How exciting.

  4. Cool! Can’t wait to see it ready for sailing and complete though it’s kind of stinky that it’s never gonna hit the water…yet. Maybe it will sometime.

    • oh my goodness – it is so huge and a remarkable replica – absolutley amazing. To think it will not hit the water is so weird!

  5. am trying to download the most recent photos – but stupid plug from my camera to computer decided to fail!

  6. ‘they’ tell me because of the huge tides we have experienced down here – is the reason for the delay in filming.

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