Website MundoNarnia unveiled some 33 new photos from the set of Voyage of the Dawn Treader. They include Dinian, a minotaur, some fauns, Will Poulter as Eustace, and a very Strider-esque Ben Barnes as King Caspian.
Below is one of the many pictures from the website:

Ladies, you may start with your screaming….Now.
The rest of the photos can be viewed at: MundoNarnia
Ben- wow.
Only one word needed.
You’re right, he does look a lot like Strider! No question where they got the costume design!
*commences screaming*
Not screaming… nu huh, not at all…
But that is one seriously cool costume! :sigh: I love Isis’ work!
now we can clearly see the difference between king and prince. this is like… totally Caspian is already King!! long live king caspian!!!!
I would describe Caspian’s costume as more “Miraz-esque” than “Strider-esque”
Wow! He has a beard! Awesome outfit!
I think the beard adds to his Striderishnes?
he’s going to look wayyy better in this film, i think
Awright! Itz about time we made him look like Viggo, dang it! Acutually the outfit seems a little Elivsh to me… maybe they tried to make him look like Orlando Bloom… ya know what? I’ll just call him Vorlanggo.
I can’t really see his face that well. >.>
He looks a little bit like a Jedi, but still
(squeals until her lungs burst)
(dies happy)
OM (freaking)G!!!!!!!!!!
And I thought he was hot in the second movie!!!
luuuuvvvvv Caspian!!! <3 😉