Ben Barnes talks Battles, Discovery in Dawn Treader

His debut as the eponymous royal in the second Narnia movie, 2008’s Prince Caspian, helped the film to rack up over $400 million at the box office, and he will now reprise the role in the adaptation of Lewis’s third book in the series, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

“There are some big pitched battles in this one, swords and action,” he reveals when pondering his forthcoming adventure, “although this film is more about magic, creatures and discovery. I am looking forward to seeing Caspian a few years later, as a king, playing a character that isn’t so vulnerable and fragile this time around. And playing a king, I think that has to be pretty cool. The king is in charge, for a start, although then the kids turn up and they kind of piss on his bonfire a bit!

“But I am looking forward to it. After all, as a kid you dream of wielding swords in a fantasy adventure.” He smiles.

“I definitely didn’t grow up wanting to play a young dad, with a child in a coma, searching for the answers!” The role of a young dad searching for the answers comes courtesy of the film he’s just completed in Boston, which carries the temporary title of Valediction. “It has a very adult theme and I am playing my own age for the first time ever,” says Barnes, “a 28-year-old man with a daughter. It felt like a lot of films that I have loved but also didn’t feel like anything I have read in a long time. It’s hard to describe. How would describe The Three Colours Blue or Blue Velvet or Momento? They are hard to pigeonhole. They are films about people. It is certainly the most real film I have done, it’s my second contemporary film, and it just kind of screamed at me to come and do it.”

Read the rest at the Telegraph


    • Because the book doesn’t have any and I love it for this very reason. I believe adding “high pitched battles” will not distinguish it from the previous films (quite the opposite actually) when in fact The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is very much different than any of the other chronicles. It’s a great sea adventure that’s about discovery. I think Narnia needs a breath of fresh air and it so happens that VODT, being the naturally third instalment of the series, is the perfect story for the job.. or so I thought…

      Now I guess it depends on the type of battles and when exactly they take place. But I’m afraid that these battles will be the ones saving Narnia from the notorious “unfathomable fate” it’s supposed to face. Not only is this dĂ©jĂ -vu but it also overshadows The Last Battle if it’s ever to be made.

      If Andrew Adamson was directing it I wouldn’t even be here worrying as he hasn’t failed me with the previous films but I’m not too keen on Michael Apted.. I hope he proves me wrong. I really do. I want to love this film and want non Narnia fans to love it even more so the remaining books are in turn made into films! Now what’s done is done so we’ll just have to see how it goes and hope for the best.

      • Disney Sucks! After making that much money off of the last two movies how could they let VODT and the rest of the movies go. I haven’t yet re-read the hole Last Battle just the end because I’m reading the books as they are made into movies again…

        I can’t wait till they make The Horse And his Boy, But The last battle is interesting to how they meet back up with, Fledge, lady Polly and Lord Digory, Reepicheep, King Cor and Prince Corin, tumnus and the beavers.

        What hapened to susan? I forget, Please tell me!

  1. Interesting choice words, there, Ben. But exciting none-the-less. =D.
    Surely by ‘battles’ he meant sword fights here and there, which were in the book. If not, well… The film makers have done worse.

  2. plus keep in mind, there i that battle with the Sea Serpent. Hardly a conflict they can solve with their words in that regards.

  3. Battles, I have little-to-no problem with.

    You have the Sea Serpent issue, you have the fact that they reference a genuine, full scale battle with pirates near Galma to the kids–perhaps they’ve built in a flashback to that!–and I even wouldn’t be too ticked off at them if they built in a little fighting on the Lone Islands.

    What gets me worried is Barnes’s talking about Caspain’s attitude towards the Pevensies–goodness’ sake, yes there was some conflict as far as Deathwater and Edge of the World, but they were supposedly generally gettign along, here!–and Walden Media’s blurb on the movie. (Quest for Seven Lords not referenced? Sailing to Aslan’s country intentionally? Danger for Narnian creatures back home? What in Narnia is up with that?)

  4. I agree with you. If there is no quest for the 7 lords, why are we making this movie again??? This voyage–according to LEWIS–was a trip Caspian is going on to fulfill an oath to find and/or avenge the 7 lords and to reach the Eastern Edge which Reepicheep believes is the way to Aslan’s Country. Anyone who has read any of the books should know you can only get to Aslan’s Country if Aslan wants you to. As for “dangers back home”…More pointless drama??? Totally not needed, there’s enough “drama” in VotDT, IMHO.

  5. OK. Let’s just imagine. There is a war between Narnia and Calormen. King Caspian decides the only way to gain the victory is to seek out Aslan by sailing to the East. (Sounds like an adventure in Tolkien’s The Silmarillion; but that was to the West.) That would fit the Walden blurb and what Ben Barnes said.
    I hope not.
    But, if this all happens to be true, remember, you heard it here from me first. 🙂

  6. Hmmmmmm. I don’t think I like what he said.
    Big Battles! Let me count the battles in the book, 2. Small battles, pirates, sea monster. Could he mean, “moral battles”? Maybe he should have one of those himself! They better not make this a war movie! I can see it now…
    Opening credits, fade in, clash! Swords, spears, Caspian charging into a shower of arrows! Reepicheep crushing the enemy, the rush, the speed!
    The Pevencies appear on board the war gallion on its way to take a fortress at sea. Hmmm. Then Darth Vader comes in and tells Caspian that he is his father, and Obi-Wan takes down the sea monster.
    Stick to the book!

  7. They’re screwing up all of the books except LWW… What’s his prob? He can’t keep his mouth shut and he always says the wrong thing!!!

    • How are they screwing up all of the movies, they only made two so far. You don’t even know what VODT will be like. It may be better than you think, or a lot worse. LWW was amasing, Prince Caspian was if you ask me, even better, Yes they could have made it closer to what the book said, but I don’t think it would have been the same.

  8. No, no…
    Darth Vader isn’t Caspian’s father, he’s his UNCLE. Miraz time-traveled and was put into a big black-caped bodysuit with a loudly-breathing mask the moment before he died!

  9. Okay, I LOVE battles, like, CRAZY!!!OK? but, I HATE added things in narnian movies. I HATE it when they change it from the book. This is good/bad news. I wonder what part they’re going to put the battles in the movie. Hope it’s an appropriate part.

  10. Aravis, I’m thinking that the battle is probably when the sea monster comes.I can’t recall anything else.

  11. Okay, if they’re talking about swordfights against the sea serpent or a Capian vs. Edmund fight in the Goldwater scene, I can live with it. But, I hope they don’t add any battles into VODT. Please, stick to the book!

  12. To be fair, he does say that this one is more about magic, creatures, and discovery. It sounds to me like he was trying to say how it was similar to the first two to try to attract people who hadn’t read the books, but then added that more of the themes are discovery than beat-the-enemy. I’m not making excuses for him, but this is what it looks like to me.

    And with the seven lords… it could be that since he was just about to go to Australia when this interview was published, he isn’t too well-informed about the film other than, “Sail east, take over a few places (Lone Islands), find Aslan’s country.”

    Personally, I can see where they might be able to fit battles in to try to make it a little more action-oriented. In the book they (C,L,E, and company)have a bit of a revolution in the Lone Islands. A shift of character in the governor could turn that into a battle. They almost get into a battle with the Dufflepuds until Lucy agrees to do what the DPs want. Sea Serpent. Caspian vs. Edmund @ Deathwater. The sea people Reepicheep tries to challenge until he is distracted. Caspian vs. Edmund again when Caspian is being a twit. All of these would definitely be way too many battles, but a couple of them are quite doable while staying true to the book.

  13. Please no battles for VDT! Please! Not if they’re not in the book. Did they learn nothing from the mistakes in PC? Why? Why torture the fans this way and ruin what could be a good film? Ugh! They’d better get this one right…but it’s not sounding too hopeful at this point.

  14. Disney Sucks! After making that much money off of the last two movies how could they let VODT and the rest of the movies go. I haven’t yet re-read the hole Last Battle just the end because I’m reading the books as they are made into movies again…

    I can’t wait till they make The Horse And his Boy, But The last battle is interesting to how they meet back up with, Fledge, lady Polly and Lord Digory, Reepicheep, King Cor and Prince Corin, tumnus and the beavers.

    What hapened to susan? I forget, can you tell me?

  15. Olivia, I wasn’t referring to Barnes’ summery as to the lack of mention of the Seven Lords. I was referring to this–Walden Media’s website’s synopsis of the film on its article announcing VDT.

    “This time around – Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, along with their pesky cousin Eustace Scrubb – find themselves swallowed into a painting and on to a fantastic Narnian ship headed for the very edges of the world. Joining forces once again with their royal friend Prince Caspian and the warrior mouse Reepicheep, they are whisked away on a mysterious mission to the Lone Islands, and beyond. On this bewitching voyage that will test their hearts and spirits, the trio will face magical Dufflepuds, sinister slave traders, roaring dragons and enchanted merfolk. Only an entirely uncharted journey to Aslan’s Country – a voyage of destiny and transformation for each of those aboard the Dawn Treader – can save Narnia, and all the astonishing creatures in it, from an unfathomable fate.”

    Read the rest here:

    …I’m sorry, but I don’t think Walden has the same excuse of possible cluelessness as Ben has.

    • Lily,

      Thanks for explaining. Although, may I put in that they do include a ‘mysterious mission’. Given, finding seven missing lords isn’t particularly mysterious, but these are movie people writing this.

      The ‘unfathomable fate’ does have me worried though.

  16. BenBarnesLover–Basically, Susan started getting a bit jaded and material as her life went on, and managed to convince herself that Narnia was just a very vivid childhood fantasy.

  17. Those are REALLY good points, Olivia. I had the book battles in the back of my mind… I mean, you’re right, there are A LOT of them if you think about it, but battles just aren’t the theme, and the ‘unfathomable fate’ quote scares me slightly. Other than that, I don’t think it matters much – their not going to bring back the white witch or something and make Caspian have to sail to Aslan’s Country to save Narnia :P…. I hope :P.

  18. I think it makes the story flow better with something going on between Caspian and Susan. Although it might have been better if Caspian had a very good lady friend that liked Peter in PC and then She joins him on his voyage to find the seven lords and then the end of VODT the two of them got together. At least then we’ed know how the mother of Rilian.

  19. Umm…we DO know who the mother of Rilian/wife of Caspian is. Or do you mean “know” the character in a detailed fashion like the mains? And I have to disagree, the relationship between Caspian and Susan did nothing to further the storyline and only succeeded in confusing people when she never again shows up in any books. Its the ultimate “just for now” infatuation story that can’t and doesn’t go anywhere.

  20. Yes I ment more in detail like the mains, but I’m not seeing how it confuses people, Susan could be upset and then to help forget she pretends it never happened, thus for convincing herself it was just that Narnia was just a childhood fantasy.

    • They could tie Caspians friend into everything, from the begining of Narnia to the very end, she could just change forms to give it more of a fantasy feeling. She could be the Unicorn that Peter rides in LWW and lose her horn and be hwin in HHB but not age while in Unicorn Form. Then again she could be the Unicorn in TLB and then for PC, VODT, and SC she could be human till Caspian dies in SC, breaking her heart causing her to cange back into a unicorn for TLB. Through the whole thing she would have magic, giving it even more of a fantasy feel.

      Im’not sure if this is really lame or if it might make the stories better. More like LOST the TV show were they give mistories and the give the answers, witch makes you want to keep watching to find out the answers.


  21. BenBarnesLover, if you was to write an alternate reality fanfic in which Caspian has a long time ex-enchanted unicorn female friend, then that’s your business. But as far as the movies go, it would be none of the directors’ business to play at that large a scale with what the author has made. If you ever write a book or have a friend who is writing a book and start thinking about how you’d feel if somebody started randomly adding in new main characters to a movie of it, you’d know what I mean.

    CaspianLover–if you want to know about Rilian’s mother, try taking a good look at The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair.
    Caspian meets a woman on the voyage who is the daughter of a star, falls thoroughly in love with her, and ends up taking her home with him after his quest is complete. She has one child by him, Rilian, before being killed by a snake which turns out to be an enchantress. We never get a very good look at her personality, but at least we know something about her… and she’s a thousand and one fanfics waiting to happen. :p

  22. Thats what we thought you would say. We just wanted to see if anyone would write back. How would any of that story I made up make scence with the rest of the stories, and besides the books were writen how long ago, likr fifty years, but I guess that would be a cool idea for a book if I ever rote one, but right now I have to much work to do for school. So in less we have to write stories in English, It won’t be in a book any time soon.

  23. CaspainLover–Who knows?
    They could do quite literally anything with this movie. It could be some weird premature-apocalypse scenario, or it could be movie-makers’ hyperbole for a basic invasion. It’s the fact that the wording could cover so much that has me worried. That and that they don’t seem to be able to leave well enough alone with bookverse plotline. They haven’t told us what they’re up to, so now I don’t know what to brace myself for.

  24. BenBarnesLover–earlier on in this thread, I quoted an article from Walden media’s website. If you would go take a look at that quote you’d have a better idea what I’m talking about. 🙂

  25. i just loved the book dawn treador and would love the movie as well released in 2010.just wanna say that ben barnes rooocks.

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