The Voyage of the Dawn Treader news is coming fast and furious today. We’ve got video from the set, of Skandar Keynes and Ben Barnes sparring on board the Dawn Treader, with other sailors on board looking much like they’re cheering them on. Not sure when this will be, in the film, but Skandar appears to have lost none of his skills with a blade since the last adventure. I can’t wait to see the fight on screen.
From Narnia Fans Spy Kerrie:
From Narnia Fans Spy dyabolikarl:
Thank you for having posted this video, amazing video
THIS WILL BE THE HOTTEST SCENE EVER IN MOVIE HISTORY EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg! i just cant wait 4 the movie this is gonna b great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaww GREAT! don’t remember this from the book but it looks awesome! can’t wait to see it! 😀
I didnt read the book. I just wanna know whats this part at the end? Edmund and Caspian fighting or is this is also a battle scene against the narnia enimies?
its edmund and caspian fighting but like not as enemies
skandar beautiful it is beautiful, the photos are beautiful, congratulations on work
i don’t remember this from the book too, but Skandar is…unreal. love him <3
oh, i remember now, it’s in the end, lol 😀
Cool! I want to see more videos! It’ll be funny to see this for real on screen. Heh, it’d be funny if it got cut from the film. But sad.
i have a feeling that the movie is gunna be NOTHING like the book
I’m not so much interested in knowing whether the scene will be “hott” or not as in knowing whether they’ve got a good little plotline-justifiable excuse for fitting it in there.
Do you have any clue as to context for the fight?
Well, first it is just simple sparring session, more like the one between Peter and Edmund in LWW and less like the fights between Peter and Caspian in PC. Simply for plot reasons, it may be to just help build the freindship between Caspian and the Pevensies.
Awesome swords fights between the characters are one of the many reasons that I so support these Narnia films. I am glad to see that the tradition will continue in the third movie!
That looks actually really good!!! I can not wait foro the movie to come!
I wonder who wins? 🙂
I’m guessing it’ll just be something they do for fun while they’re on board- but hopefully it doesn’t mean they’re turning Caspian and Edmund’s relationship into a rivalry like they did with Caspian and Peter. I liked that part of PC, but it wouldn’t work again.
Awesome video (a lot better quality than I expected). Awesome photos by the “spies” too! 🙂
There is a report on ContactMusic.com that Barnes received a fat lip when Skandar accidentally struck him with his sword. I assume this must be the same scene. http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/story/barnes-nursing-movie-battle-wounds_1115610
looks great thanks for posting the photos
OMG i love the video i remember it from the book i can’t wait for the movie
thanks for posting!
i was there the day they filmed this and i think they are just mucking around cause Skandar is actually smiling whilst they are filming this scene it was fantastic see photo where Ben is waving it is actually to me and my daughter i nearly died lol hes fantastic such a lovely guy…
About the previous post…I noticed they took down the picture of the blonde chick that everyone was saying was Ben’s girlfriend…why? Hmmm
I was really excited when i saw them filming yesterday. I had a very weird erg to climb the fence… I did manage to restrain myself though. :]
also during the end of the book Caspian says that he will go to
the eage of the world but everyone says he shouldn’t, so there was a little conflict during that part
Wow these r amazing!!! i can’t wait for the movie to come out it is my favorite book of the series the most interesting! i hope they keep to the order that the book is in, like thay they didn’t do in Caspian!!! l8r:)
are u sure it was ben’s girlfriend? skanders girlfriend is blonde and she’s been around the set. she gave me and my friend the evil eye for no reason :S
she actually stuck her head out the window as they were driving off to give us a glare.
aww! i can’t wait to see it! sooo excited! It would be amazing to meet some of these people.
hey nicola i met u on friday lol. yay and we met ben barnes. he’s so cute. he’s really quiet though.
ahaha I love the picture of Ben Barnes making his face. I bet he’s a great guy. You guys are so lucky to get to meet him!!! 🙂
hey umm, i was wondering if you could tell me whereabouts this was filmed cos im actually going up to gold coast for a week and i reallllyy am dying to meet them. If you could jus say the area PLEASE it would be soooo helpful. thanks
wow… tnx 4 posting this video luv it!!! skandar is soooo
amazing !!!! can’t really wait 4 VDT!!