I know that this is a little bit late, but I’m still working on a whole bunch of new things that are going to knock your socks off. Believe me when I say, you haven’t seen anything yet! We’re currently figuring out the release cycle for the content, but when it starts, it’s going to be something you won’t want to miss.
From MundoNarnia comes a photograph of what looks like the Dragon Cave set from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader where Eustace makes a few changes! Take a look.
-via Mundo Narnia
well, whatever this super exciting new thing is, i can’t wait!!
The set looks awesome! I can’t wait for VDT! 😉
As for this surprise: we’re all waaaiiiting!!!
Dragon cave set, boring. Can’t wait to have my sock knocked off! 🙂
I’m gonna say that my socks are ready to be knocked off.
The cave? It’ll be cool when they’re done……
Looks good.
It’s a good thing they have computers!
wow it keeps getting more and more
exciting. i can’t wait till the movie
It’s good to know that the road is right next to the cave, (incase Lucy needs to drive to the pet store to get Eustace some Dragon-Bites)!
omg where is this and please tell us real soon what this big news is we are all dying to know
WOOOW!! i can’t wait to know about this thing we don’t want to miss!!
I can’t wait to see everithing finished!!
i can’t wait to see the movie!!
I can’t wait !!!!
it loooks so much fun!!
Wow!I can hardly wait for VODT!!!!!!!
I think it’s gonna be a trailer or something. You know, likt a fan trailer.
it looks weird, there are gum trees in the backround!
It looks pretty good to me, Voyage of the Dawn Treader is going to be magnificent!
eh. watever. im not really excited about vtd now because of how much pc dissapionted me
I wonder how E’s dragon will look…..and how they’ll do the scene where he turns back into a boy