Dawn Treader Cast and Crew Celebrates Halloween

Oscar award-winning make-up artist Howard Berger threw a Halloween party for fellow cast and crew of the Chronicles of Narnia film on Saturday.

Berger, from the US, tells CC he was feeling homesick and wanted to bring the American holiday to the Gold Coast with a party at Southport Bowls Club.

Howard Berger dressed as Max from Where the Wild Things AreHe says Halloween is one of his favourite holidays and he’s even more enthusiastic than his teenage kids.

“I phoned to ask them about Halloween and they were like ‘Dad, it’s not until tomorrow.’ I’m more excited about it than they are,” says Berger, who has worked on blockbusters Inglourious Basterds, The Bucket List and Transformers.

It’s no surprise he is a fan of Halloween as he’s been a make-up artist for the world’s biggest horror films.

As filming for Chronicles of Narnia wraps up on the Gold Coast in three weeks lead actor Ben Barnes says he is sad about leaving.

Barnes, at a Halloween party for fellow cast and crew of the Chronicles of Narnia film at the Southport Bowls Club on Saturday, says he has enjoyed his time on the Gold Coast and is not looking forward to returning home to the UK.

“The Gold Coast is beautiful,” he says.

Skandar Keynes, who celebrated Halloween with cast and crew on Saturday at the Southport Bowls Club, tells CC the Gold Coast gives him the heebie jeebies.

That, and ‘evil pumpkins.’

But Keynes failed to give CC an explanation as to why he finds our town petrifying.

“I don’t know,” he says jokingly.

-via Goldcoast.com.au


  1. that was nice that a make up artist threw a halloween party for the cast & crew 🙂 i’m glad everyone had a great time, the gold coast sounds like a beutiful place

  2. I don’t think I like the title of one of the movies he is working on…can you possibly get rid of any bad words that we might not want to see?

  3. Interesting……being a Christian I don’t celebrate Halloween so I’m glad Skandar doesn’t like it. 🙂 ReepicheepFan, I don’t see anything wrong with the names of the movie’s he’s working on…..or is there a bad word that I don’t yet know about?

    • Actually, I am a Christian, too, but my church celebrates Halloween as a time of ministering to the un-saved community I live near.

      • I am also a Christian. I don’t go trick-or-treating, but my family leaves candy at our door. I once questioned this, and I was told that we are to show the love of Jesus in every way to everyone, even if it just means leaving candy at our front door with a note. By the way, I’m glad Skandar didn’t like it too, but the whole thing is pretty funny!

  4. I’ve never been keen on ghoulishness and morbidity, but as a Christian I see no problem with having fun with costumes and candy in October. 🙂

    Glad the cast had fun!

  5. I don’t have a problem with Halloween. Seriously. Most of the ghoulishness is invented by Hollywood. Festivals to honor the dead don’t really bug me.

    And Skandar didn’t say he didn’t like Halloween, he said the Gold Coast gave him the heebie jeebies.

  6. Christians you say, well happy Halloween then

    Halloween (also spelled Hallowe’en)[1] is an annual festival celebrated on October 31. It has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the Christian holy day of All Saints, but is today largely a secular celebration.

    Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, wearing costumes and attending costume parties, carving jack-o’-lanterns, ghost tours, bonfires, visiting haunted attractions, pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.

    In the 800s, the Church measured the day as starting at sunset, in accordance with the Florentine calendar. Although All Saints’ Day is now considered to occur one day after Halloween, the two holidays were once celebrated on the same day.

  7. i don’t really have much of a problem with halloween it’s just quite weird! i’m glad the cast had fun in their halloween party i wish i could be there!!! 🙂

  8. I don’t mind Halloween, I personally don’t celebrate it, cause I live in Spain and people don’t usually celebrate it here, but I’m glad the cast and crew had fun !!

    ServantofGod, I didn’t know that Christians didn’t celebrate Halloween..=0

  9. I hate Halloween and I’m glad Skandar doesn’t like “evil pumpkins.” lol I wonder what gave him the “heebie jeebies.” Anyway, here are my thoughts [God’s, really] on Halloween.

    1. Celebrates [culture of] death! God is the author of life and He died to give us life. Deuteronomy 30:19:

  10. yeah I’m a christian and i don’t celebrate
    Halloween cause i know what is behind it all

  11. I only have one question for all Christians that don’t celebrate Halloween in any way, shape or form: Have you ever attended or hosted a bonfire?

  12. Ben dressed up as Willy Wonka, Georgie Was wonderwoman, Will and Skandar were the Mario Brothers.

  13. 1. Halloween does not celebrate death. It honors people who have died, which is done repeatedly in the Bible. There is no sin whatsoever in remembering loved ones who have passed on and honoring them. Necromancy, etc, linked with Halloween has been largely linked by horror movies.

    2. Out of curiosity, what makes you think Halloween celebrates witchcraft?

    3. Since Halloween celebrates spiritual darkness, it makes perfect sense that many Popes and other major Christian/Catholic figures have celebrated it and continue to do so. Halloween/All Hallows is part of the All Saints celebration. Yes, children dress up and ask random people for candy. However, evil being concentrated on the day of Halloween makes very little sense.

    4. The “Fall Festival” you mentioned is just an adaptation of a different pagan tradition, the Roman harvest festival that celebrated the harvest goddess Pomona. Which is why I refused to attend my mom’s church’s “Harvest Festival”. “Hallelujah Night” I have less of a problem with because it does not attempt to deny the origins of the holiday.

  14. NarniaJudy–whether or not Christians celebrate Hallowe’en is a matter of personal conviction, taste, and sometimes family background, same as whether most anybody else celebrates a holiday. We’re a mixed group on our views.

    Olivia–I don’t have a problem with showing respect for those who have gone before me, especially if they died in a good cause. I really think there’s more than that going on at Hallowe’en, though. It’s not generally about RESPECTING the dead–it’s about using death for a cheap scare of a gross-out factor… for entertainment value. The kids wandering around as ghosts and zombies and families lynching dolls in bedsheets on the branches of their trees aren’t doing that as a matter of respect.

    …If there is something someone can’t in good conscience celebrate, I’m not picking a bone with them having a conviction. My family hasn’t celebrated Hallowe’en the conventional way for awhile now, partly because my parents developed concerns about its origens and partly because of the safety concerns of children wandering around at night getting food from strangers.

    At the same time, though, Hallowe’en (or All Saints’ Day, or Reformation Day depending on who you are) is a day that can be used or abused same as any other day. And for those of us on here who are Christians, it can be a beautiful opportunity. Not just for churches deciding to have an outreach to their neighborhoods, but in the fact that we are supposed to be a light to the world around us, and this is one night in the year where we have the world coming to our doors.

  15. Actually, the Gold Coast is a wonderful place. I live in Australia and I have been there three times. On the Gold Coast, there is 90% of Queensland’s theme parks (MovieWorld, SeaWorld, Wet N’ Wild etc)and it has some of the most beautiful beaches in Australia.

  16. thank you Lily_of_Archenland!! i totally agree with u (and220chrisTian). my family has never celebrated halloween as we believe it goes against our beliefs as christians, but that doesn’t mean that no one should celebrate it just cuz your a christian…it doesn’t make you less of one.
    and what you said about using it as a way to outreach is great. we used to get together with family or friends and just have fun. this year (partly cuz us kids are older now), when we handed out candy, we handed out bible verses on cards. in the coming years we home to stay outside on our porch and offer prayer to anyone who wants it.
    so as christians, i think halloween should be a time when we try to reach our community with the light of Christ. 🙂

  17. Lily_of_Archenland,

    I agree completely that Halloween has become a commercialized cheap scare day. However, when it is attacked as being demonic, instead of a day when some people honor the dead and others have fun, I can’t help but come to its defense.

    I love the idea of using Halloween as an outreach. It’s definitely a day when children (at least those who know how to read) and their parents can benefit from gospel cards and Christian-themed celebrations. It’s just that when the church avoids one relatively pagan holiday and ends up celebrating another it annoys me.

    I didn’t mean to be a jerk or jump on anyone’s back. I respect people’s convictions, of course. The post I responded to could have been titled “3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween”. Personally, I don’t have issues with celebrating Halloween, and I only ask others to respect my convictions as I respect theirs.

    • He may have looked way better, but I don’t think he would do as good of a job at playing the role. He would have to work hard to beat johnny.

  18. Hi, everybody! I just figured I would put my two cents worth into the pot…

    Halloween has two different histories (several holidays do), depending on where you look. One is the bad history, i.e. celebration of darkness and so on. The other is a much better story. First of all, look at the roots in the word. ‘Hallow’ (or ‘holy’ and ‘ween’ (or ‘eve’). ‘Holy eve’ comes from the tradition of beginning to celebrate a holiday on the ‘evening’ before; in this case, the holiday is All Saints’ Day. However, while All Saints’ Day is important to me and other Catholics, I realize that probably a lot of other people are not even aware of its existence. Thus, the much more commercialized Halloween receives the limelight.

    Don’t get me wrong! I can’t stand the gory, icky, blood and guts. That’s something my fmaily has never done! However, I don’t really see a problem with dressing up in an appropriate costume and visiting your neighbors, if they’re willing to give you free treats!

    On the other hand, I kinda like Halloween. After all, that’s my birthday! 🙂

  19. Thank you for the clarification, Olivia.

    Tarwe–I love your name! How did you make it into Narnia? 😉

    • Well, I’m really from Middle Earth. However, I was visiting my friend Bilbo Baggins and his nephew Frodo at Bag End in Hobbiton. When I hung up my cape in his wardrobe, I suddenly found myself in a snowy wood talking to a faun, who told me I was in Narnia! 😉

      Actually, ‘Tarwe’ is the Elvish translation of my real name, and (as you can guess) my favorite books and movies are ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’! Thanks, Tolkein and Lewis, for the awesome stories!

      And thanks, Lily, for asking! That was fun! 🙂

  20. wow I’m so happy that there are a lot of Christians posting.
    praise Him! anyway for me Halloween is over all bad like smoking
    you can’t make it good cause it’s bad

    Jesus rules

  21. Narnialover24/7–Your smoking analogy is a clever one, but I’d like to see a bit more to your case than that “you can’t make it good ’cause it’s bad,” or that “you know what’s behind it all”.

    What is it that is “behind” Hallowe’en that makes you say it can’t be used for good? Where’d you learn about the stuff that concerns you?

    I don’t guarantee I’ll agree with you, but I’m willing to listen. 🙂

  22. georgie was wonderwoman? hang on!!! I have a pic of that after all!!!
    thoguht georgie might have been dressed as a cat or summat.
    georgie looks so cool in wonderwoman!!! I have a pic of that at:


    the pic is a bit small, but I couldn’t get it any bigger without it going blurry. i think there’s a bigger pic on one of the friendster profiles for georgie henley. (by the way, georgie doesn’t go on friendster, she goes on twitter, so it’s actually just fans). anyway, in the pic georgie is wonderwoman!!!!

    • can you tell us the website? Someone took off the picture, I would love to see georgie as wonder woman!

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