Dawn Treader Filming Wrapping Up

Filming on the next film in the Narnia series appears to have wrapped a bit earlier than expected, as the cast and crew joined each other for the wrap party this weekend. The scheduled wrap is November 27th, so either they finished filming early, or they had the party scheduled, and still have some filming left to do. Either way, this is a very exciting time, as the film is moving into the next phase of the journey to the silver screen: post-production.

It’s actually been in post-production since they started active production, as shooting digitally has allowed the editor to work while footage came in. Somewhere out there the film has been pieced together since day one of the shoot.

Anyway, from Mirko Grillini’s blog:

Tony Nixon, Mirko Grillini and Georgie HenleyAs we have come to an end, the last opportunity of being all together was on Saturday night. My first Hollywood wrap party…. wow. I can certainly do another one. There was so many people that I didn’t even get the chance of say hi to at least 75% of them.

It was great to see cast, crew and extras all together as one team, plus partners. Everybody was talking to everybody (or trying to) people dancing, the food was constantly coming around on large trays, and everybody seem to be happy.

We had finished the shoot late afternoon, just enough time to go back to the hotel, shower and get changed. Amanda had organised some food and a couple of drinks as pre party teaser. She was ready to go and looked amazing (as always).

A quick ride on a cab through the high rises of the Gold Coast and we were lining up at the venue. Some photographers were outside going spastic with the cameras, but were not allowed inside.

There were speeches from Mark Johnson, Michael Apted and the main cast, Ben wrapped it up with his amazing energy. I tell you what, he knows how to get the crowd going. He’s natural charm and portrayal are magnetic. Ben is not only a wonderful actor, he is a prince in real life, not because he’s from a royal family, but because he has an incredible good and friendly nature.

After the speeches, a very funny footage of bloopers was played on the screens and it caught everybody’s attention.

From this, it would seem that filming has indeed come to an end, but I have seen DVDs where they spoke about the wrap parties happening prior to the actual end of filming. This is because it will be the last time that everyone is still there, and they can celebrate together for the last time that they’ll all be in the same place together. After that, filming will continue for many, but not for all. Not positive this is the case with Dawn Treader, but what does it matter at this point? Either the filming is done, or they only have a few days, amounting to only a few moments of screen time, left to shoot.

Edit: Howard Berger just confirmed, “Almost done in Narnia, 1 week left, then off to Sydney for some R&R!!!!”

Now the marketing fun begins!


  1. Wow! Cannot believe how time has gone by so quickly! I still remember going to Cleveland to see them film. It was spectacular to see them all there and that ship was seriously an amazing piece of craftsmanship. If anyone who worked on the film is reading this, thankyou so much for coming to Cleveland Point to film. You have no idea how much it meant to me to see Narnia coming alive!!! 😀

  2. Quite exciting! I am glad they will have a year to put everything together, that way, nothing will be rushed. Looking forward to December 2010!

  3. Wow! I can’t wait to see this movie. I hope the trailer comes out soon. After all, they’ve already edited some stuff. Maybe, just maybe, we could have a trailer in January or February. We can hope at least. :-D!

  4. wow! so exciting!! i do wish this whole movie making process was a little faster though!!! dec. 2010 is so far away 🙁 but i guess you have to wait for some great things 🙂

  5. aww i’m sad that they will actually be leaving Australia soon but am looking forward to seeing everything come together for a fantastic movie

  6. i’m glad to see that fliming is wrapping up and doing well & i can’t wait to see VODT in the theaters, i’m looking forward to it

  7. Woww!! This is so exciting!! It’s incredible how time goes so fast!!

    I’m really looking forward to watchimg tis film!!
    Jessica and George, have you really been to cleveland ?

  8. NarniaJudy, yep i really did go to cleveland point to see them film. I live about 10 minutes from cleveland point, so i saw them almost everyday filming and it was one of the most coolest things that i’ve seen in my life! I was even there when it rained during the first week of shooting (one of the crew members had to tease us with his coffee and popcorn) I took many photos and videos of them shooting. I was so close to getting Ben’s autograph but sadly missed because he had to go back to the main trailer base and i had university 🙁 but i loved every moment. Can’t wait till the film comes out!! Hopefully we can get a trailer soon because I don’t think I can wait a whole year for the film to be released.

  9. I am a Narnia addict and have read several of the books to classes of children over the years. I can’t wait for the new movie to come out and really hope that ALL of them get made, especially “The Magician’s Nephew” (as a prequel to the LW & W) and “The Last Battle.” I just hope the kids are not all grown up by then – getting close now!

  10. wow! that’s coooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllllll!!!!!!!!!
    is tht georgie in the pic? if it is, SWEET!!!! georgie looks really happy, good for her!!!! WOW TIME HAS GONE SO quickly “!!!!!!!!! I remember when it was the 9th of july and it was georgie’s birthday!!!! 14!!!!!! And now, oh wow! I am just gobsmacked!!!!!

    also, I ahve found an exclusive pic of georgie in vofdawntreader. see this to see the pic!!!


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