White Island in the Bay of Plenty will provide a backdrop to the latest instalment of the Narnia films: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
White Island Tours marketing executive Patrick O’Sullivan says the filming, which was done without the cast, took place just before Christmas.
“We went out there with a film team, and left one guy with them to ensure they did not fall into any holes.”
The third movie in The Chronicles Of Narnia series, based on the classic children’s books by C S Lewis, will be released next December.
The White Island should provide a stunning backdrop for one of the islands featured in the film. The biggest question is: which island? What do you think? What island do you think the White Island will feature as in the film?
My more than educated guess is that it will be Dragon Island.
Hmmm..possibly deathwater/dragon island?? Those are my best guesses. There’s also a possibility it could be ramandu’s island….but i really dont know
Ya, it looks like dragon island, and they could possibly CGI Eustace flying over the mountains and stuff later on. So I’d go with dragon island.
That island is beautiful though! I can’t wait to see the movie!!
this is excactly how i imagined dragon island when i read the books! it is dragon island!
i think its dragon island cause they would think of that first then move on to death water and ramandues but im not quite sure
After looking at the picture and studying my copy of VDT, I’m pretty sure that this isn’t Ramandu’s Island, because the book says that Ramandu’s Island didn’t have mountains, only gently sloping hills. Also, I doubt that it’s the Island of the Dufflepods or or Burnt Island. And of course it’s not Dark Island! 🙂 That leaves Dragon Island and Goldwater Island as our top two options. They are both the right size and have the right terrain. So it’s probably one of those two. Of course, I’m not figuring which islands they might have joined together in the movie. Just taking each island by itself, I think Deathwater and Dragon are the only two that really qualify.
Anyway, White Island is SO beautiful! They could not have chosen a better place. 😀
Sorry, I said Goldwater Island instead of Deathwater once. My mistake! 😉
if they’re filming without the cast, it’s probably dragon island.
i agree with deathwaterisland.diddnt they have a photo for the cave eucetace turns into a dragon into? ah well…..CANT WAIT TILL NARNIA 3!
Wait….isnt goldwater changed to deathwater island……and isnt that different from dragon island? can someone tell me please? i dont have the book. my friend messed it up{angrey at her!}
Dragon Island probally where the cave is, where Eustace changes into a dragon! It is a stunning Island!!!!!!
Yay I’m from the Bay of Plenty and this is the most anticipated movie for me this year… cannot wait (watched them film in Brisbane) and have also seen the Dawn Treader at Warner Bros so very excited bring on Dec 😉