Narnia Fans Spy Andrew got the chance to visit the Dawn Treader at WB Movie World, and sent us, not only a group of 42 photos, but also a video slide show on youtube! The amount of detail in the ship is incredible. (We all know, but I can verify that.) Take a look at the pictures, and if you want to see gigantic versions of them, we have a link to the flickr account where he’s hosting them at the end of this post.
For details on how you can also visit the Dawn Treader at WB Movie World in Australia, see this story.
If you visit the set and take some great original pictures, we’d love to have them. Be creative. This is your chance to see and be on a huge prop from a movie, that you likely won’t have a chance to do again. It’s a spectacular ship that is absolutely beautiful to behold in person. Pictures just don’t do it justice, as anyone that has visited will tell you.
Photos taken on behalf of NarniaFans.com by Andrew Thomson. See them all at Andrew’s Flickr
Wow. I am again stunned by how beautiful the woodwork is! It is indeed a very Narnian ship! I love the little details of some of the things; the wooden carvings of the seven Lords, the statues with their hands covering their ears, and the bells. Just beautiful.
Wow! I am admazed by such wonderful craftmanshift!
Yes! I’m going there tomorrow!
It looks like something right out of MYST– breathtakingly beautiful, but with the air of the exotic and foreign, with a twist of the surreal. I love it!
I’d die to see that place! *is mad that she lives in America*
it was soooooo amazung…..
I can’t go, I live in America. But I can’t wait to see the Dawn Treader on the silver screen. To see her on the waves of the sea. To see her on the picture in the bedroom. Now that will be awesome. Thanks for posting and keeping us Narnia fans informed. I wait with anticipation.
wow just incredible
i cant wait to see the movie dawn treader I’m such a big fan of Narnia!i love it and the craftsmanship on that boat is simply wonderful!
Wow, what a beautiful ship! I love the fauns holding up the bell. 🙂 I’ve noticed that although the ship is distinctly Narnian, there seem to be some Telmarine touches as well. It’s got sort of a mysteriousness to it that I associate with Telmar. Does anybody else see that?
Well, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Andrew for getting these pictures!!! 😀 😀 😀 Please, anybody else who goes, send in your pics too. I can’t get enough! 🙂
wow isn’t that amazing? i hope i will be able to get there in time…are you allowed to actually walk on the ship?
Wow, that’s a cool ship! Can’t wait to see it in action!
What are the statues? I can’t remember reading something about them…
I feel a debt of gratitude to the producers of this series for their commitment to the production’s quality. The Dawn Treader is a work of art worthy of permanent display, and if the rest of the movie is HALF as good as the ship it will be a classic film.
waaaaahhhhhh!! its so cool! will the dawn treader going here in philippines? ^^, i wanna take a ride!!!! ^^,
It is a fine ship.
GRRRRRR! I live in America!!!!!!! I can’t remember the statues… where do they come in?????? Send more pictures if anyone has them! The ship is wonderfull!!!!
wow!!!! amazing!!!! I’m so excited!!! everything is so big.is it just me or is all the cast looking way older!!??
now that you mention it ”Battle maiden” it does have a Telmarine look to it. Thanks for pointing it out. 🙂
yes you can walk on the ship and touch things