Visit the Dawn Treader at WB Movie World in Australia

This was sent to us from our friends in Australia:

From Boxing Day, guests to Movie World will have the opportunity to go behind the scenes and visit the set of the Narnia movie series’ latest epic The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Tours of the Narnia studio will run regularly throughout each day. Tours will run for a limited time only and are included as part of everyday Movie World admission.

The tours will run for four weeks.

If you have a chance to go, please send your pictures!

Read more about Movie World here.


  1. I have season passes to Movie World (I can go whenever I want for free) so I will definately go to this! I am so excited! I hope to go this coming Sunday or Monday… I only live around 20 mins from the theme park..

  2. Travis,

    Hope you find you’re camera. 😉

    Anyway, this is awesome!!! Congrats to those who get to visit the set. Someone please, please, please be sure to send in pics. I’m dying to see some! Wish I lived in Australia. 😀

  3. Haha my master will be happy. He wants me to come to Australia (I live in Canada) and this is just extra incentive!!!! <3 <3 <3 =) =) =D

  4. Hey Guys.
    I found my camera! Although I will not be able to go to Movie World untill Thursday/Friday. We have a few things planned for the holidays.

    I did found this video on Youtube regarding the tour – and I assume you can take many pictures as this person has done.

    Link for video >

    • Hurray! You found your camera! All you Aussies are so lucky!

      I’m definitely going to check out the YouTube video! Sail on!

  5. YES!!!! I’m so going to Movie World. NO EXCUSES!!! I live about 40 minutes away from Movie World so this is fantastic!!! Thankyou so much for posting this!!!

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