Kicking off the year of the Voyage of the Dawn Treader with a new blog, and a fresh start, is the first blog on the new official Narnia fan page on Facebook. It’s a fan page that is directed primarily at the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which is the reason for the change. Things will still be coming to our page under “Chronicles of Narnia, but for the sake of avoiding confusion, an official page was made for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader alone. On it, the studio has decided to restart the blog with an entry about Skandar Keynes.
“Diving Right In”
by Ernie Malik
Bungee jumping off the highest bridge in the Southern Hemisphere.
Conquering the third highest canyon swing in the world.
Diving off Auckland’s Sky Tower’s terrifying 630-foot cable drop.
The act of a daredevil?
No, just that of a curious and fearless teenager.
His name is Skandar Keynes.
This time, his feats of daring are playing “Paper-Scissors-Rock” 24 feet underwater!
When it was proposed (or mandated) that Skandar and co-stars Will Poulter and
Georgie Henley don a wet suit to earn their scuba PADI (Professional Association of
Diving Instructors) certificate before filming commenced on “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” the teenage trio dove right in, you might say, to yet another adventure and challenge.
The third book in C.S. Lewis’ series begins when the two youngest Pevensies, along with their irritating cousin Eustace, are swallowed into a bedroom wall painting, which depicts a ship sailing on the high seas.
To create the effect of the bedroom flooding with water, the production’s mechanical SFX crew, under the direction of veteran movie magician Brian Cox, and working with Barry Robison’s and Ian Gracie’s crack art department and construction crew, duplicated the sound stage bedroom set on an elevated platform which was then dunked into the smaller of Warner Roadshow’s two exterior studio water tanks. The three actors were then instructed to swim out of the bedroom door and windows to the surface.
Weeks before their scenes were filmed, Keynes, Poulter and Henley underwent a three-day scuba diving course under the supervision of Aussie diving instructor Andrew Allen. The actors trained in a local swimming pool and at sea.
You can say they all took to the lessons like fish to water.
After a relatively short rehearsal period in the studio tanks, filming began on the bedroom water scenes in late July, the first week of production. A short time later, the three young actors dove into a second studio tank, to enact the moments where they surface in the ocean and are saved by Caspian and his crew aboard the Dawn Treader.
Read the rest of Diving Right In!
sounds very good thanks for posting.
I read the rest of the entry. It was funny, and I can believe that they did enjoy all that swimming! I know that I would!
Love the article! 🙂 I wish that the movie was coming out in the summer instead though:(
So they’re flooding Eustace’s bedroom? Hmm, I was wondering how they were going to do that bit.
we gona miss anna popplewell soo much
thanks for posting
i can’t wait to see how this will work out in the VODT 🙂 this is going to be very intresting 🙂 it seems like they really enjoyed swimming, i like swimming too
That was sooooooo Funny. The rest of the article tells that Skander is surfing at Thames! sooooo cool. Funny!!! Wish the trailer was out already!
i cant wait for watching this movie.. i know it will be very interesting :)i love you skandar.. <3
I have an idea that could revolutionize the series.
I personally would be willing to invest/donate a decent sum (working-class person here–decent for me, that is) in order to see the rest of the Chronicles produced. While my pittance will not change anyone’s mind, I’ll bet there are millions of others out there who would DELIGHTEDLY donate real cash in order to see them produced in a manner fitting the intentions of the author, and the expectations of those of us who’ve loved them for years.
Anyone else in?