Offbeat: Narnia Lamp-Post becomes part of L.A. Live

If you want to see some lamp-posts from the Chronicles of Narnia film production, you can now find them in L.A., actually in use! This is a strange way to see some props from the film, and I’m not sure where they appeared (if they were elements of sets for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, part of England in Prince Caspian or The Voyage of the Dawn Treader), however it is still kinda cool that they’re being put into actual use, rather than sitting in storage somewhere for many years. Not sure if they’re labeled either, the article doesn’t say much about it.

Here’s what the article does say:

Ever since the first phases of [L.A. Live’s Ritz Carlton tower] complex opened, the spaces around the hotel have been narrow corridors branching off of Nokia Plaza. With the fencing removed, though, the triangle between Starbucks, Nokia Theatre and the hotel suddenly becomes a second space on the scale of the plaza area.

The two look to have very different personalities. Where Nokia Plaza is defined by massive LED screens and noise, this second space is far more tranquil. The glass and plantings of the hotel soften the metal of the other two buildings, and a set of ornate street lamps stand in sharp contrast to the modern stylings of the surrounding architecture.

The lamps may even look familiar. They came from the set of “The Chronicles of Narnia,” a film franchise produced by the Phillip Anschutz-owned Walden Media. Anschutz, of course, is also the “A” in AEG.

If you know where they were used in the film, comment about it below!


  1. This is great. I’d much rather look at a lamp-post in use somewhere and know that it is from a Narnia set than go and see it in a “dead” exhibition…

  2. i didn’t know they had put the lampost there , wow
    (sorry about my typing, im on a mini internet tablet, its difficult)

  3. I think that it rocks that the lampost is in use, instead of some weird storage area. Now everyone can see it!

  4. I know that people have put a lot of thought into the exhibitions, it’s just not a natural, living setting, that’s all.

    Would have been fun to see an exhibition too some time, but I prefer natural surroundings:)

  5. Does anyone know if you can purchase a functional gas burning replica lamp? I would love to put one in my yard.

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