The actor, Bill Nighy, has taken over the role of Reepicheep for the third film in the series. You may best know him as Davy Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.
No reason for the recasting has been given.
Please see the video below. In it, you’ll hear his voice.
Regardless of his knowledge of the character, I think his voice is much more regal. It carries real weight that Izzard may not have been able to display. I loved Izzard, but I think Nighy will own the role. Especially with the scenes he is in, in this film.
WHAT! no more eddie izzard?!?! no, no, no!!! this can’t be happening………
that makes me mad. Eddie was the PERFECT Reep! How can they do this?! :'(
The worst thing you can do in a series is have different actors for the same character when only three years have passed. Especially Reep. I’m so mad, I could sue… What a great idea! I’ll do that!
That’s just…not right. Sure, when I first saw Prince Caspian, I thought Eddie Izzard should not have been Reepicheep’s voice. But I wouldn’t change it now.
Of course, there’s probably a good reason…hopefully…
How did anyone thing his voice would fit? Creepy, awkward, elder…yes. dashing, sassy, and distinguished? And a mouse? I’m have trouble hearing that un my mind…
What the heck?! That’s bogus! Eddie is perfect for Reepicheep! No one can voice him better! This sucks!
Oh NNNOOO!!! I can’t stand it when a main actor’s are changed! Eddie Izzard where did you go?!
P.S. Bill Nighy doesn’t sound like Eddie Izzard! This is the first really disappointing news about VDT that I have heard so far.
Did any of you watch the video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RV7_esnQe24 It doesn’t sound like Nighy knows very much about the role. “Brigadier or Filed Marshall? … Second in command to “Prince” Caspian”????
BTW, When did David Frost get so old? Makes me feel old myself. 🙂
Oh my. Yes I love Davy Jones’ voice in POTC, but as Reep? Ehhh…can’t really hear it. Actually…I can’t hear it at all.
I hate when acters change in the middle of a series…
I don’t have any feelings one way or the other. I liked Eddie Izzard but we’ll have to see. It may not be that bad of a thing.
May point out that Eddie is the best only by defalt as I have never seen any other, perhaps as paul put it I think Nighy will own the role.
NOOO! They are changing Reepicheep to old, “DO YOU FEAR DEATH?” guy! AGH! I didn’t mind that voice actor so much when he was Davy Jones, but as Reep? NEVER!
Oh ya, I forgot to mention I am SURE I read somewhere that Eddie Izzard signed the contract to be in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. And now they are changing him to Davy Jones? I didn’t mind all the other stuff, but: “KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY MOUSE!”
I don’t know whether he’s gonna be good or not…
He may suprise us all…
I like Eddy Izzard but I also like Davy Jones…
I’ll have to wait and hear for my self to make my opinion…
Bill Nighy’s voice doesn’t sound anything like he does as Davy Jones in POTC.
i’ve been getting madder and madder about this (yes, i know that’s bad grammar) as i think about it!!! i love reepicheep! and changing his voice is almost as bad, no, it IS as bad as changing any of the actors you actually see!! I AM SO UPSET!!!!!
we need a punctuation for mad…exclamation points look too excited, not mad……
I loved Bill in POTC but I can’t imagine him as Reep in VDT. I can’t believe they’ve re-cast him. Let’s hope there’s a good reason for it….
It will be awkward to have a voice-change for Reep, but I don’t mind whose voice is behind him so much if the actor can just carry it off well. Give Reep solid scenes, and keep him within the basic guidelines of book-character, is all I ask.
To introduce a major character for your next movie in your preceding movie is good. CHANGING THE VOICE of the character after introducing him is a what we like to call:
Wow…I did not think that a move of this kind would generate such angst. I for one, was not excited when I heard that Eddie was going to voice Reep in PC. (However, I don’t think that it worked out too poorly in the end). That being said, I have never liked it when actors are switched in between movies…Nevertheless, I don’t think that Bill will do a bad job at all…I’m actually VERY interested to see how the change in voice will affect Reep’s character…
P.S. For those of you who are very upset about this move, has anyone considered the possibility that the writers have deliberately worked in a more elderly (yet strong) voice for Reep in order to make the end of the film more realistic? I.e. Reep is getting older and isn’t the young killer mouse that he once was? After all, how long did typical talking mice live? Does anyone know?
…just a thought, I’d love to hear what you guys think! ; )
Wait, they’ve recasted Reepicheep?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
It is not necesarily bad to replace an actor, even less so for a CG character. I already had my misgivings about Eddie Izzard. He did OK in PC, but I was wondering how the voice would translate again, for an even more important role.
In PC, Reep was more of a comedic heroic character. VotDT demands a more serious tone, and Bill Nighy does sound more to my liking.
Is it April?? Please tell me you are fooling me!!
Huge Eddie Izzard fan. Huge Prince Caspian film fan. Didn’t like Eddie Izzard in the role. I’ll have to wait and see how Bill Nighy does, but I felt as though Izzard made the character a joke, and did not in any way lend the character the gravitas that James McAvoy gave Tumnus or that Ray Winstone gave Mr. Beaver.
I’m going to take a wait and see attitude on this.
I’m not that happy. I thought Izzard was the absolute perfect voice for Reep. Exactly as I imagined him. I’ll give Bill a chance, but I won’t like it. 😉
One of the things that I always wondered about was the “High Pitched” voice thing that people automatically associate with mice. It kind of makes them seem more childish and immature. I was glad one Reepicheep wasn’t running around with the high pitched voice and the cute little face. I hope that good ol’ Davy Jones will not try to do the old high pitched voice for Reep. And I hope good ol’ Reep will get the Flying Dutchmen back again…oh ya, wrong movie. 😉
Nighy is terrific.
I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!
That sucks Izzard was perfect for Reep!!!
I don’t post often, but I’ve got to weigh in on this one, since there seems to be a preponderance of outrage on this issue and about zero support.
I got a Narnia boxed set for my 5th birthday and have read those books until I now nearly have them memorized word for word. Reepicheep was always my favorite character. The thought of a “Disney” treatment of him nauseated me (Disney- mouse? they’re not gonna get it…) long before I actually saw the movie Caspian, and I was, in fact, deeply disappointed. No slight against Izzard, but I think he was horribly wrong for this character- he is a comedian; Reep is arguably the most serious character in Narnia. I’m overjoyed that they decided to change the casting (although I seem to be alone in this) and I hope Nighy can bring Reep’s character some of the respect it is overdue.
After reading “Jason’s” post, I am a little more convinced that the voice change might be good. Reepicheep in the book is certainly noble, not funny. The line by Reep telling the squirrel to “Shut up” (terribly not a medieval phrase!) horrified me. I was disappointed that they would demean Reeps character with a “funny” line like that! My mom felt the same way. Maybe this actor will be able to raise the level of maturity and nobleness in Reepicheep.
STILL waiting at Cair Paravel for the Dawn Treader to cast off,
i’m not averse to nighy. i agree, he might actually be better for the role. my problem is the change itself…no matter which actor would be better, they should keep the role consistent. i had no problem w/ eddie izzard (although i see that point about him being too comic), and i’m sure nighy will be great, but i am terribly disappointed that the role is being changed at all. i hope that nighy will be great enough to overcome my disappointment.
I wonder if Bill Nighy has the energy to do the Mouse justice. He has an extremely laid-back voice (though he showed some chops in POTC). Eddie (love him madly) had plenty of energy and proper British bluster. Will Bill be feisty enough?
On the other hand, as Ringmaster says, Reep’s a bit older now…
I think Bill’s voice sounded pretty regal in Astro Boy. I have confidence he will do a fine job as Reepicheep. 🙂
He was fantasic in the Underworld Movies….. I think he will be awesome as ReepiChepp