Over the last couple of days, I’ve been in Los Angeles with many fascinating people from all over the United States. Grace Hill Media, Twentieth Century Fox and Walden Media were our host as we gathered for the L.A. Lakers and Boston Celtics basketball game on Thursday night, while meeting Mr. Phil Anschutz, the owner of Walden Media. It was an incredible night, meeting many of the people that are going to be incorporating Narnia into their programs this year.
Concept Art of the Film
The next day we were all taken by bus to Fox Studios where we were given a tour of the lot, and brought to the screening room at the studio. There, at the screening room entrance, were costumes and concept art from the film, as well as armor and weapons. The concept art was the same that I saw in Australia at the film production offices, shipped over likely for this event. The art was beautifully painted, and captured the film better than my own imagination. The visuals are beautiful, but made even moreso by what they represent.
Speaking at the event were producer Mark Johnson, director Michael Apted, producer Douglas Gresham, Walden Media president Micheal Flaherty, C.S. Lewis expert Devin Brown, Anschutz Film Group CEO David Weil, and President of Production at Fox 2000: Elizabeth Gabler.
They were asked questions by host Hugh Hewitt as well as members of the audience.
Story, art and the Trailer
Prior to the footage screening, Michael Apted showed a reel of concept art, while explaining the art and the plot of the film. After a few discussions about what it took to even get Narnia onto the big screen, we were treated to the first 5 minutes of film that they’ve completed. It was a magnificent trailer, that I will not go into great detail on.
You’ll be pleased to learn, though, that it maintains the Narnia spirit of the first couple of films. In fact, it was so magical that I was almost drawn to tears from what I saw and heard. It appears that Liam Neeson has already recorded his lines as Aslan, and Michael Apted has confirmed that Reepicheep’s dialog has been recorded by Bill Nighy already last week. In the trailer we saw the entrance into Narnia, spent time at the Magician’s house, and many shots of Aslan’s Country at the end of the film. There was also a shot of Ben Barnes as King Caspian in what appeared to be a weighty piece of dialog. The trailer featured many lines spoken by Aslan all throughout. The music was taken from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe featuring the haunting vocals of Lisbeth Scott, as well as some original music later on, that I did not recognize but hope that it is also included in the film. It is unclear on how much music composer David Arnold has yet written for the project.
The trailer also featured a few moments between Lucy and Gael, some incredible shots of Lucy and the Magician, and the incredible work of Dante Spinotti as the cinematographer on the film. Each of the five islands in the film has a very distinct and unique appearance and most are based on actual locations in our world.
They finished filming about eight weeks ago, and the movie has already been assembled into a rough cut that pleased Andrew Adamson, director on the first two films. What we saw included many of the great sequences straight out of the book.
Adapting Narnia
The filmmakers spoke about the difficulty of adapting these books for the big screen, as there are “Narnia Police” everywhere. The main thing to remember is that, in adapting a book, the author of the book can say what people are thinking about all they want. That sort of thing has to be translated to a visual medium. If it weren’t, it’d be no different than watching a film of an actor sitting in a chair, reading the book to you. They were asked if they planned on completing the series, and producer Mark Johnson addressed this, saying that he would be very disappointed if the series was not produced to completion.
Many people have asked why Michael Apted was chosen to direct the film. He’s an unproven director, when it comes to children’s movies. However, he’s got a great eye for realism and character. He knows how to capture relationships between characters very well. One of the things that was mentioned was that, with The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the story is really about the relationships between the characters. It is a very personal movie, despite all of the effects and adventures. It’s going to really take you on an adventure along side the characters. There will be many lessons that can be learned from it, and this is a film that should really tug on our heartstrings.
The footage displayed the growth of Georgie Henley as an actress, really owning the role of Lucy, yet again. Will Poulter is pitch-perfect as Eustace Clarence Scrubb and the rest of the cast looks like they’ve hit a home run this time out as well. The Dawn Treader herself? Absolutely breathtaking on screen. The pictures seen thus far do not do the ship justice.
Overall, the event was very encouraging about the state of the Narnia film and the series as a whole. It’s a definitive return to Narnia that is both magical and moving. This is a film that will surprise the world with the quality of the writing, the story and the character development as it brings you along on a journey of redemption and adventure. The theme of temptation runs throughout as each character deals with it in his or her own way, leading to great discussions long after the credits have rolled.
Prior to the screening, Courtney and I gave Douglas Gresham a hug and thanked him for the opportunity to propose on the set and afterward I spoke with Director Michael Apted about the same. A broad smile crossed his face, and I spoke briefly about the film and I thanked him for the vision that he brought to it.
The film is in good hands.
A big thanks to Walden Media, Twentieth Century Fox, and Grace Hill Media for the invitation to the event. It was unlike anything I had experienced before. I’d also like to thank everyone else that was there for making it such a pleasing event to attend. To those that were present, please feel free to contact me any time. I’m here to help.
My impressions of the even do not even come close to doing the experience justice. I’m very pleased by how the film is coming together, and cannot wait to see the finished film. The acting, the writing, the cinematography, the art direction… it’s all very good and very magical. I wish that I could tell you the two moments that made me so happy that I nearly cried, but I will keep silent on those. But from what I know, those two things are only two of five events that I could list off that will really touch the viewer very deeply.
Be excited, Narnia fans. I don’t think that you’ll be disappointed. The audience walked away with a very positive impression of the route that they’ve taken with the film, and I think you will be as well. It has something for everyone.
Aslan is On the Move
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be in theatres everywhere on December 10, 2010
Please also read the report of my colleague, David Hollandar of NarniaWeb, who was also at the event. You can read his report, posted here.
Great report Paul!
Thanks, Paul!
Thank you for this report. I laughed when you used the term “Narnia Police”… cause that sure is right. I certainly understand the license that is taken for a movie where some plot details are changed – it happened in the firt 2 Narnia movies. However, they stayed true enough to the stories of their respective books to capture the hearts and minds of those of us who have read each one a dozen times, as well as draw in the “new fans” who are now probably reading the series themselves!
I sure was hoping the series would continue, and movies would be made, I hope these are successful enough to go all the way to “The Last Battle”!
Any idea when the trailer will come out?
This gives me tears of joy! I’m so excited for this movie!! I’m very sad it’s basically a year away, but, I guess that will make the movie all the better, right?!
And, um, let’s see a little bit more Edmund in this movie? I missed him in the last one.
After reading this three times through, I still don’t have enough information for this spoiler hungry Narnia fan! 😉 But thanks for the report, it just makes me excited all over again. Very encouraging!
Would you say that this may yet be the best Narnia film yet, Paul?
I would say so, and not just because I got engaged on the set. I think that everyone will be able to take something away from it. It really has something for everyone!
WOW! I love what you told us! I can’t wait to see this movie too!
I’ve already translated it into Portuguese for Narnianos.com haha
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this great experience, Paul!
Sooo excited! Can’t wait for the trailer!!!
This is wonderful to read, Paul… I wish we knew what you knew… I just hope they don’t deviate from the book more than in Prince Caspian!
When will we see a trailer?
Good question. They’ve not finished enough shots to comprise a trailer, as of yet. What we saw included a lot of unfinished work, however beautiful it was.
Interesting: “Narnia Police”. I wonder if that means he was trying to get away with things that the “police” wouldn’t allow. I want to see the trailer now, but I’m a little nervous about seeing the trailer too! If he does film the movie on a more “character” basis than a good old swashbuckling adventure, I hope he does a good job with the characterization (possibly a reason for switching Reepicheep’s voice actor?). Having just watched “Pride and Prejudice” (which really goes into what the characters are thinking and feeling) I am not as alarmed at hearing this than I would have been earlier. My main fear is that Peter and Susan (though I wish they could come back to narnia!) will be in the movie more than they were in the book.
Waiting for the maiden voyage of the good ship Dawn Treader,
Nah, Narnia Police isn’t quite what you’re thinking. As for Peter and Susan, you have no need to fear.
Thank you Paul. Your report and enthusiasm for how VDT is
coming together are both very encouraging. Sail on VDT! 🙂
Oh my goodness. Thanks so much, Paul. This was a great report, and it has definitely put a new edge on my excitement for Dawn Treader.
How wonderful to hear those five words again! When I read your article…I screamed. Let us all pray and hope that this drastic changing of the guard will be for the better. A new company, a new director, a new composer…I am saving my immediate remarks for them until the first official trailer appears. Fortunately, though, there is enough weight in the plotline and the characters themselves, for Apted to center the film on “character-interrelationships”. It is a logical, if not safe choice, as movie audiences tend to gravitate more toward “relational” stories in their film selections these days than merely cookie-cutter “swashbuckling” heroics of the more nostalgic days. I am old-fashioned to a degree, however, and sincerely hope that all the authorities involved in this production remember that this is a story for the young and the young-at-heart. This particular book must have a well-conceived balance of both action- and character-drives in its framework, not only because of the pace and setting, but also because this is a rare and perhaps last chance for these classic, classy, and creatively simple stories to take their rightful place amongst the great films of our time. Disney failed to embrace what would have further solidified its legacy as the foremost family entertainer in the film industry…20th Century Fox and Michael Apted have a golden opportunity in their hands here. I haven’t been this excited since I first heard my friend say Narnia was coming to the silver screen back in 2005. Henley will be a breath of fresh air as she always has been, Keynes will continue to grow into his own as his brief but blessed close-ups foretold in the second film, and Barnes, hopefully, will have improved his ‘Telmarine’ accent. I am especially eager to meet Eustace as I am sure many fans are. Despite what a few fans say thus far, I would be eternally grateful if Moseley and Popplewell were left to their respective places off-screen and merely mentioned in conversation by their on-screen younger siblings. No hard feelings…just another one of Disney’s mishandlings of novice actors. Hopefully they will find someway to bypass this experience, learn from it, and go on to better things in their careers. These will be the longest nine months I have ever experienced (I am sure many parents, but particularly mothers will snicker at that) 🙂 Until December 10…Narnia and the North! Long Live Aslan!
I am glad that this seems to be a new beginning to the Narnia movies and hopefully, not the end of the film series. I can’t wait to hear and see more of this. I also like that they seem to be emphasising more about emotions, and character development, rather than just the ‘adventure’ in itself. After all, that’s what you take away from the book.
This was a great report 😀 Thanks, and congrats on the engagement!
i am so excited to see this next magical adventure. thank you for this insight into what ill be another magical adventure…
thanks alot, for this report & for every thing alse you do here I appreciate your efforts,and it’s great to know that the international release date will be the same as the US,that’s a very very good sign,only strong movies comes out that way,That means that the production companies are very confident about what they have to show..
Paul I could never thank you nough, I was in need for any good news lately, and you made me happy for the bast 2 days with all these NRNIA news.
God bless 🙂
Woow! So exciting news! I officially can’t wait for the trailer 😛
Finally something to be excited about more than sparkles on the official website! But, seriously, what a let-down after seeing the word “footage” in the title of this article. I was hoping beyond hope you had posted a video.
Scripture tells me I’m not supposed to be jealous of you and David, but… 🙂
Dear Paul Martin, I say this with full meaning, when I saw the first Narnia movie back in 2005 I do not mean lightly that it was the greatest moment of my life. feelings of great ecstasy as I witnessed a FLAWLESS blend of emotion action and visuals incorporating the EXACT feelings as when i had heard the original story. I have a Narnia Collection MSRP 1000$ of collectibles, yes I am a VERY Big Narnia fan, and it pleases me VERY greatly to hear you describe this raw footage of the film as an immersive spectacle of emotion, visuals,not just fantasy but an INTIMATE fantasy that tugs at our souls with meaning. Am I right? Is this how you felt when watching?Because id like to hear more about how it made you feel all the more! 😀
Yes, that’s exactly it. It’s a more intimate story, while grand in scope, a very small movie. It’s going to make it a very personal journey for all who see it.
I think when he said “Narnia Police,” he was talking of Narnia purists that like to have their say. 🙂
Bingo! Which make up about 5% based on polls. A very loud 5%, though. One thing the filmmakers are very aware of, is that if you gave every Narnia purist a chance to write the script and direct the movie, every one of those translations would be different from the last. Why? Because when faced with actually filming the book, you could interpret things on screen a thousand different ways. For instance, how many different ways would Eustace’s journal come across the screen?
By the way, how to you respond to a certain post? I can’t get it to work.
Sorry about that. I’ve altered some of the code, and it broke. I’ll try to get around to fixing that this week.
P.S. If you haven’t yet seen the making of for Prince Caspian, at the end of one of the prince caspian making of’s is a “sneak peek” of Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It is a shot of:
A shadow of a dragon flying across the ocean, then a sea monster jumping out of the water and eating the camera.
I’m not supposed to be jealous, but I am. I’m so anticipating this movie. It’s always been my favorite of the series. Hopefully it will make a ton of money,because the Silver Chair is second favorite. Good report, thanks for the info.
I’m jealous of you. Ugh. Can’t wait for December,and I’m glad to hear that they’ve got Aslan’s Country in there! Not too happy about Bill Nighy as Reep, but he may be better; who knows? 🙂
Paul, it seems as if someone has plagiarized this article under the name David Miller. See http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0980970/board/thread/157732374 at the IMDB, VotDT message board.
Otherwise, I’m jealous and will remain cautiously optimistic about the upcoming movie.
Thanks, dude. I reported abuse on the user.
Narnia Police at work.
I’m so jealous!
This makes me really happy!
Do you know if Peter and Susan show up AT ALL in this movie? Just wondering. They were mentioned a couple times in the book (in the beginning, Susan was in it while Lucy was reading the book) and it’d be wonderful to see them again!
I don’t know whether I’m a Narnia Policewoman or not. I am vocal when I have pet peeves, but I don’t expect the movies to stay in step with the books and in some cases I can even understand why they don’t. Either way, though, I look forward to seeing what the trailer will have to say for itself.
I think the Narnia Police out there can relax a bit. It’s going to be pretty faithful. Naturally there will be some changes — a book can never be put on screen word for word. From what I saw at the preview, there will be some condensing of plot and some strengthening of the story arc concerning the seven lords. Think that’s fair, Paul?
The art looked beautiful, the footage was very exciting, and I jolly well can’t wait for December 10th!
Excellent comments Elizabeth! Very fair, and honest, and correct! It’s definitely everything that you said, and I think that it’s a gift to Narnia fans everywhere.
I’m a Narnia Policeman by all means!
I am by no means a Narnia purist.. in fact I thought Prince Caspian was a far superior movie to LWW, so I dont consider myself a “narnia police”. But I am very excited about what I have read here so far!
Good to know that VOTDT (or are we going with VDT)is on its way and there is a trailer. Question is: When is the trailer going to be released? Not to be impatient or pushy, but just curious. Usually they announce when the trailer is going to released when they announce a trailer is made.
I don’t consider myself a “narnia police” I just consider myself a “book police” in meaning I play with a director’s adaption of a story with the story and play around with them and see how I can make it work the three ways. Book way, director’s way, and my way.
Douglas write me :
We finished Principal Photography on Dawn Treader about two months ago and are now working on… Post Production in London.
The movie is looking very
good at this stage.
Paul, you have got to be the luckiest Narnia fan in the world! A trip to the set (congratulations about you and Courtney! 😀 ) and getting to see the first footage!
I can’t wait for a trailer for us, too!
Thanks Reep! 😀 I can’t wait for a trailer either! It’s going to be really great to finally have one. I’m sure they’re waiting for more effects shots to be finished.
Hey Paul, i’ve been meaning to send this for ages but first of all congrats! then: how jealous I am of you for getting to see that preview, will we ever get to see it I mean will it be posted on youtube or here anything and is there anymore updates from behind the scenes? please reply
I don’t know the fate of the footage that we saw. There’s a possibility that it’ll be on the eventual DVD and Blu-ray release. They had a team there filming the event. But the trailer was a bit long for a theatrical release. (it was 5 minutes long, and most trailers are two minutes long, up to two and a half minutes)
Looks like the trailer would have to be a teaser if it is that long.
Teasers are shorter still. A teaser runs about 1 minute up to a minute and a half. Even up to 2 minutes at times. Sometimes they’re even shorter.
Oh. Well, I learn something new everyday.
One thing that I really enjoy about these newer Narnian films coming out is that it doesn’t even to the technology in the BBC films. I think it was made in the 1980’s, so it is understandable. So weather they do or they don’t make the films exacty like the books it’s much better than seeing Fauns wearing fur pants and a robotic Aslan. I can’t wait to see this movie!
One thing I hope they would do for these Dawn Treader trailers is do the same end thing they did for the other two. You know when the title will like do a half-turn to face the audience and then the subtitle would appear underneath. My favorite part about that was when they did LWW they had the title all wintry and then it turned red. PC had it all earthy and turn red. It makes sense because LWW had a lot winter to it and PC was more spring-like. My guess for VDT is that they would have sea-like, if they do it for VDT.
I’ve seen the title, and it is like that. It was, however, a very early version of it, so it wasn’t fully rendered yet and it was really tough to tell the theme of it. Plus, seeing it for the first time, your head is swimming at the end, and you just don’t think about it.
Oh, goodies! Can’t wait to see it. Thanks Paul!
Hooray, am so glad to read these positive reports! Looking forward to Decemeber with anticipation… SO glad and relieved that they stayed faithful to the original Happy End. Halleluja 🙂
When will the trailer come out?