Our sources confirm that The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be released in 3-D.
A controversial choice, that earlier today sent shockwaves through the fandom by way of our fan page. Some even cited Lewis, saying that he didn’t write the books that way. I wonder, how does one write a book in 3-D? Can someone please explain that to me, outside of a pop-up book?
Regardless, it will also release in 2-D, for those that have complained about getting headaches from the 3-D.
That’s a common problem. There are some simple solutions to the problem though. Remember that the clear 3-D stuff will be what the camera wants you to focus on. Anything else will be blurrier, even by just a little bit. If you look off where the director doesn’t want you to, your eyes will struggle to bring something into focus, and that’s what causes the 3-D headaches. At least, that’s one cause.
How to avoid a headache while watching Avatar
I’m not sure how helpful this will be, as Avatar was shot in True 3-D, while Dawn Treader will be converted to 3-D. But it’s safe to say that they also used different focus points, as all movies do.
I think it’s awesome! Don’t have a problem with 3-D and I loved Alice in Wonderland and Avatar in 3-D so the headache won’t be a problem for me. Can’t wait. 🙂
I’ll be seeing it in 2D for the first viewing. That’s the movie Apted had in his head when he shot it.
I’m going to see whatever I see when I see it. (vague) But I will be seeing it both ways. 🙂
Same here, Paul. I always take a group with me to the first showing, so I’ll let them decide which they want to see.
Well yeah, if I like the movie and want to see it again, I’m sure I’ll go see the 3D gimmicky version at some point.
Agree with glumPuddle. 2-D first. If I see VDT in 3-D, that will be a first for me, as well! My first 3-D, that is.
wht r u carsy
I’ve never seen 3-d Movies, what are they like?
Basically, you get these 3-D glasses that have polarized lenses (they’re clear, and not blue and red lenses like old fashioned 3-D). You just watch the movie while wearing those, and things seem to pop out of the screen toward you. It makes you really feel like the movie is surrounding you.
3d will be cool. 2d will be cool too! I just want to see this story on the screen 3d or 2d. It’s my favorite. They have the technology so let’s see what they can do. Just stay true to the book and it will be okay.
Well, I’m not crazy about 3D, but I guess that is rather hasty, as I have never seen a movie in 3D. Since VDT will be 3D in the theater, does that mean they will have 3D on DVD, too, or is that not possible? Sorry, I’m not very up to date on techno-stuff! However, I do know that I am going to love VDT! If 3D is the only chance I get of seeing it in the theater, I’m taking it!
I personally don’t care. I don’t think 3D is that great anyway. It’s just “oh hey, look, his head is little more out than his head!” And things like that. BUT people are currently loving 3D, so I think it may be good for the box office.
I also don’t like the 20% less color-thing. But, as long as you don’t lift up your glasses you don’t really notice.
When I see it at midnight, I’ll see whatever they give me. If I have a choice, I’ll see it in 2D first, but I plan on seeing this movie PLENTY of times to fit in a few 3Ds in there, too. 🙂
I agree. I’ll probably see both 2d and 3d, but 2d is my first choice. 🙂
In my opinion, The Chronicles of Narnia is not meant to be a 3D movie. 3D takes away from the actual story, and the story is what is most important in Narnia.
I am very disappointed about this decision. Seeing movies in the theatre is way too expensive for me to go more than once, and that one time will be almost definitely in 2D.
Well I don’t really mind- I’ll probably see it both ways- but it might get more people to go and see the movie, so in that respect I think it’s a plus.
I can’t wait!!!! I’ll probably see it first in 3-D , buy and then watch it in 2-D. I think as long as it really pops alot, that it would make an exellent 3-D movie!!! Can’t wait anymore!!!!
I think it’s great it will be in 3D. I was actually thinking the other day it would be great to see it in 3D. I wonder if it is like Avatar 3D where it is an inwards perspective type 3D or pop out screen 3D? Can’t wait. I visited the Dawn Treader here at Movie World in Australia and it was great!!
I would rather watch it in the original form….I dont want to miss a thing. Original is always better and I think this is a bad decision, but we have no say in it obviously!! VODT does not have to follow everyone else…I as a narnia fan not very happy!
Idiot executives chasing the latest fad. What did someone say, $100,000 per minute to convert? They have just guaranteed that VDT will lose money. I think we can kiss “The Silver Chair” goodbye. After all, 3D is hot, hot, hot! Must be that crappy Narnia thing that’s to blame; we executives never understood its popularity anyway.
If not, I think we can probably kiss Apted goodbye from these movies. He strikes me as a serious director.
I’ll see it in 2D because I like colorful movies; grayish movies with random stuff a little out of the screen, not so much. Hope I can find a 2D screen. I’m sure like “Harry Potter” VDT will be on 8 screens at our local cinemas, right?
This gimmick is a money-losing proposition born of desperation to get people into the theaters. People don’t have the disposable income for this kind of gimmick. Do they seriously think that the Narnia demographic is the “brainless teenagers with money to burn” demographic? Are they thinking at all? Isn’t this the EXACT SAME MISTAKE they made with Prince Caspian, treating it like an early-teen boys’ megahit?
I knew Avatar was a brainless piece of propaganda. I didn’t know it was going to ruin good movies in perpetuity. We STILL haven’t lost “shaky cam” because of “Blair Witch.”
I think there are people who lie awake at night thinking how they can ruin movies.
They are once again trying to pretend that Narnia 3 is supposed to be the next Star Wars or something. They are once again setting themselves up for a sequel-killing disappointment.
GN, I just wanted to quickly tell you that everything about this post is untrue. It’s putting words into peoples mouths, it’s saying things for companies that are not accurate. What you’ve said is pretty much a worst-case scenario, and nothing more. If I had time, I’d go line by line and refute everything you said. But I have work to do. Speaking my piece would be far easier than typing it out anyway.
Bear in mind that if it’s that expensive per minute to do, they’re now counting minutes. Will we still have a two-hour running length? I suspect that even now they’re looking for little odds and ends that they can cut out. I suspect I know what scene will be first.
Believe me, I would love to be wrong about this. But 3D is a brainless gimmick that can add nothing to the Narnia movies and gives them everything to lose. To my mind, this is like performing Hamlet while everyone’s wearing clown costumes.
The facts are facts, and you are indeed wrong. Not just that, but who ever said we were getting a two hour run time? I know what they’re shooting for, and it’s not my place to reveal at this point. However, 3-D is an afterthought, and none of the film will be cut to make way for the conversion. That’s not how it works.
I think Paul is right. Highly unlikely any cuts will be made in the name of 3D.
Visual effects can (but don’t have to be) a brainless gimmick. Cinematography can (but doesn’t have to be) a brainless gimmick. 3D can (but doesn’t have to be) a brainless gimmick. There is nothing inherently brainless about 3D. Like anything, it depends on how you use it.
The 3D in Avatar was an intentional artistic decision. I like this quote: “James Cameron uses 3D like some directors use lighting.” It’s just a different approach to composing a shot. In my min, if you haven’t seen Avatar in 3D, you haven’t really seen Cameron’s movie.
With VDT… I’m sensing that it’s much more of a commercial decision than an artistic one. I think they only made this decision after seeing Avatar become the highest grossing film of all time.
“Some even cited Lewis, saying that he didn’t write the books that way.”
I think what they mean is that 3D sounds shamelessly commercial, especially if the decision to convert is made after the shoot. There is something that makes me cringe about seeing “The Chronicles of Narnia…IN 3D!!” on posters.
That’s an interesting assumption for what they might mean. I don’t know if that’s what they meant, but that does kind of make sense.
I think that’s exciting news! I just love Alice in Wonderland and said to my husband, “I wish they’d do the Dawn Treader in 3D” How fun! I think its going to really boost the attendence too but most of all I think it’s going to be beautiful! Good job on that decision!
And for those who think Lewis wouldn’t want 3D…all I can do is quote Lucy, “I wish you all would stop acting like grown-ups!” I think Lewis would love 3D. He wanted us to read his books with a child-heart, with fun and curiosity and love! I think the imagination that comes with taking us along on the ride would thrill Lewis! Lighten up! The message is a good message full of life and cheer. 3D is just another way of bringing it closer!
Oh, PERFECT quote. Well done!
Haha, Dianne… nice. 😀
Honestly, I’m definitely going to see it in 3D. I think that could be breathtaking and very stunning. If they do the different focus points, like in Avatar, that would also be kinda cool… I’ve always been a fan of that, stylistically.
However, I will definitely be seeing it in 2D first (and most of the time). The 3D will, for me, be a supplement, and a different way to enjoy the movie.
As someone else said… this provides more options… more people will likely watch VotDT because of this decision. And if you don’t want to see it in 3D because you think it’s an abomination… go ahead and watch it in 2D. It’s not like you don’t have a choice. 😛
I won’t like it in 3D not that i don’t have a problem with it it’s just that for one: It would be different then LWW and PC
and two: It’s way more expensive! but oh well I’ll have to wait till the DVD comes out! CAN’T WAIT TILL THE MOVIE COMES OUT!!!!
Also Voyage of the Dawn treader wouldn’t make a good movie to make in 3D. Magicians nephew or\and the last battle!
well, i must say that i wasn’t all that excited about this. but i’m not worried about it affecting the experience for me! i’m glad they’re releasing it in 2D as well–will probably see it that way first only b/c personally the glasses annoy me. but i’ll see it both ways! dianne i loved your comment about lewis and 3D!!!
oh, paul, i was thinking about if/when(!!) they make all the movies for the series and was wondering what your thoughts were about using the original actors for the pevensies in the last battle. assuming that they are all available and willing, do you think that that those in charge of casting (and the director if he has a decision in that–i don’t know much about movie making) will choose to use them? especially anna and william since they’ll be so much older?? just curious…..
That really depends on when the get to The Last Battle. Personally, I think they should go for it. Just use the same actors regardless of age, if they’re available. I think it’s fine, considering the circumstances of the book, and thus, the film: age is not so important in that book. The rules, in that one, seem to be out the door, based on who comes back.
my thoughts exactly! i don’t care how old they are…it would make me so mad if the used different actors…it would totally ruin it. thanks for your imput!!!!
Well, I’m not super-keen on this idea, but there are a couple of scenes where I can see it being an advantage…
Interesting, I have seen many 3d films and they all have impressed me, I can imagine as the room fills with water, that water splashing in front of our eyes, interesting notion, the only thing I don’t like the idea of, is THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER 3 – D, so cheesy!
Another disturbing thought that someone brought up on another forum, is that there are only so many 3d screens available. With Tron Legacy coming a week after VoDT, and Gulliver’s Travels the following week, can Narnia make enough in the 3d format before it’s pushed out.
That thought doesn’t disturb me in the slightest. Frankly, there’s nothing that makes a 3-D screen different from a 2-D screen. It’s the projector that is different. Any screen that has been converted to Digital projection is capable of projecting 3-D. Where I live, there are many many theaters. For example, one of the theaters has 18 screens and a full size IMAX. All can project digitally, and all can carry 3-D movies for a films’ entire run. With the success of AVATAR, many theater owners are working on more digital conversions by demand. For instance, over in Europe, they are charging extra for each ticket in some countries, and people are gladly paying, knowing that it’s all going toward more screens that can display digital/3-D cinema. I know it’s not that way all over, but it’s starting to get that way. Thanks to movies like UP, Avatar and Toy Story 3 helping to push the technology into more theaters, by December there should be more than enough.
WOW!!! 18 screens! You must live in a big city, Paul! The closet theater to me is a 45-minute drive away, and we’re lucky if it gets new movies any sooner than 2 weeks after the original release date! However, after a 1-hour drive in the other direction, the theater gets the movies on the opening day! HaHaHa! I love small towns!
Yes I do. A trip to the theater for me is about 10-15 minutes of city driving. And there are many theaters around me.
Well, for me, I’ve never seen a movie in 3-D, but I’d love to see Narnia in 3-D. HOwever, I want to see it first in 2-D so I’m not distracted by 3-D. Or, if nobody around me is showing it in 3-D, maybe they will release it in IMAX, which is near me.
I love both 3-D and 2-D movies. All I know is that midnight Dec 10th (same day as my Birthday), I will be in line at the nearest movie theater. Even though the nearest theater only plays 2-D movies, I’ll still enjoy it!
When I think of all that money being spent on a 3-D movie that could have spent on useful things (“Oh, the economy is bad!” “Then just take some money away from the football players and actors!”) it makes me sick! I actually hate 3-D movies, I was always for 2-D movies, and got headaches after watching 3-D. I’m sorry, but I’m NOT seeing it in 3-D. However, I haven’t seen the NEW 3-D glasses, I wonder what they are like…I know all the other glasses cut into my skin!
I’m going to be honest, I really don’t like movies because so much has to be cut out or changed because who wants to sit in a movie theater for how long the entire book would take? Movies have failed to interest me very much because their simply not good enough. Which is probably an eye-popping statement since technology is so advanced. But I don’t care about the technology, I care about the story, and I hate to see that the world is turning more to the way things look than what the original message is. I personally think 3D will be distracting to these movies.
When one comment said that Lewis would probably like the imaginary going into 3D, I had to think about it. And I thought this:
Lewis didn’t write movies, he wrote epics.He wrote the words that he felt God wanted him to write. Whether or not he would like 3D will never be known. But obviously from his books he did like to get your imagination going on a good story. No matter how much money is spent on movie entertainment I could never be more satisfied (except to actually have the adventure happen to me!) than to sit down with a simple book and my imagination. To say Lewis didn’t write in 3D isn’t completely true. He wrote good stories. People are longing for good stories like they long for good food. Instead they are being filled with substitutes that are only good for a little while. Fad technology that only sits with you until the next best thing is like candy that can, with over consumption hurt you. If the 3D distracts from the original good story than I disagree, but if it points to the same thing Lewis pointed to in his book, I will agree.
The power of the written word is more powerful than any 3D movie will ever be.
But remember that the 3D is a sort of “add-on.” They didn’t make this movie with the 3D fad in mind. Now that it’s being added, I believe it opens up for a wider audience range.
I firmly believe Michael Apted will do the Dawn Treader justice (at least as far as movies go). Of course, books are always better than movies. But if you look at a lot of stuff Apted and the others have said and discussed about the movie, you can see that they’re doing their very best to get the story and characters right. In a previous post, it was said that the writers went over every line and scene with people with encyclopedic knowledge about Narnia to make sure it was right. And that’s very encouraging. 😀
Whenever I read C.S. Lewis, I always feel like God was behind everything he wrote. Also, for those of you that may think me old fashioned, I watch a lot of black and white TV shows. All the new TV shows are so full of junk that I can’t stand to watch them. So I watch old black and white shows that actually seem to have a message and not lot’s of special effects.
I am not watching anything with a check mark on it pointing to where I’m supposed to look. hahaha!!!
Seriously Paul, how should I know where to look, the theater screen is big, it’s hard to focus on just one particular spot (unless it has that check mark). What do we know.
Um… that’s kinda ridiculous. lol
Anyway, if you’re following the story, you focus on the important things in the frame. It’s not too difficult to do that. Your eyes naturally do it. The problem comes from when you decide not to pay attention to the movie. Movies are designed to guide your eyes to the important parts. This is only reinforced in post-production. There’s actually a team that is dedicated to what is in focus on just about every movie that is released… even 2-D.
You’re right. There goes the movie for those of us with ADHD!!!
i think ill stick to 2D. i dont get aches or anything i just cant picture narnia in 3D. maybe when the trailer comes out ill change my mind. besides that, im SUPER EXCITED. that and The Last Airbender.
I’d probably see it in 3D but I think I’ll see it in 2D first. It will be interesting to see VDT in 3D though. 🙂
How can they switch half way through the series to 3D
LWW and PC are in 2D it would be weird watching them in order and having to switch from 2D to 3D
It would be morw awsome if they could switch the PC and LWW to 3D to now 🙂
Agree or Disagree
🙂 Or 🙁
I agreee =)
And, what i don’t understand is why are hey making so many films in 3-D now, it’s nice to watch some, but not all and specially when the previous ones havn’t been made in 3-D.
I think I’l wach it both ways though, for the experience and because we all have our opinions but we can’t really say anything till we haven’t seen it
I don’t like the idea of 3-D it takes the purpose of the movie. I mean what is so fascinating about it if you don’t get to SEE everything?
I’ll probably see it in 3-D and in 2-D
For some reason, people keep thinking the 3D will take away from the message of the movie… why is this?
Honestly, I have no idea. Perhaps it comes from inexperience with seeing a movie in 3-D. It’s really not very different. In fact, with movies in 3-D, the audience is more apt to actually pay attention to the movie instead of talking all the way though it. It makes for a better theatrical experience for all.
I agree.
I know this is really late respond but in my twon we are kinda new to the 3D so I’m excited to watch the VDT in 3D I Think it’ll be really nice experience . I don’t Think the 3D will have any negative effect to the story it self, it’s two different things,I mean if the storyline is bad The 3D wont help it any way and the movie will fail in the box office but that can’t happen with C.S Lewis stories especially with all the previous positive early reviews as mentioned in this site.
I trust that the film’s makers must had studied this decision very carefully, and I do believe that this technology will represent the movie to new sector of audience who haven’t been narnia fans before, so I have no problem at all with the 3D.
I honestly don’t care what you guys do as long as the story is like it is in the book. I think 3-D would be awesome! : ) Feeling like you’re actually there when it all happened would be awesome. 3-D or not, it’s going to be good.