Actress Anna Popplewell, who shot to fame in the Narnia films, was among the guests at last weekend’s Memorabilia Fair. The Solihull News managed to grab some time with Anna to chat about archery, acting and the Oxford reading list. She played the role of Susan in both The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian.
“This is my first convention,” she says. “I was really curious to see what it would be like. It’s amazing, there’s such a variety of people here. I’m going to have to have a wander round later.”
Acting since she was seven-years-old, Anna is best known for playing Susan Pevensie – one of the leading characters in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) and Prince Caspian (2008).
She tells me that she’d read CS Lewis’ books as a child, but she wasn’t phased about stepping into the character’s shoes.
“I just read the scripts really and worked closely with the director.
“I approached her the same as any other character really. I didn’t have to go and live in a wood or anything like that.”
And did she grow close to her on-screen siblings.
“We all keep in touch and I went out to see them filming some of Dawn Treader [the next film in the series, out this year]. We all know each really well and it’s nice to meet up.”
Now aged 21, Anna won’t be appearing in the third film – but said it had been nice to try something new.
“I had a great time appearing in the Narnia films, but I’m glad that I’ve gone to university. I really wanted to do it, just for the experience really.
“I finish up in June, providing I pass my exams of course. Then I’ll be looking to go back into acting.”
I imagine that English Literature was a bit of a change in pace from the cut and thrust of fantasy films.
“It was quite gruelling, I did a lot of practise – particularly with the bow and arrow. But actually a lot of the real work was CGI, with them putting the arrows in afterwards.”
So it wasn’t quite as lethal as it looked? “No,” Anna laughs. “I’m not a trained warrior.”
-via Solihull News
so does this prove that we definitely won’t be seeing susan and peter in VDT???
I hope not! I’m hoping they’re just trying to keep it hush-hush or something.
me too! i was really looking forward to seeing them, at least just one scene or something!!
I so hope that i get to see them in the movie!! I going to be really sad and MAD if they don’t put them in some way!!!!!
Well… they weren’t in the book! So it would really be deriving way from the whole point of Narnia if they would up in Narnia. Aslan tells them that they had learned all they needed to and they WOULD NOT be there again. Maybe if they appeared before the other kids went back, while they were still in London… but otherwise, no way!!
I’ll sure miss her in the VTD but I wich the best for her always..
idk i guess we’ll just have to wait and find out…. 🙂
so does this prove that we definitely wont seeing peter,susan,edmund and lucy
we will be seeing lucy and edmund(i read the book)but we have to what to see peter and susan!!!
Um, Edmund and Lucy are in VDT, Puspa. They’re in the book, they’re in the movie…
But I really wanted Susan and PEter to make at least a cameo.
I think that Peter is probably going to appear in the film, probably just briefly, but we haven’t heard anything about Susan being in it. Remember, she’s supposed to be in America with her parents.
I hope we can see Susan as well, perhaps just a scene at the beginning of the movie, or vdt.
OMG i just found out that Susan will be in a small part of the movie!! My day just got better!!!
Susan and Peter ARE in the film. They’re in the trailer, in Narnia, and you can check IMBd.com, it says that they’re in the trailer and the movie.
I love the narnians. They are brave,strong,and fight for Aslan and each other. I wish I could star in the next movie, but I will try to someday. The movie gives me the feeling every time I watch it. I feel like no non-living or living thing can’t stop me from accomplishing my goals. Peter fights with confidence, Susan fights with pride, Edmund fights will bravery, and Lucy fights with honor. Ever since I have watched this movie I never felt more alive. I get bullied sometimes because I am black, but this movie help me get over being mad,sad,or frustrated. All I am trying to say is that Susan,Lucy,Peter,and Edmund make this a great movie because they work like a great family and I am glad I have one. Long live Aslan,and long live Susan,Lucy,Peter,and Edmund.