1. This is awesome! I about fainted when I saw it. This is so cool! One step closer… :D!!!!

  2. Why no amazing picture of the ship? I hope they put a big poster up of the ship!! 🙂

  3. I agree with Chris: Why no picture of the ship? (Especially since the ship’s name is in the title!) Hopefully they will feature the ship in future ads…
    I’m a big fan of Reepicheep, but I think that the ship will have an even wider appeal.

  4. This is nice, but I agree that the ship would have been better. After all it’s the Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Can’t wait to see this movie!

  5. I definitely agree about the artwork here needing the Dawn Treader. It was crafted so beautifully and to see all the effort put into making the Dawn Treader and seeing it come to life through the filming at Cleveland Point, yet they chose not to incorporate it in the main artwork/logo? I wonder why they chose to not do that and instead have Reepicheep?

    Next stage – the trailer!! Hopefully we will all get to see it soon!! XD

  6. I thought “cool !!!” , and then giggled with excitement! 🙂 So looking forward to the movie!

  7. I love it. It is a good start in advertising. The ship should come a little later, but for now just a little at a time. I love the colors and Reepicheap being on it for people who love Narnia will notice it in a heartbeat. The word will spread that the next part of series is soon to be released and in 3D, though I personally dislike 3D.

  8. “You are about to see one of the most noble heroes of Narnia”

    That is exactly what I said to my parents and other relatives as they would watch Prince Caspian for the first time and Reepicheep is about to make his first appearance.

  9. the dawn treader should’ve been included but its just ok coz reepicheep is one of my favorite characters in Narnia hehe im so excited ^^,

  10. yippee!!! so cool! i would’ve liked to see the dawn treader too, especially cuz it is just so cool looking! but reepicheep’s always been a favorite! it’s very blue 😉 this is so exciting ya’ll!!!!!!! 😀

  11. Great!!!! I can’t wait to see it!!! I still remember seeing the one for Prince Caspian. I just about died!!!! xD

  12. SOOOO cool!!!!! i almost cryed with happyness when I saw thing.This is awesome!!!!!

  13. i’M SOOOO EXCITED! I’ve told all my friends! This is a really cool idea with the blue, but I think I’m going to faint when I see the trailer!

  14. still so sool!!!I amd going to die when i see that trailer!!!! I hope it comes out sone!!!!!The blue looks awesome but I wish they would put more people on the cover I really see lucy!!!

  15. still so sool!!!I amd going to die when i see that trailer!!!! I hope it comes out sone!!!!!The blue looks awesome but I wish they would put more people on the cover I really want to see lucy!!!

  16. I am sooo excited about seeing a trailer! I remember going to the theater to see another movie and seeing a trailer for PC, and I thought it was the best part of the whole 2 hours!

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