About 35 minutes of Dawn Treader Complete, Trailer soon?

Narniaweb has heard from a woman called ‘˜Jill’ who has been in touch with a contact within the production. According to her contact, about 35 minutes of VDT has been completed and is looking fabulous. The Dawn Treader teaser trailer could be released in just three to four weeks.

I’ve heard the same from one of my contacts, but I cannot disclose details. What I did hear wasn’t the final plans for it, but a few thoughts about what could very well happen. The marketing push looks like it’s going to be a good one, and it’s likely going to start with what will likely be a very great movie. But that’s all I’m going to say.


  1. “Tt’s likely going to start with what will likely be a very great movie.”

    Do you mean when the trailer will come out? If so, could it be The A-Team, Toy Story 3, Eclipse, The Last Airbender, etc.!?!?!?

      • Indeed. The 50 cent question. As noted below, I distinctly recall the trailers for LWW and PC being somewhat scattered in what film they were paired with – almost more like it was a theater’s choice and not so much what a studio directed.

  2. As excited as I am for Dawn Treader, I do think it wise to not get so pushy about the trailer and other little details. The trailer will come when it comes, and that’s all there is to it. Can’t wait to see it!

  3. One simply has to look at the films 20th Century Fox is releasing in the next several weeks in order to reasonably determine or guess when the trailer will be out. According to their website ( http://www.foxmovies.com/ ), Marmaduke is the first kid-targeted film that comes out on June 4, which I think should fit into the a marketing campaign. The next week is The A-Team, which could also reasonably include a teaser, but the targeting is more teenage to adult oriented. After that, the only film that would fit into a thought-out marketing campaign would be Ramona and Beezus, coming out at the end of July. That’s probably it until the trailer comes out (my guess is late August or in September unless they have it ready by the end of July for Ramona and Beezus).

    P.S. I just checked out Fox Searchlight’s planned releases, and nothing fits the bill there, so I’m going to guess Marmaduke, but of course, we’ll just have to wait and see. 😀

    • Nice try, but that’s not always the case. I’m not saying that it isn’t this time, but we’ll have to wait and see. Seriously, though, when have you ever gone to a movie and seen all of the same studio’s trailers before a film? Have you ever noticed that was always the case?

      • Darn. I was all excited but that is a good point LOL. Now I am going to stalk the theaters until (and during!) Dec. :D.

      • Perhaps not always, so yes I have seen what you’re talking about. But….unless you were working with a subsidiary company, would (for example) Paramount really want 20th Century Fox to get publicity at Paramount’s expense? 😛

  4. I want to see the trailer, the movie, I’m excited. Good things come to those who wait. But the wait is so long!

  5. This might sound crazy…but I’m not sure if I WANT to see the trailer! It’s not that I’m not excited about the movie…oh I AM! But it’s just that I want everything to be a surprise…

  6. Oh! my school ends in 3 weeks, oh dear. Now I’m going to be sitting none stop in front of the TV till it comes. THEN I will be sitting to watch it again, and again!

  7. I am sooooo excited!!! As for me, I’m not avoiding ANYTHING having to do with the movie, I’m reading all the spoilers, I’ll probably watch the trailer 100 consecutive times on the day it comes out, and when the trailer comes out, I’ll probably post a comment here and on aslanscountry with a lot of caps lock and exclamation marks!!! I feel no need to avoid anything, considering I’ve read the biggest spoiler about the movie; that is the book itself!!! I’m sooooo excited!!! (I already said that didn’t I? Then let me paraphrase.) I’m verrrry excited!!!

  8. Not only can I not wait until the Trailer, then the Movie, but also when the DVD hits the stores. Gotta by it to keep up on my collection.

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