There is an 8 foot tall display that will be in theaters soon, for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It features many of the characters that appear on the big screen in the film, and a few that will leave people scratching their heads.
It is very similar to the huge banner that was on display at the Cannes film festival, but closer to what the actual poster will be. Not only that, but it’s our first real glimpse of some of the new characters.
One that will be confusing to a lot of people is on the right hand side of the display.
That is Tilda Swinton on the right side, appearing again as The White Witch. I can tell you right now: do not be alarmed. It’s not a big deal. She doesn’t appear for very long. I’m not sure the screentime but it’s likely to be shorter than in Prince Caspian. It’s for a dream sequence and nothing more.
If you’d like to see more photos of the display, check this facebook gallery.
Update! New Super High Resolution Photos
These photos were sent to us exclusively by Narnia Fan Spy Bonnie, who found it set up near her home. Enjoy the clarity!
..That is so strange..in the book, Peter and Susan are mentioned briefly, and only in reguards to why they aren’t at their Aunt and Uncles house too..so its strange that they would be in it at all, especially after how Prince Caspian ends..
I agree, but how they appear is very cool. I’ve only seen one of them, and it’s likely going to be one of the best moments of the film. Great lesson to be learned in it.
Sounds great. I’m REALLY looking forward to it.
Susan (who has gone away to america in the real world) appears in a dream like sequence Lucy has… if you recall…. Lucy is thinking of using a spell that would make her soo beautiful and she has a sort of hallucination imagining a “plain” Susuan next to her beauty.. if she cats the spell…. I always thought this scene would be in it.
As for Peter I am unsure why he will be appearing, or The White witch to be honest.
The White Witch is in the book very briefly and never actually mentioned by name. Read the chapter “The Dark Island”.
This seem to hit like a small tactical nuke – trusting the fallout shall be minimal. 😉
Thank you for the advisory, Paul.
For the record, I love this standee.
No problem! I had heard something about the White Witch hitting soon, and advised to help squash any potential panic. It’s helpful that I know it’s not a big deal that she appears, so that I can inform everyone not to fear the worst.
“Fear” and panic certainly hit. Again, thanks for the squash. Very helpful.
is the White Witch played by Tilda, or someone else? That doesn’t look like her, and IMDB doesn’t list her in the cast of Dawn Treader…
It is Tilda. IMDB doesn’t always get their facts right. My page on IMDB is proof of that.
Very true, thank you for clearing that up! At first I was upset, but Tilda is one of my favorite actresses, so I am kinda glad to be seeing her again.
It’s all very magical. 😀
They do also appear. Not saying how much, but it’s not a lot.
That news just made me the happiest person EVER right now.
Indeed, this made me soooo excited and happy!
I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Susan would have to appear anyway as she is a part of Ramadu’s book
It’s Coriakin’s book. Coriakin is the wizard. Ramandu is the resting star. Also, Ramadu was a musician.
that is so cool that Peter and Susan will be in it and that it will be a really good moment in the movie!!!!! I cant wait for that movie!!!!!!!!!
Ditto!! Agree!!!!!
Is that Ramandu’s daughter in the white near the bottom?
Hmmmmm….. 😉
man, that pic of susan and peter in there reminded me of the last book, makes me think theyre gonna end this as a trilogy, i hope not =(
Is that Georgie on the upper left hand corner? Wow, she looks really different! 😀
Yeah, but she’s still the same Georgie that we know and love! 🙂
YAY. I was a little freaked out by the white witch at first, with all the jokes she’d come back, but reading what you said, and figuring her appearance would be short.. I don’t care.
Look! It’s Susan and Peter! They have cameos? YAY! And look at the Narnians! Look at Aslan! And look how big Lucy and Caspian and ASLAN are in comparison with the others and… And… Ahh… I can go to sleep happily tonight.
Do I see Mr. Tumnus in the lower right section? Tumnus as portrayed by James McAvoy as in LWW?
Nope, that’s Steven Rooke, who plays the faun on board the Dawn Treader: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5352576&id=39518580020
Thanks for the clarification, Poggin!
it does look an awful lot like McAvoy though… I thought the same thing. But I guess it is just that it’s the same style makeup and all… and no one quite looks like themselves in this poster…
YAY! for Susan, Peter and White Witch cameos! Who’s that below Ripchip? Lord Ben, Drinian, Ramandu, Coriakin?
Thank you Paul for your informative and calming comments. 😀
Nice to see the poster/display in theaters to let the moviegoers know that VDT is coming out and when. 🙂
the only place I can think of to have the white witch would be the island where dreams come true. do you know if thats where she is? I think if I was making the movie that I would have her appear in one of Lucy’s dreams. but I’m not sure if I would like it if she was anywhere else in the movie. She looks a lot more scary then we have seen her before, like she is from a nightmare.
The Dark Island is LITERALLY the ONLY place Jadis is in the book.
Loving the poster! I for one am happy to see Peter and Susan on it no matter how small their cameos are. I do wonder what’s up with the use of that Edmund picture and what he’s really holding in the actual film! Good to hear about the White Witch’s small role.
The White Witch has a greenish tint to her appearance
It’s a poster.
After the PC disaster, I don’t hold my breath on this movie. Too many things seem wrong from this end. Peter, Susan, Witch, GAEL? it’s starting too look ridiculous.
One major problem with this statement: You have seen 0% of the footage from the film, and cannot make an educated guess as to the quality of the film based on what characters appear.
it looks awsome!
but I REALY dislike the idea of seeing the white witch again..
1. because I dislike the whole unfathomable fate thing of the 7 swords and I’ve got the strong feeling, that te WW is part of it.
2. I think showing her in all 3 films makes people watching the SC think the Lady of Green Kirtle is Jadis
but besides that I’m wondering, who the dwarfish-lookig guy on the right is. I first thought that its Corakin, becaus of this wand-like thing in his hand, but I don’t he looks like a star.. maybe hes a Dufflepod?
I was thinking that maybe he is Ramandu. he look almost like he could be a star. And it look like hes holding white spear. which is why I think its Ramandu. remember in the last battle when all the stars fall and they’re all holding spears like white hot metal?
He is Roy Billing, the “Chief Dufflepud”
The only word to describe this is Amazing. Unlike some, I am in no way offended by the White Witch, Susan or Peter appearing in the film. I’m quite looking forward to those small scenes. Also, I have a strange feeling that this will be the most sucessful film of the franchise so far. 😉
is it possible that the WW will appear on Ramandu’s island?(in the book, on the table where the three lord sleep it’s the knife that the WW used to kill Aslan)
It’s a cool poster. It’s not the movie.It
gets people talking and interested in the movie I’m excited and I think it will be a great movie. If they stay true to the book, how can it not be? Thanks for keeping us informed. I am so ready for this voyage!
awsome…so awsome
i think edmund has the dream about the ww on the dark island
From what I can tell, it’s Lucy with the WW dream.
Is that really Tilda Swinton? It doesn’t look like her.
As long it’s a dream sequence where the White Witch shows up I am fine. I am guessing this dream happens while they are at the Dark Island. I love the posters.
This is going to be interseting! I agree about the theory of the White Witch and Edmund at Dark Island. By why is Peter in it? I like how alot of this seems based on Reepicheep, he’s in everything when Narnia VODT posters come out!
Phew! Thanks for clearing that up about the white witch…I was freaking out a bit there.
I think the witch will appear on “the Island where dreams come true”; and Peter, before Lucy and Edmund go on the train.Susan, in the Magician’s book as well as with Peter at the train.Does this sound probable?
That’s the only thing that I can think of for both of them.
SO AWESOME!!! i’m super happy about susan & peter, and paul calmed my first fears about the white witch. it’s getting closer!! only 6 months and 17 days left!!!!!!!!!
AMAZING! This just made my day, Peter and Susan on the poster, I can’t wait any longer on this made OR the trailer! <3
I cannot wait to see the first trailer coming out! This poster has just made my day!!!
If the White Witch appears in a very short dream sequence, then could Edmund possibly be dreaming about her briefly while they are on the dark island? that’s where the nightmares are supposed to come true right? I’m just spitballing here, and don’t tell me exactly if i’m right, which i’m pretty sure i’m not.
I understand why susan would have a cameo, but why peter? as much as i love love LOVE william, i honestly don’t think it could work unless they show him be dropped off to be tutored by professor kirke.
thanks for taking my comment, and please take my opinions with a grain of salt. i don’t want to uninentionally ruin it.
Paul, do you have any idea as to when we may expect a trailer? You’ve obviously seen a lot about the movie. (so jealous). And I actually hoped Peter and Susan would be in the film though seeing the white witch surprised me but I like it. Also, I know Disney was restricted on not making a narnia film higher than a pg rating. Does fox also have this restriction? I hope not. If the darker parts of the dawn treader are to be portrayed correctly, they would have to be rather scary. So can’t wait for a trailer.
Also, it’s not really a restriction. More or less necessary for a family movie. As far as the dark part of the book, you’ll have to wait and see. I don’t think I’m allowed to say anything about that. I will explain it in my review of the film, though.
But you won’t *tell* us anything about a possible maybe time we could expect to see a trailer coming???
The first teaser poster with Aslan was not a faorite of mine. But this one is way too busy. Is it too much to have a poster with just the main characters on it? All I want to see on a poster is Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, Caspian, Reep, Aslan, and the Dawn Treader. Optional would be the crew of the Dawn Treader.
yeah, i guess it is too busy. if it only had the main characters on it there wouldn’t be all of this buzz about the cameos from peter and susan and the white witch and it would all be a nice surprise.
But Peter and Susan are not really in the book, except for when Lucy dreams, but why is Peter in it? or the white witch?
But I still can not wait to see it, it will proabaly be the best one they’ve ever done yet!!!!!I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait for the Trailer to come out let alone the movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so do we have any idea when the trailer is going 2 come out
Skandar is also looking more older too along with Georgie and Ben. I’m glad with relief of the White Witch being in a dream sequence or something short like that. Though in the book they did show her knife at the table on Ramundu’s Island. Now all we need is the trailer.
woooo i love narnia
I’m am so excited! 🙂 I’ve been hoping all along that Peter and Susan would have cameo appearances! The White Witch is a surprise, but I think that is cool, too. I really liked how they had her in PC. 😉
Now I don’t mean to sound negative, but personally, I don’t really like the poster. Everybody looks either really different or has a strange expression!
the poster looks great. i think its going to be a great movie. i wronder why peter has a cameo but it doesnt mtter i cant wait.
I LOVE IT! 🙂 I love how Susan looks so ANGRY!! She’s pouting while Peter’s face is full of wisdom…:) I’m guessing that as the movies grow on, they are going to start showing how Susan is growing apart from Narnia. I guess that in the beggining of the movie, Peter and Susan will be making an appearence. I think that Susan will tell Lucy and Edmund that Narnia was just a game and everything…that is why she is shown on the poster as having a mean, angry face.
The White Witch making an appearence in the movie? Hmm…I’m not sure whether to be happy or sad. I mean, even if she is there in a dream sequence, it is still focusing on her. But as the movies grow, nobody will be even mentioning her. Also, if she as a minor, MINOR role in a little dream sequence, why bother putting it on a poster? It’ll lead people to believe that she’ll be a huge character in the film. But she is a great actress, so its no biggie 🙂
Lucy looks great! ALOT older!!! I am a little confused, however. Who is that little girl in white in the corner on our right side? She has her arms held out. Anyone know?
~Zack 🙂
I’d guess that “little girl” is Caspian’s wife. She’s got the right look for a star, and when the picture is larger she looks like she’s in her late teens or early twenties.
I think it is Ramadu’s daughter, because if you look closly, she is almost transparent.
I love these pictures…now for the trailer!!
I think everybody looks really great (though I must admit, I want to see the trailer to see how much Georgie looks like her picture. It almost looks photoshopped to me–her eyes are really big).
My guess is that the White Witch is on the dream island. If you listen to the Focus on the Family radio show of VDT, you can hear the White Witch in the background. I wouldn’t be surprised if they did a similar sort of thing in the movie.
Paul! I’ve been dying to see a trailer… haha searching online just about every day. No hints at all as when to even expect one??
love these pics, not long now till we should c a trailer, i’m glad peter and susan will be in the film, even if it’s 4 a little bit. not so sure about the white witch being in the film though, if she does appear on the dark island where dreams come true, it will probably be edmund that dreams about her. i think that susan’s look in the poster shows how she is drifting away from narnia, but not sure how peter will fit in the movie, i know he goes to revise 4 exams with professor kirke, and that susan is shown in the magicians book. i have a feeling that this film will be best film yet and hopefully there will be the silver chair, i’m so going 2 c this movie defoe, so excited 🙂
197 days, 13 hours, 16 mins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
Omg i can’t wait for the trailer to come out!! and the film!!
this poster is great and i can’t believe susan and peter are in it too! i can’t wait to see the waythey appear!
it’s true that susan appears in the book when lucy has to go upstairs to the magician’s room and say the spell so the monopeds got visible again. Susan appears in the magician’s book when lucy trys to say the spell that will meake her beautiful.
but peter doesn’t apear… ohh i’m really looking forward to the film
sure it’ll be great!
does the witch apear in the book?
The book doesn’t say it directly, but she does happen to pop in for a short moment during their escape from Dark Island.
Oooh… Look how CLEAR they are! Thanks for the updates! You can see susan is wearing some sort of white dress, and it LOOKS like Lucy’s eyes reflect the ocean (fitting!) and look at the detail on Aslan and Reep… And you can see Ramandu’s daughter so much better! She looks the part really well. EEP! I hope it’s at my theater later this week…
ooh! love the new clearer ones!!!!