I was at a meeting at Celebration Cinema North in Grand Rapids, Michigan today, planning a Dawn Treader party. Afterward, Mike Thom and I went down a hallway to look at the teaser poster that was released a few weeks ago, but didn’t see what we expected. Instead we were greeted with a new version of the poster. It was a lenticular printing of the poster, giving it a 3-D look and feel. While it wasn’t a completely successful lenticular print, they rarely are. But what was really cool about it was that you could see the depth of the poster, and felt like you could almost reach out and pet Aslan. Reepicheep also moved as you walked around and viewed the poster from different angles. Really neat effect overall, and you can likely see it at your local cinema. I don’t have a photograph of it, because it’s really hard to take pictures of something like that and have it work out. You really have to see it.
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I was there the other day (same exact theater, small world, eh?)! It really does look REALLY neat!
That’s amazing! You’ll have to attend the party!
when is this party
It will be around the release of the film. I’ll keep you posted!
That is so awesome! I have to go out to the movies as soon as possible. The trailer will be out really soon. Praise God for Narnia!
Amen! And for Tolkien!!
Are you or anyone coordinating release parties? I would love to see one in Seattle.
I am not, but I think it’s possible to set something up, if you want to get in touch with a theater manager, or just start a meet-up group for it.
Paul, I did try to reach out and touch Aslan. The glass cover just got in the way!
Ha! That was the inspiration for that part of the article! After you did, I tried as well, to no avail!
GRAND RAPIDS! right where i live! this party would be the best if u had one here! Just keep giving updates on it and let me know! gotta love narnia!!
Ha! I know your sister! Actually you know who I am, and would likely be surprised to know that I’ve raked leaves at your house before.
haha ya she told me about u and how u guys were good friends! and how u were a funny guy! i was mad at her for telling me that she knew the maker of this website because she knows how much of a huge narnia freak i am! So im kinda jealous of all the stuff u have gotten to do!
That’s awesome! Yeah, I’ve gotten to do some pretty amazing things, and the adventure is only just beginning. The party we’re planning at Celebration is going to be awesome, and I’ll reveal more details as we get closer to the December release of the film (that’s when the party will be). It’s going to be a blast!
LOL you’re kind of making me want to travel there for the party even though I live in Cali. XD so jealous!!!
ya thats sounds sweet! can’t wait!
I just saw that poster today! I went to see a movie and saw it! Including the big cardboard one.
I just hope the film is released in Greece around xmas time as they did with the first one, or else it won’t go well market wise and it will be ashame. everything i’ve read so far from you Martin makes me all the more eager to watch this one at the movies again and again and again. For me, King Caspian in this part of the Narnia stories reminds me of Odysseus and his journey back home. all the adventures were as important as his final destination. God, I love this book!
Very cool. I hope I’ll be able to see it!
Do you think you could get video?
Something tells me that roaming around a cinema with a video camera wouldn’t be the smartest thing, but it’s possible. I just don’t have time at the moment.
Ohhhh I havn’t been to the theater in a while. I can’t wait to see it though. Wish there was one in Ohio….
I saw that poster a long time ago on ComingSoon.net.
I saw that poster awhile back it’s sooo cool