Narnia.com, the official website for The Chronicles of Narnia, has been updated for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. There you can find the trailer, with room for more videos in the Media section, Character bios, information about the story and more. Keep an eye on it over the coming months as more is sure to be added as time goes on. It looks great!
OMG! the trayler is great!! i really really love it!! can’t waait for the film to come out! 🙂
Thanks for everything ! thanks for keeping all narnia fans updated about the release of the trailer and all the Narnia information! 🙂
Great Great trailer!! 🙂
m dying to see da moviE 🙁 ahhh!
The site is actually pretty neat looking; make sure you check out the character bios for some cool looking pictures.
I screamed and hypervintalated for ten minutes. Then, when into hystarics. It was awesome!!!! <3 The Trailer!
Me too! It was just too cool!
when do we get the updated site?!?!?!
It’s live right now. It’s at Narnia.com
Lucy sees herself as Susan in that mirror thingy makes me die to see the movie so suspenceful
I love the trailer so so so so so so much it’s better than the other trailers I have a feeling it’s going to be better than prince Caspian but not as good as the first movie it will always be the best!
Can’t wait to see I am dying to see it!
It’s sooooo AMAZING
It looks better thatn the other ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can not wait
hi, the dawn traider will be very good, I have read the book!
Edmund is so cute in his outfit 🙂