Here it is, the world premiere of the trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It releases on December 10, 2010 and was directed by Michael Apted, who takes the reigns from previous Narnia film director Andrew Adamson. It stars Ben Barnes as Caspian, Skandar Keynes as Edmund Pevensie, Georgie Henley as Lucy Pevensie and Will Poulter as Eustace Clarence Scrubb. This is an excellent trailer that makes me very excited for the movie, and not just because I proposed on the set!
After you watch the trailer, change your Facebook and / or Twitter profile picture to one of these pictures of Aslan! Show the world that you’ve seen the trailer! (We’re working on larger versions of the images.)
Transcript and Screenshots follow..
The trailer can also be found here:
View the trailer at Hollywood Jesus
More places to find the trailer (updated regularly)
Opens with a shot of a building that looks something like an old parliament building, and pans over to a sign that reads “Mother England Needs You | ENLIST HERE NOW!”
Soldier: Are you sure you’re 18?
Edmund: Why, do I look older?
Lucy appears at a doorway carrying a box.
Lucy: Edmund, you’re supposed to be helping me with the groceries.
A random person that was behind Edmund in line laughs at him, saying: Better luck next time, eh squirt!
Lucy and Edmund are putting boxes onto their bicycles outside of the building.
Edmund: Squirt? I’m a King!
Lucy: Not in this world.
Cuts to: A painting on a wall of an ocean, and in the distance is a ship.
Edmund: Lucy, have you seen this ship before?
Close up of the ship sailing on the ocean in the painting.
Lucy: It’s very Narnian looking, isn’t it?
Cuts to: the wind blowing, and Lucy, Edmund and Eustace standing around the room.
Eustace: What’s going on here?
Lucy: Edmund, the painting!
Just then the painting starts pouring water out. Eustace runs toward it, taking it from the wall.
Edmund: Don’t Eustace! No!
Cuts to: a shot of the room filling up with water, the children swimming around in the room, with a flash cut to the children swimming up toward the surface. Flash cut to show Lucy’s head above water with the Dawn Treader quickly approaching.
Lucy: Edmund!
Cut’s to a shot of Lucy being brought on board the ship by someone who could be Caspian, on a huge swing like contraption (someone who knows what parts of a ship like that are called, please let me know).
We see Lucy looking in what looks like a mirror or something with Aslan looking out, speaking.
Lucy: Aslan.
Aslan: Welcome. You have come far, but your journey lies beyond.
While Aslan speaks we see quick, and beautiful shots of the Dawn Treader amongst Narnian scenery and a Minotaur aboard the ship.
Cuts to a shot of Lucy and Edmund in blankets. Drinian is standing in the background.
Lucy: Reepicheep!
Reepicheep bows his head.
Reepicheep: Your Majesties!
We then see a shot of a liquid looking mermaid coursing through the water. Lucy waves to the mermaid from on deck.
Edmund: So if there are no wars to fight, then why are we here?
Shot of Caspian opening a doorway with Edmund following. Shot of Edmund using a telescope. Shot of an Island surrounded by thick clouds.
Cuts to: Shot of Coriakin throwing a huge scroll out that unravels onto the floor. (Reminds me of a shot of the Mad Hatter doing the same thing in Alice in Wonderland, but not the same really.)
Coriakin: You are all about to be tested.
Cuts to: Shot of Eustace looking at something off camera.
Then to: A shot of the Dawn Treader with lanterns lit and smoke floating around, kind of like the Smoke Monster on Lost but white smoke instead of black. Close up of Edmund. Then close up of The White Witch, looking like she does on the huge Dawn Treader standee.
The White Witch: Edmund…. I can make you my king… an much more.
Cuts to: Lucy blowing the dust off of a huge book. The book in the Magician’s library. The letters rearrange themselves on the cover. They’re going to spell out the title of the book, which was revealed elsewhere but I’m not going to say, as it wasn’t finished in the trailer.
We then see a shot of Lucy, reflected in a mirror on the page of the book, and her face magically turns into Susan’s.
Lucy: I’m beautiful!
Aslan’s roar sounds from the book and the pages begin to turn quickly. Flash cuts to a shot of Lucy standing with the book by a pedestal, snow falling all around her as she looks up, amazed at what she’s seeing.
Cuts to Reepicheep climbing the mast of the Dawn Treader.
Coriakin: You’ve got an extraordinary destiny. Something greater than you could have imagined.
Reepicheep now stands at the top of the crow’s nest.
Narrator / Title Card: From C. S. Lewis’ Epic Masterpiece
A shot of the Dawn Treader from above.
Liliandil: The fate of Narnia depends on you.
Narrator / Title Card: This Christmas
Shot of Edmund holding a glowing sword, kind of like Sting from The Lord of the Rings.
Shot of Liliandil turning into a glowing orb and flying straight up into the sky. Edmund, Caspian and Lucy standing around.
Title Card: Return to Hope
Shot of a faun, flipping over someone while holding some form of spear, and landing a kick to someone’s chest. Then a shot of Lucy holding a Bow and Arrow.
Title Card: Return to Magic
Shot of a table with golden things on it and suddenly Coriakin materializes and turns around, book in hands.
Eustace: This place just gets weirder and weirder.
Shot of Dufflepuds jumping around as Eustace dodges.
Title Card: Return to Narnia
Shot of the Dawn Treader with a small boat being paddled away, across a sea of lilies.
Aslan: You have returned for a reason.
Close up shot of the small boat, Reepicheep is riding on the bow. Caspian and Edmund are paddling with Eustace and Lucy riding.
Cuts to a shot of Aslan walking over to them, as they now stand on the ground with a wave hanging in the background.
Aslan: Your adventure begins now.
Shot of Susan walking toward the camera, then Peter doing the same, followed by Lucy and Edmund doing the same.
Cuts to a shot of Aslan roaring.
Narrator / Title Card: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Titles fly onto the screen like previous Narnia movie trailers.
Title Card: Christmas
Narrator: Directed by Michael Apted. This December in Digital 3D.
Title Card: In Digital 3D
Moved to Dawn Treader Trailer #1 Screenshots
He Paul! I’m from the Netherlands and never posted something on this site before but I think this site is great!! I love the Narnia movies and I think the VDT trailer is super!! But I have a question. Do you know if they are going to give us another trailer? And when will it probably be? Because I just want to see more of Caspian and Eustace and the dragon/sea serpent scenes. 🙂
Thank you! Yes they are, but I don’t know when. And don’t worry about those scenes… I’m sure that they weren’t included because they are still not complete.
I heard somewhere* that the characters would be looking for seven SWORDS as well as seven lords. I got a little worried when I heard this. Have I just read it wrong???? 😉
And also, does anyone know when the trailer will be airing on TV???–My computer’s too slow for videos, I’m relying on screenshots at the moment.
Dude, I’ve read the Narnia books all seven of them twice, and I don’t remember reading about seven swords
I don’t know about the swords, but I’ve seen the trailer on GMC several times, so you might try looking there!
As far as I think the filmmakers could make Peter and Susan being in it perfectly logical depending on what twists they have added to the story. The most logical thing would be that the shots of all four siblings (as they are clearly at the same place) would be that it is in England at the beginning, however it looks like they are all wearing Narnian clothes, which seems a little odd…
This confused me as well. I would be annoyed if they brought the older two Pevensies into the movie as they were not in the book, however IMDB does not list Susan and Peter on the character list.
it could just be a flash back from one of the other movies. maybe something that wasn’t actually in the other movies, but happend in the books.
ya I read on wikipedia that they don’t appear in narnia again but make cameo appearances
I have watched the trailer 3 times and have tears in my eyes. The roar at the end of the trailer is the call to watch. I loved it and can’t wait for it to be released!
Wow! The trailer was great! The only problem is that now I have an even more severe case of NOD:)
(Narnia Obsessive Disorder)
same here. 🙂 i cant wait 4 the movie
you’re not the only one! I know what you mean!
I have a VERY serious case of it; I just watched the trailer for the 15th time! Has anyone else watched it that much?
yep. this is the 34th time i’m watching it 😀 i think it’s more than NOD :D:P
WOW :0 Thats crazy! I probably watched it 10-15 times
Wow! Thanks-that makes me feel a lot better!
Whoa Paul…at the very end of the trailer, where Peter and Susan are walking…is that the wardrobe behind them? I just watched it over again and I swear that it is! Correct me if I’m wrong!
Not the wardrobe.. unless the wardrobe was suddenly very very big. I looked at all four shots and saw something that looked similar to the wardrobe… but I don’t think similar enough.
it is not the wardrobe. for a moment i thought the whole world of Narnia just went upside down
I’m from Switzerland and I’m also a very great fan of the Chronicles of Narnia. I like the new Trailer of the voyage of the Drawn Treader and I hope that’s the Film will be so good as Narnia 1 or 2!
I did notice that Aslan looked a little of toward the begginning but im not that woried. they will probably work more on him. I am excited beyond descrption for this film but i was dissappointed aboout the lack of reality in the special effects. they look a little cheap but im hoping it is because they are not finished with the film. Also, one of the biggest letdowns is the size of the waterfall. I pictured it being connected to the ocean, not sitting on the land. And i pictured it towering into the sky. It looks very small to be the enterance into Aslan’s Country. The Dufflepuds looked a litte cheaply done also but again ts probably because they arent finished. Any comments Paul?
Well, it is still very early in the effects, to be sure. However: the huge unmoving wave that you see in the trailer for a few seconds is dependent on your imagination, I guess. That’s one area where everyone might picture it differently and have their own take on what it would look like. A wave that is towering into the sky, is no longer a wave, but a wall. If you think about it, it wouldn’t seem like a crashing wave if it was so big. The Dufflepuds probably look that way to you because it is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before in reality. Because it looks so strange, it’s bound to feel strange when seeing it.
Well by towering into the sky i meant more tall rather than the top not being exposed. I just wouldve pictured the entrance into what symbolizes Heaven as more grand. I see what you mean about the dufflepuds, i just worry that they may make them too silly and wacky, ya know? I guess im just paranoid. With the brilliance of the special effects in Prince Caspian, im just hoping they dont backtrack. I do have another question, though. In the novel, the mer people were described as being more like the mermaids at the end of LWW which flip in front of Cair Paravel before the ceremony in which the four are pronounced kings and queens. Is the “water woman” in the trailer supposed to be some sort of nymph or is that their interpretation of the mer people?
I am still annoyed that Disney is putting in things that aren’t from the books to embellish the story rather than telling an already-excellent story as is. All the time wasted in England could be put to better use making the rest of the movie better and more fulfilling with the original brilliance. This holds true for the prior movies as well, the worst of which was the sneak attack in Prince Caspian that wasn’t in the book at all. Sure the England scenes give an idea of what the children would have been going through, but part of the charm of the books are that, since they’re in Narnia for a vast majority of the stories, it makes them timeless.
Yeah… Disney does that…. wait a minute…. Disney didn’t make The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. I knew there was something strange there! While I do find that embellishing the story can be a bit jarring at times, the book are written with so much room for personal imagination to take over (and actually require that to happen) that the filmmakers are forced to fill in the blanks that our minds do. That’s the trouble with a narrator driven book being translated to film. It’s hard to create a screenplay when the characters in the story aren’t the only ones talking.
waaahh!! at last! cant wait to see this on the big screen ! ^^,
Have you noticed? In the end, on the beach with Aslan, there are four shodows! I don’t count Reepecheep’s (or whatever he is named in English, sorry, I don’t remember it:P) shodow. Is that mean Caspian there is with Edmund, Lucy and Eustace on the beach? Caspian is in the bout, right, but I hope he won’t see Aslan on the beach with others…
I noticed that Caspian appears to row the boat through the lilies. This is very different from the book. This is the one part of the trailers that I am concerned about. Caspian should be sailing back to Aslan’s Table. I hope that they did not cut the confrontation between Edmund and Caspian on the ship. This is a major plot point. The super trailer shows a scene after this, and Caspian is not there. Hopefully everyone will get to see that scene soon. We will see how it plays out.
that is the only part im worried about to… it doesnt make sense for him to be there.. i guess i will have to wait for the movie.. 🙂
IT’S WONDERFUL!! I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE REAL MOVIE!!!!! Also I’m curious about Peter and Susan in the same area as Lucy and Edmund. I love if they stay true to the books, but if they add them in there it would be so cool! I miss them.
When Susan and Peter are walking, I know I’m assuming a lot, but could the background be Aslan’s country? Like in the last battle the gate to the garden????? (I do know Susan doesn’t make it, I’m just guessing.)
THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I’M SO SO SO SOOOOOO EXCITED FOR DECEMBER 10!!! i made myself wait two whole days till last night at the theater to watch it…it was so hard! but it was so much cooler on the huge screen of course. i didn’t see TS3 in 3D but it was still totally awesome…i loved it! i can’t wait for the next one (trailer, i mean, not toy story). there’s much to speculate about and many questions, but all i care about is that it was amazing, the movie is going to be absolutely awesome, wonderful, and stunning, and i can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR NARNIA AND FOR ASLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It wasn’t with the Toy Story 3 release. Well, I hope to see the trailer soon on the big screen, so I can hear the people’s reactions.
hey paul, i just realized, in the trailer reepicheep’s voice is still eddie izzard unless i’m mistaken. what’s up with that? is that just for the trailer or is it no longer true that they changed him?
That is actually Bill Nighy! And you were all worried… 😉
wow! it sounds just like him! yes, i was worried but i guess i’m not anymore since i couldn’t even tell!!!! hehe! thanks so much 🙂
Hm? I thought it was Simon Pegg? Oh well, either way, I’m happy with it.
I guess it is Simon Pegg
I just went on the official movie site, and under the character profiles, it says that Lucy and her siblings die in a train crash. I know that this happens in The Last Battle, but the site is implying that they die at the end of this movie…
I’m probably being paranoid, but would they (the filmakers) really make such a drastic change? that would completely ruin the book.
Its done by Fox now isn’t it? Fox has a reputation of not finishing things so this makes me nervous. If what you say is true then Fox is copping out and ending the series early 🙁
THAT…. was AWESOME! Holy cow. Some of those scenes absolutely resonated perfectly, far greater than anything I’d envisioned when reading the book as a child. CANNOT wait.
OMG! That was amazing I can’t wait till the movie comes out 😀
Hey Paul, I have a question…will this trailer be attatched to any other movies that are in or coming out in theaters?
Good question.. This is something we don’t know yet, but it’s possible. Toy Story 3 is the best movie of the year, so far, so I don’t know if you’ll find the trailer on anything better.
i watched the video it was so cool i wanted to see that in theaturs this christmas i cant wait to see it:]
I noticed someone was questioning why Ramandu’s daughter was glowing and why she turned into an orb and shot into the sky. I was wondering this myself and dreading what Fox might be doing to the story and then I had a train of thought. Upon seeing this part of the trailer, it reminded me of the film Stardust. In this film, the glowing girl is a fallen star. Upon remembering this, I remembered that Ramandu is, in fact, a fallen star in the novel. As you know from The Last Battle, the stars of Narnia are humanoids of some sort. Is it possible that one of Fox/Walden’s “creative changes” were to present Lilliandil as one of these stars? Paul, might you know anything about this? Or the question in my previous post about the mer people?
I think that Lilliandil is indeed a stardaugther of Ramandu. In the book, Ramandu is a fallen star because he’s old. I think that Lilliandil, his daughter is still a star, but also can come down from the sky to Narnia. I think the writers made her able to travel between the sky and the land using that orb-transformation-thing you can see in the trailer. Because it’s already known that the people onboard of the Dawn Treader are told to follow the blue star, which I like is Lilliandil.
Also, at the end of Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Caspian married with Ramandu’s daugther. I think they will also do that in the film and Lilliandil will be in human form for the rest of her life. I really hope that one of Dawn Treader’s last scenes is a scene of Caspian and Lilliandil showing their newborn sow Rilian to the Narnians. That will be a big hint for a Silver Chair movie.
About the mer people. I think that the nymph you see in the trailer is just a waternymph and that the mer people will appear at the end of the movie. I really hope that, because the description of their underwater city is just so beautiful in the book. I hope that they don’t ruin that magical part of the story by just showing us a waternymph.
i really hope this does not mean that Dawn Treader is only going to be released in 3D. i hope they realize that many people out there who would be interested in this cannot watch 3D movies for a variety of reasons. mine is that they trigger my migraines.
also not all theaters have 3D accomodations which would cheat those who are not affected by health problems/will suffer them anyway for a movie they are dying to see out of getting to see it.
is “see it in 3D” just an audience draw for 3D-movie lovers or is a large chunk of the Narnia fanbase (including me) going to be cheated out seeing Dawn Treader?? hope someone can confirm my hope that it will be released in BOTH formats. thank you.
ya I know what you mean! I can only see out of one eye (because of an accident when I was little) and I can’t see 3-D… and all these 3-D movies are starting to annoy me!
Patrick (aka ahyperdude)
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be in 3D and 2D. Don’t worry, this movie will be put out so that all can watch it, no matter what. The 3D is going to be so cool, but if I see it a second time I will see it in 2D. You can only see so much 3D before it gets to be to much.
sweet! thats what I expected
i am sooo excited. i cant wait this is soo amazinglucy and edmund both look so old form when the lion the whitch and the wardrobe was made i am so excited!!!
Paul: Thank you Paul!!! It is really easy to think that they are going to do such a bad job at this movie because of the trailer! but you are really comforting me, maybe us… you probably don’t know the feeling of thinking they are going to do a bad job, because you “KNOW” they are going to do a good job. YOU ROCK!!!
also note: that it is going to be SO different probably not in a bad way… I mean think about it… new director, Fox is making it instead of disney, new music, etc…
Lastly: just because they only show Eustace and (prince…I mean) “King” Caspian a little bit in the trailer doesn’t mean that’s all they are going to show them in the movie.
(I Am a HUGE Narnia fan myself and I’ve been reading the comments and thinking some of the same things! But Then I think through it and I find a Logical answer…although I’m still waiting for Paul to tell me whats up with Peter and Susan.I’m also thinking that King Caspian doesn’t fall in love with Ramidues Daughter… Because he was with Aslan on Aslans Island)
Stand strong narnians!
~Patrick (aka: ahyperdude)~
But if Caspian doesn
true… cause I do know that there is going to be the Silver Chair as it says on IMDB. hmmmmm, maybe,hmmmmmmm I really can’t think of anything!
Thank you. It’s hard being one of the few (I use that term loosely, because they had a fantastic cast and crew) that knows just how hard everyone worked on the film. People really put forth great effort in making this book come to life and it’s going to show on screen.
if you are talking to me, then your welcome! LOL
If you are like me, you have watched and re-watched the trailer a dozen times, and then went back and re-read portions of the book to compare. And you have probably discovered a few departures from the book, and perhaps felt the producers were not being completely true to the book.
Here is my take: Certain books lend themselves very nicely to films. LW&W was a nice, chronological story that unfolded nicely on film. Prince Caspian was largely told to the Pevensies via a “story within a story”, and therefore the directors had to change up the story quite a bit in order for it to play out as a feature film. I think any good producer would look at the Narnia series and say, “Well, PC is not the ideal book for a movie, but we have to make it in order to introduce Caspian and Reepicheep as characters, so that VOTDT will make sense to the viewers.” And that is, perhaps, why Disney was disappointed with the box office results of PC.
From the trailer, it would appear that VOTDT can unfold very nicely as a feature film, pleasing both the casual moviegoers and the hardcore CS Lewis fans. I have shown the trailer to all types of people and they all react favorably (even if they do not really like fantasy-type movies). A movie need not be expensive or CGI-laden to make it a moving, effective film.
Finally, does anyone remember the last scene of Star Wars, Ep. III? In the span of 2 minutes, they crammed so much of the story (Amidala having twins, then dying, then the twins being separated and given away to foster parents, all while Anakin/Vader gets rebuilt). Seriously, this should have unfolded in 20 minutes, but instead Lucas gave us a 25-minute protracted light saber duel.
In this film, it is my sincere hope that they really play out the last few paragraphs of the book, i.e. Caspian traveling back, marrying Lilianthil, them having a baby, etc. It will make the viewer see that there is more to the story, and it will also fill out a portion of the book that I thought was lacking in detail.
I actually don’t get how people keep saying PC was badly done and wasn’t close to the story line… I do think they strayed a little more than they did on the 1st Narnia but I still think they maintained the main storyline. but I do partially agree on your point. and I hope that they do play out the end because that is one of the most vivid parts for me!
Patrick (aka ahyperdude)
Well said Patrick, you’re in the same boat as I am, as well as the writers and producers of the film. It’s just popular to hate on Caspian right now.
thank you!
Paul: quick question… how can I get my picture to show up on my posts?
ok Thanks!
You can get the picture set up at Gravatar.com
The Chronicles of Narnia The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be the best movie out of the series (series meaning that The Silver Chair is made and not it stopping at this movie, making it a trilogy) If everyone that likes Narnia goes to see it at least three times then we can make sure it goes over the money limit and they can make The Silver Chair. Come on people… Lets make Narnia live on!!!!!!
Well I do already know they are planning to make the silver chair as it stats on IMDB (www.imdb.com, search the silver chair)
IMDB also previously stated that Disney was going to make The Voyage of the Dawn Treader…
oh…. LOL
IMDB says a lot of things…
Nothing is “protracted” when it comes to Lightsabers, buddy! You keep your 2 minute babies, and I’ll keep mine! 🙂
GOOD NEWS!!! GOOD NEWS!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 on air 1 ( http://www.air1.com/ )(a christian radio station… on the news segment they were talking about the new voyage of the dawn treader trailer… they were playing clips from it and saying you could watch it here http://www.narnia.com/! They got the new from excited narnia fans and are spreading the word to (hopefully) future narnia fans!!!
They also just posted it on IMDB!
oh dear. I hope it stays fateful to the book. but a few twist here and there wouldn’t be bad, just as long as the deeper meaning remains.
the trailer look brillent cant wait to see it.
The trailer is great but… at the end when susan peter lucy and edmund apear, before Aslan gives his wonderful roar.. shouldn’t eustace be there?? Beacuse it doesn’t seem as if he was a really emportant character in this film, and he is in the book.
Paul do you know if they’ll show more of him in the other trailer? cause… they will give us anbother trailer won’t they??
Ohh i wish the film came out sooner!! i can’t wait!! 🙂
count the people in the ship going to the island and then count how many shadows are on the beach… in the ship there is Eustace, Lucy, Edmund, Reepicheep, and king Caspian ~5~ same number and same people on the island. I see what you are saying about Eustace but I don’t agree I think they will show him plenty in the movie (think, almost wherever Lucy and Edmund go Eustace will be with them), and if they don’t show him alot then it’s not a big loss. can’t wait for it to come out!!!
Patrick (aka ahyperdude)
sure 🙂 that’s true i know what you mean,
but i ment at the end when the faces of the four pevencies appear one by one, i was just wondering why eustaces face wasn’t there 🙂
but yess i’m sure it’ll be great anyway 🙂
can’t wait for it either!!
well I’m thinking that when they show the four pevensee’s that it just a flashback… Wikipedia: “Peter and Susan will not be returning to narnia but will be making CAMEO appearances” so I’m hoping it’s just a flashback but I could be wrong.
i just finished watching Toy Story 3(i mostly watched it for VDT)
it was not there
i was so happy to see it in 3D but it was not there
🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
well we watched two showings (2-d and 3-d) and neither of them showed the trailer!!! (by the way how was the toy story 3-d??? where my family saw it in 3-d somewhere and said it was bad… was it good where you saw it?)
It looked terrific where I’m from.
hmmm… ok must of just been the projectors then
GOOD NEWS FROM WIKIPEDIA!!! here’s something I found off Wikipedia! Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia with their cousin, Eustace, onboard a ship called the Dawn Treader, where they meet up with Caspian X, now King of Narnia. Peter and Susan do not return because they have learned all they need to in Narnia,!–> though the characters are to be making cameo appearances at some point in the film <–!!! (will be making cameo appearances at some point in the film!) YES! they aren't going to be messing up the story line with Peter and Susan! dictionary.com describes cameo as: a minor part played by a prominent performer in a single scene of a motion picture or a television play. Which means they won't be returning to narnia… maybe they are in a flashback?! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Narnia_(film_series)
Flashback? hmm didn’t think of that but it would make sense. It may also be that they were put into the trailer to attract attention. I’ve noticed other movie trailers show scenes that aren’t in the final version of the movie. The one I can think of right off the bat is Iron Man 2 trailer where it shows Tony stark allowing some scantily clad lady wear and shoot one of his repulsor gloves, but this was not in the movie.
ya they do that in a lot of movies… but I’m almost positive they are still going to put Susan and Peter in it… but we never know till we see the movie! all that’s bothering me right now about the trailer is that King Caspian is on Aslans island and is in the boat with Reepicheep, Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace! (when in the book he stayed with Ramadues daughter on the island…)
They could easily write it in so that he goes back to the ship after talking to Aslan. My guess is they just wanted to include Caspian in as many scenes as possible, especially at a key point in the story.
ya, Aslan probably ends up being the one that tells him that his place is With ramidues daughter.
Hey Paul,
Are they combining The Last Battle with this film somehow? It seemed to be hinted at with Peter and Susan coming back (although Susan coming back is completely unfounded). Are they not gonna try and do the other films because of funding? Is this the last one, so they’re combining?
I hope not!!! but this is what I found on Wikipedia about Peter and Susan. >Edmund and Lucy return to Narnia with their cousin, Eustace, onboard a ship called the Dawn Treader, where they meet up with Caspian X, now King of Narnia. Peter and Susan do not return because they have learned all they need to in Narnia,!–> though the characters are to be making cameo appearances at some point in the film <–!!!
Is there another trailer coming soon? I hope so. If anyone knows the day it is coming out please leave a comment telling me.
I totally cannot wait!! I am going to go see it when it first comes out!! 😀
I was really excited for this movie, until I saw the trailer. I was afraid that this movie would be lacking good computer graphics and I was right. It just didnt capture me like Caspian, but it was sorta expect due to the budget of PC being 215mil to VOTDT being 140mil, thats 10mil less than LWW!! Im hoping the next trailer helps encourage me, either way, Im going to see this movie in theatres because I really want to see them make THAHB, MN and SC
I don’t know what looked so bad in only 2 minutes that you could have been unimpressed by a movie that still has another 5 months until it is released. I suppose it’s the fact that this movie has some effects that are unlike anything we see in our world, so we have nothing to really compare it to, compared to LWW and PC? Neither of those had an environment or creatures quite like this film.
ya, I see what you mean Jason… how many times have you watched the trailer? because the first or second time I watched it, it seemed that way to me too… but after I saw it a couple times it seemed to look better. Also it probably looks bad first because of what Paul said and second because they probably haven’t completed the final Special Effects yet… it seems to me that they were just trying to push the trailer to come out as fast as they could and it ended up not turning out they way we expected.
Ive seen the trailer 17 times (mostly for speculation purposes) Here’s a list of what bugs me, when the water comes out of the painting, at first, it comes out in a perfectly flat line. Aslan is obviously a puppet when they are looking out the window, so is the minotaur. They only show 1/2sec. of action when the faun is fighting. Then the wave at the end is not extraordinary, it just looks like an everyday wave. If there are that many things that bug me in two minutes, how many more things will there be in 2 hours. They just arent capturing Narnia the way I envisioned it in the book. I’m not saying I hate Narnia, I truly love it! I’m just being skeptical BECAUSE I love it
The Minotaur looks really good, to my eyes, actually. As for Aslan, they’ve never used a puppet outside of when he was on the Stone Table. If he does look like a puppet, then that is pretty spectacular CG to have you fooled to think it was actually there. It looked to me like Aslan is appearing in a mirror as Lucy is looking at herself within.
ok! Aslan and the minotaur look a little iffy but I think it’s just the lighting…next, the scene where they were fighting is fine because it’s not like they are going to show half of the battle (picture in your mind them going from Ramadues daughter to half the battle)… Finally, you said that the wave looked like a regular wave, to me it looks like an ordinary title wave for me!
PAUL!!!, i have watched the trailer a hundred times and i stick to the same conclusion – it’s not ready yet! Do you think they’ve gave this trailer out just because of Toy Story 3 so that they will come together? Please answer. HELP!!!
I just think that we’ve seen glimpses that are far too short to really judge the film on. I’ve seen more footage than was in the trailer, and what I saw was even less finished than this, so it’s going to continue to improve as time goes on.
Oh ok, thanks Paul;) This really is good news;)
This trailer is good, just as amazing as the new harry potter trailer. Both in 3D, both at the end of the year. which will come out on top?
Ya, I actually don’t care for Harry Potter… and thats the thing that bothered me and my friend… we think this movie trailer looks more like Harry Potter than Narnia!
~Patrick (aka ahyperdude)~
In what way?
the wizard guy, he seems more like a Harry potter wizard ( he was included in the book but I never imagined him like that)and the whole RETURN TO MAGIC thing… I think it’s cool but at the same time i’m suspecting Harry Potter in that, IDK all I know is that when I first saw it, it reminded me of Harry Potter, I kept it to myself until my friend told me he thought the same thing
I see what you are saying. The return to magic I thought was a bit much, but Aslan does say that there is deep magic in Narnia. Although magic does not play a huge part in these books like in Harry Potter. The magician I always thought would be older with a long gray beard, robes on. But that would be to much like Dumbledore… this movie is different than what I thought it would look like, for the better though. I think that this is going to set a new standard for the Narnia/ Fantasy films. Once Harry Potter is done, Narnia will still be going strong, becoming the lead Fantasy film of the years to come.
ya I ‘knew’ that it was going to be different when I heard fox and a new director were doing it… and Paul reassured me that it would be different for the better.
I stayed up until 2:00 A.M. in the morning to watch this trailer – it was worth the wait.
Hey guys! here’s some of my friend’s-family’s comments after they watched the trailer… (just to give you guys an Idea of what people are thinking…)
my older brother: Looks epic!
my older sister: That looks pretty sweet.
my friend: It actually didn’t look as good as I expected
my other friend: It seems like it’ll be more like Harry Potter than regular narnia
It was interesting to hear the white witch tempting Edmund with the power to become king. It appears that the theme introduced on Deathwater Island (Edmund’s desire for power over Narnia beyond that of Caspian) is expanded into a major theme of the movie.
The Movie’s trend toward including Jadis in extra places not in the books is interesting. During the course of writing the series C.S. Lewis gradually phased out Jadis and replaced her with Tash as the satan-like figure of the series. Could it be that in the movies will continue to continuously use Jadis as the satan-like figure, instead of switching over to Tash? This could cause some interesting, but not fatal, changes to “The Horse and His Boy” and “The Last Battle.” Could you imagine the Calorman’s worshiping a gigantic statue of Jadis in Tashban?
Going back to the brief shots of the Isle of Dreams, the Isle appears, in the movie, to not be a sploch of black on the sea but instead an isle surrounded by weird mist. This might be a good change, because otherwise just sailing into a mist and out again makes the entire island seem surreal. Knowing that there is an actual island in the mist somewhere will help to cement the terror of the place.
wow that would be cool if they used Jadis in the last battle… I can’t decide if I like them putting Jadis in all these movies or not…
I think that putting Jadis as the main villian in the Last Battle would be good. Satan never changes really, so the character from the start could stay. Jadis is the ultimate evil and seems to have some sort of part in much of the evil in Narnia. Having her play the villian would be a continuing of her desire for power. She is the White Witch, she would nver stop trying to get control. In the Last Battle, it would be cool if she controlled the ape that is trying to rule Narnia. It would be a twist. I never thought of this till now. This is just an idea. Jadis could make a good villian for the rest of the films.
I fully agree on what you just said…
This is an interesting idea. She could also be the the witch in Silver Chair. The public knows the White Witch and Tilda Swinton. This could help sell the movies to the public. The die-hard fans would object, but we are only a small part of ticket sales. The more I think about it, the more I like your idea.
ya, It wouldn’t be too far fetched from the story and I think it would be a cool idea! I though Jadis is the which in the silver chair. am I right?
If your question was if Jadis is the witch in The Silver Chair, then no, no she isn’t. Or, I should say that we don’t know. C.S.Lewis never told us if they were the same person or not. In the BBC version they used the same person to play both which is why there are questions on whether of not it is the same person. I think they are two different people, but they could make it that Jadis is the witch in The Silver Chair, or have Tilda play the character even if it is not Jadis.
ok, thanks! I thought she was the witch because of the BBC version! lol. but I hope they make her the witch in this one.
Glad to see you like it. Tell Fox!
Wow I cannot wait for movie to come to theatres. I loved the book so the movie will be just as great I hope.
i think they should stay with the books and use Tash in the last battle. because many fans would like to see Tash instead of Jadis because they like the books how they are. And I think that they could make Tash looks really good with the good techniques they have right now
I have been a huge fan of the Narnia books since I bought The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when I was 7 (just over 30 years ago now). The books are perfect just as they are, why, why, why does any film company have to mess with the stories at all? The first movie was good, the second not so good (Susan and Caspian kissing?????) and now it looks as though this one is going to be even further from the story. CS Lewis will be turning in his grave 🙁
They’re not messing with the stories. The books haven’t been re-published with the changes made to the movies put in, so they’re just as you remember them. Plus, each time these movies come out, HarperCollins sees sales for the Narnia books as well as other C.S. Lewis books go up by a lot. So it works to get more readers for the books too. C.S. Lewis would have loved it, I think. (I always hated when people say something like “so and so will be turning in his grave” because we presume too much for people.) Also, just wait until you see the movie. You will be surprised that it’s not at all what you’re thinking.
comforting me again paul!
Amen brother. Before the movie LWW came out I had not read anything by C. S. Lewis. Since then I have read the Narnia books many times and read many of his Christian books. The movies do not change the books; they are still setting on my bookshelf as they have since I bought them right after the movie LWW. The movies are just a different look at the subject of the books. The movies can never be the books. I you want the books; read the books. The movies are different. I think that Walden is going a very good job with the movies. HarperCollins does the books is the US, like you said, not the movies. Comparing books and movies is like comparing apples and oranges. They can be compared, but they are different.
WOW! I fully and hole heartily agree with that!!! That is an AWESOME way to explain that!
Pardon the typos.
after reading the transcript, it makes me excited to watch the movie..
🙂 🙂 🙂
I just finished reading the last chapter of the dawn treader and it turns out caspian does sail with Lucy edmund eustace and reepicheep 2the end of the world!!!!!!
I just watched the movie Stardust (which also stars Ben from Narnia) and the music at the very beginning sounds like the music at the beginning of this trailer. Is the music the same or just really similar? This is my question.
IDK (I Don’t know), but I do know that that song is really popular! I’ve heard it on a flashback on golf, I heard it in the trailer, my brother used it for his slideshow and said that it is in a lot of trailers.
That happens. I want another trailer out now. I waited almost two years for this trailer and now I need another.
I saw this trailer when I went to see Eclipse today!!! I was freaking out!!! I was not expecting this trailer to be with the movie at all!!!!
This looks like a beautiful movie, but I sure wish the story wasn’t changed so much! I was horribly disappointed with the way Prince Caspian came out, and I’m dreading seeing this for fear the depictions will be so far from the “epic masterpiece” of C.S. Lewis’ actual work. 🙁
umm whats the name of the song on this trailer? it starts when Lucy closes the book and the snow falls.
The special effects looked cheap. The boat looks like it belongs in at the Wonka Factory and the Duffelpuds in Oz. I seriously hope the movie is better than the trailer. Where is the adventure? Where is the excitment? It looked like a pleasure cruise and the worst thing was some fog and Edmund drank some jacked punch and hallucinated the White Witch. I do not recall her being in this book. If this movie tanks, that’s the end of the movies. They will not make more.