Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer attached to Toy Story 3

Not only is the Dawn Treader trailer going to be all over the place in a couple of weeks, it’s also going to be attached to Pixar’s latest masterpiece: Toy Story 3. I was told about a month ago, but was asked not to reveal it until it was official. Just received an e-mail that confirmed it, though. It’ll be attached along side the first trailer for the Smurfs movie, which is also coming this December.

This is very exciting news, as Toy Story 3 promises to be one of the best movies of the year. Go for the trailer, stick around for the film and enjoy!

Remember, we’ll also be posting the trailer here, as well as on our youtube account, as well as the usual trailer analysis soon thereafter.


  1. I am simply destroyed. I was hoping it to be with the A-Team. Yes. Devastated. ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Thanks for the news, Paul!
    But do you know if in Brazil the trailer will come with Toy Story too?

  3. I’m going to see Toy Story even though I’m not a fan of the first two. I’m excited though!

  4. Oh hey! I TOTALLY guessed it! Really excited! NARNIA and TOY STORY is like the best combination ever.

        • They should have put the Trailer with Prince of Persia! Toy Story and Narnia are 2 Separate things guys!

          • Sounds like someone is really excited for the trailer! Honestly, Narnia and Prince of Persia are very different things. Plus, the failure of Prince of Persia to make a very big splash would have equated to a poor marketing decision on the part of Fox. Toy Story 3 has a much larger audience that is now nearly two generations. It’s going to be huge, and both are targeted at the same family audience.

  5. This is some serious good news! Super combination and that means that we only have to wait for two weeks!

  6. Great choice, Fox/Walden.
    Hooray for Toy Story 3. Hooray for VDT! Sail on VDT! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Ok, we all agree that Toy Story 3 will be a good movie, but how many of us will watch it at the premiere just to see the Narnia movie trailer? ๐Ÿ™‚

    • my hand’s up — hmmm… It’s about time I took my granddaughter to her first movie…
      It is interesting that Toy Story is being released by Disney. Interesting that Fox decided not to release it with their own Marmaduke this week end.
      Kind of ironic.

      • That Marmaduke movie looks awful. Except I kinda want to see it because Lee Pace is in it. Narnia being in the previews would have been an excellent excuse to go see it.

    • I was going to watch it opening day anyway. SO THIS JUST MAKES IT EVEN BETTER.

  8. Very, very good move on the part of Fox/Walden. GOBS of people will be going to see that movie. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Super excited about both!!!

  9. On the day that Toy Story 3 comes out, will the trailer be up on the website?

    Thanks!!! CAN’T WAIT!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. You weren’t playing up the non-studio thing at all, were you Paul? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Wow, Toy Story 3. Why am I surprised? Disney is the parent company. Oh well, hope we get A LOT of good publicity from this. I know I’ll probably be there opening night/opening weekend for Toy Story 3, so I can’t wait to see the trailer!!

  11. Cool!! I can’t wait for the Narnia trailer to be out!! whatever it is i am so gonna watch the show..: Voyage of the Dawn Treader!! I read the book and it is quite adventurous..I am sure the movie shows more adventurous to be waited!!! =)

  12. well played by walden/fox.lots of people are going to see that movie.that will get the word out.hey paul do u know where the world prmer of the movie(vtd) will be?

    • hopefully the premiere will be where the movie was filmed – at Warner Roadshow Studios or Movie World on Australia’s Gold Cost.

      But this is just a guess.

  13. Honestly, glad it’s not going to play with twilight. I’m happy it’s going to be with _Toy Story 3_ and now I have to go. Ha ha ha.

  14. Yay! thanks for this news! I’m excited! I’m happy that it didn’t come out with the marmaduke movie…I would much rather go to Toy Story!

  15. Hey Paul!!! Is the Dawn Treader Trailer will be shown in ? =)

  16. I’m soo excited!!!!! This awesome!!!!! I had a party for the release of the teaser poster! I watched both previous movies and had friends over! Wow, I have to think of something even more for the trailer release! Probably the same as before plus a viewing of the trailer. Any more suggestions from anyone?

  17. I forgot to ask the obvious question – Does this mean the trailer in the theater will be 3-D?

    • That’s a very good question. I recently saw a 3-D movie, before which was a trailer for The Last Airbender (which is also receiving the 3-D conversion treatment) and the trailer for that was in 3-D. They also shot a few new “enhanced footage” shots for that film. I must say that from what I saw, 3-D conversion is simply stunning given the proper amount of time to do it. Boy was that thrilling!

      So, to answer your question: it’s very possible that it will also be in 3-D. But we’ll have to wait and see. A lot of times, even with 3-D movies, they’ll show a bunch of 2-D trailers and then a screen to ask you to put on your 3-D glasses. Then they’ll show 3-D trailers and the film. If it is, then we’ll get a good glimpse of what it will look like.

      • When I went to see Avatar the first time during a busy show, they showed the trailer for Alice in Wonderland in 3D. The second time I went was a later show and no 3D traliers. So hope to see VDT tralier in 3D! gotta wain an extra week for it though. Toy story dosen’t come out until june 24!!

  18. Hey, ahmm Paul is The Dawn Treader Trailer will be shown in all country ? I’m from Philippines .

  19. I can’t wait! I’m SUPER excited ๐Ÿ˜€
    I’m gonna give out a little EEEP when the trailer begins ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. oh this is so great! i’m so excited that the trailer will be w/ something i’ll want to see anyway! I CAN’T WAIT FOR JUNE 18!!!!!!!!

  21. Despite my hate of Pixar movies, I’m seeing TS3 for the VODT trailer!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • how can you hate pixar!?!!! they’re great! or at least that’s my own humble opinion ๐Ÿ˜‰

        • wall-e wasn’t my favorite but i still thought it was really cute. and what about incredibles, finding nemo, ratatouille, and up! those were great! i mean, you have every right to not like them, but personally i think there just good, cute, simply fun movies. but since we’re both narnia fans, we can still be friends!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

          • Well okay, I’ll admit it, I do like Finding Nemo, Incredibles, and Ratatouille, but I absolutely HATE the movie UP.

    • Hate is too strong a word. You might have your reasons for hating ‘Up’ but, I found it to be have a magical and stunning look at a relationship from beginning to end within moments, told with mostly visuals and music. The visuals told the story so well that you could turn the sound off and still know everything that has happened. I would LOVE to work at Pixar.

        • The world has room for all sorts of opinions… I’ve met people who had trouble making it through LOTR, so I can see how some people might also have difficulty with UP!

          Of course, I liked it personally.

      • i totally agree with you…i loved it! i even almost cried…hehe ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Almost? I bawled like a baby! ๐Ÿ™‚ Personally, I can’t see how anyone can NOT like Pixar. They are absolute magicians! I haven’t seen a Pixar movie with a story line that hasn’t resonated with me in some form or fashion. Not to mention the animation. UP was one of my all-time favorites!!! Monsters Inc. — not so much. Too much crude humor. ๐Ÿ™‚ But still, I’m a die-hard Pixar fan. ๐Ÿ™‚

          While I’m on the subject, I am SO happy that the VDT trailer is going with Toy Story 3! This is so exciting. In my opinion, if this Toy Story is anything like the first two, it is worth going to see with or without the trailer. But now I have one more reason to go and see it! I fell in love with the Toy Story movies, especially the second one. Hooray for Pixar! Hooray for Narnia! Hoory for VDT!

          Oh, and I forgot to say, of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Even if I have trouble understanding them… ๐Ÿ˜€ WHO COULD HAVE TROUBLE SITTING THROUGH LORD OF THE RINGS?????

          ~Sorry this is so long!~

  22. What does it mean by “attatched to toy story 3” Can someone explain to me?Thxxx!

    • it means it’ll be one of the trailers before the movie if you go see it in theaters.

  23. I was going to just watch the trailer here on, but after hearing the talk of a 3-D trailer, I’m thinking about seeing the premiere at my local theater.

    Who’s with me on shouting something at the end of the VDT trailer?! Any ideas on what we should shout?

      • That didn’t do Peter very well in the second movie. How about: “FOR ASLAN!”

        • I’m in! LOL.
          Well, I would be… If I wasn’t seeing it with my entire family… LOL

          • Having my family with me would give me more reason to shout “FOR NARNIA!!!” because you’d actually have other people shouting it with you. I think I’m going to invite some friends just so our chant will be heard!

            I think we should shout both. “FOR NARNIA! AND FOR ASLAN!!!” That way it gives the uninformed but loyal fan at the theater a chance to join in.

            Don’t bail out on me now! We’re going to get a cheer-squad going all over The World!!!

  24. Does this mean that the VDT trailer will be shown before the TS3 movie starts? Will the trailer be available other places as well, for those of us who don’t want to see TS3?

    And as a side-note, the first two Toy Story movies were awesome, and so was Wall-E I must say.

    • No, it’s going to be with TS3 exclusively for the time being. If you thought the first two Toy Story movies were awesome, you’ll love this one.

  25. Paul Martin I think narnia 3 will be amazing so will Harry potter and toy story 3 the only top
    movies I want see this year. what about you

    • Narnia 3 will be great, as will TS3. HP7 is going to disappoint only because it is only half of the story from the seventh book. For the rest of the year, I quite enjoyed How to Train Your Dragon and Iron Man 2, and am looking forward to The Last Airbender and a few other films.


  26. “You–are–a–toy!”
    “You are a sad, strange little man–and you have my pity.”

    Can’t wait for the movies–both of them.

  27. Will the trailer relase in front of Toy Story 3 be worldwide or just in the USA? (iโ€™m from Mexico)

  28. if they(fox/walden)where very smart. they would premier it before a very small movie (theat they also made so people would go and see it.
    it might be okay if they let people know. (

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