When the trailer launches on Thursday, you’re going to want to know where to find it. I will do my best to help you out with all of the Narnia fans that are posting the trailer around the web. Be sure to check this story often. [Update: 4]
And don’t forget, we’ll be doing a full trailer analysis, with screenshots and a transcript shortly after it launches. If you want to know immediately, be sure to ‘like’ our page on Facebook and / or follow us on Twitter or Google Buzz. Also subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates whenever we add a new Narnia video. Also, invite your friends to any or all of those as well! Spread the love! We want this trailer to be everywhere. We want everyone to know that there’s a new Narnia coming and that it’s as great as we know it to be.
Aslan is on the move!
You’ll be able to find at 12:01am PACIFIC STANDARD TIME (3am EST):
Here at NarniaFans, obviously, asap.
Hollywood Jesus – Trailer Link
Yay!Yay!Yay! Can’t wait so see it and watch it a million times! Thanks so much for all the work you do to keep us fans (you know, like “us lions”) updated! 🙂
we lions cant realy wait for it
I agree, spread the word about the Voyage. Many of my family haven’t even read the book, but they’ll sit down and watch a movie. So I’ve told them and many friends to check it out. The Voyage is closer. Can’t wait to see the trailer!
Exactly! And these are folks that, because they haven’t and likely won’t read the book, don’t care about any swipes that we take at any changes in the movie from the book. In their mind, movies have always been different from books so we’re not saying anything that interests or includes them in the conversation.
I think I’m going to wait and see the trailer in the theater at TS3. That way I’ll get the full impact of the surround sound and HUGE screen in the theater, rather than watch a little screen on my computer which has to buffer every five seconds!
We really need to push for people to see this film, because it’s the crucial financial pivot on which the rest of the film adaptions are based.
Here’s a link to my method of advertising for the Voyage: http://newboards.theonering.net/forum/gforum/perl/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_threaded;post=263726;sb=post_time;so=DESC;guest=15981214
awesome! I can’t wait! I think I’m going to go to Toy Story as well on Friday so I’ll actually get to see it in theaters! So excited!
I just can’t wait! I like Leviathan’s Bane’s T-shirt. Brillant!
Gosh, I can’t wait to see the movie. Sadly the second one strayed too far from the book leaving out crucial parts. I wanted so much to see Aslan carry Lucy and Susan through the village and see the trees dancing. This was symbolic of trust and faith. There was also a powerful segment in the book where Lucy dialogues with Aslan which was also left out. I am a huge Harry Potter fan and hope to see the remainder of the books made into movies.
There’s a cost associated with everything, and having Aslan carry Lucy and Susan through a village and dancing trees would have likely cost an added $50-100 million.
haha…that’s a point
If it’s up on youtube, I’ll try to get it on my youth group’s ning site as soon as possible. I have a very, very, VERY good feeling about this. again when it’s released, I’ll have it on my youth group’s website.
I don’t have google Buzz, Twitter, or face book,
Are you going to have the trailer on NarniaFans.com?
Aca en Mexico tambien haremos toda la promocion posibe!!!!!!!!
Don’t you guys think we should do something along these months to promote the Vogaye of the Dawn Treader???
I mean write about it on facebook ,twitter or recommend this to lots of friends, etc!
It’s just that I used to do that when I was younger to encourage people to go to my favourite band’s concert and I loved it!
Just an idea!
That’s why I have a twitter and a HUGE Fan page. You can invite all of your friends to our fan page, and to follow us on twitter. We’re constantly posting the latest news.
Wait! I’m kinda new at this, your twitter account is the one of this site, I mean Narnia fans?
Anyway, if so I follow it already. What a great idea, I’m gonna do what you said and invite my friends.
That’s the one! 🙂 Spread the word!
Haha, I rant about it all the time on my Facebook & Twitter. I think I am the only reason any of my friends actually know there’s a new one.
I’ll absolutely do so! Can’t wait for the trailer to come out!!! bitting my nails already….
So excited!!!! 😀
The permalink for the page hosting the trailer at Hollywood Jesus is http://www.hollywoodjesus.com/movieDetail.cfm/i/AB6E5E82-BCF2-7B1C-5F6EF6EBABC66689/ia/3889A17E-A7E7-4EB6-1C4B2DDC81F6F455/a/1
at last narnia 3 is here wanna c it soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Can’t wait so see the trailer dnd watch it over and over again
We’ve got the trailer tonight too at http://www.SixSeeds.tv. Come for the trailer, stay for the fun reads!
OMG!! I just can’t wait to see Skandar in the movie!!
I hope he’ll be much more cuter than he was in Price Caspian!
Ooops! I meant “Prince” Caspian! I accidently spelled it wrong…
i notice there’s not too much of caspian shown, wonder if they were afraid to show him since there was such backlash to PC