Composer David Arnold has tweeted that he’s currently working on the score for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.
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Old themes, old themes, old themes! Please! I like continuity. I don’t mind (in fact, I’d like) new themes for the DT or the Islands, etc; they’re necessary. But we have the Children, Narnia, Aslan, Caspian, Reepicheep, Maybe the Telmarines, and even the White Witch who have themes already. I hope he uses them.
Just don’t copy and paste the music from the last two scores…
Your comment started with “Old Themes” and ended with “Don’t copy and paste the music.”
Sure, the characters have themes and it’s likely that they will be written in here and there, but don’t be too surprised when they don’t sound exactly the same. I think I know what you’re getting at, though. I have a feeling that you’re saying something like how Howard Shore wrote the Gondor theme to play when Boromir spoke in the council of Elrond in The Fellowship of the Ring, and we only really heard that theme in full when the Return of the King came out a couple of years later. So it was the same melody without being the same instruments. Is that what you mean?
How I would say this is, don’t copy and paste the music so that the same exact themes are repeated continuously, basically giving the score almost no originality except for a few new themes for the Telmarines and Caspian. That was my general take on the overall score for PC, so I hope that, while the old themes remain, David Arnold is able to incorporate new themes into the score. I expect him to though.
Gotcha. See, I felt the opposite about Prince Caspian. I felt that it was mostly new score (as evidenced by the incredible and exhilarating score as Caspian flees the castle at the beginning). The only times that they recalled the themes from the first film were, in fact, when they wanted to remind people of some parts of the first film. The celebration of entering Narnia in PC / the celebration in the snow in Narnia in LWW, the throne room ruins in PC / the throne room in LWW, Mr. Tumnus’ theme when we see a drawing of him on the wall. Other than those three moments, I don’t recall many other reprises of music from the first to the second, but it’s been some time since I’ve viewed either film. I would guess that it was closer to 90% new score, if not more, while retaining the memorable character themes from the prior film.
I agree with you Paul! I really LOVED and I mean LOVED the PC music! It was so good and just in the right moments they placed the LWW themes. do you know if David Arnold will kinda do the same thing??? and it says “He has taken over duties from Harry Gregson-Williams” does that mean he can still use some of the same music? Can’t wait for the Departure on December 10th! sail on Dawn Treader!
Patrick ~aka ahyperdude~
Actually, I’d say that about 20-30% of the PC score was copied from the first (or only slightly altered in the mixing room.) Then there was development of the old themes, like when the Pevensies find Cair Paravel. And then there were the new themes. I LOVE when people re-use themes like in National Treasure or (obviously) the Lord of the Rings. It creates a feel of continuity. But Gregson-Williams (or the editors) copied much of the EXACT same stuff from the first film, which gained a lot of criticism.
I agree withco Arvin… Paul you need to watch the movies agian! lol
I guess I agree partly with each of you. lol
And when I say “exact stuff” I mean straight from the previous soundtrack, no recording involved.
Actually, they never used any of the stuff they recorded for LWW. All of the music was performed and recorded during the recording sessions for each film.
Yes he does have very big shoes to fill! i loved the song choice for the end of the movie! Regina Spektor has a beautiful voice! i hope the music in this movie will be just as good!
Yup, that song was perfection!
Patrick ~aka ahyperdude~
In the trailer it sounded like there was some new music tht I hadn’t heard in the last two films. I would like to know the story on that.
It was a trailer. The music in a trailer is rarely music from the movie.
ok. thanks for clearing that up.
I only hope he would keep the main theme that Harry Gregson-Williams created, but I am open to some new music for the series, though I strongly loved Gregson-Williams’ music a lot for Narnia. Hopefully they will be just as good.
ya I loved Harry’s music! (it almost brings tears to my eyes when I heard the music from the scene where Caspian flees from the castle)
Will they keep the original “theme” song? I LOVE that one and it won’t seem as much like a series without it. I love Harry-Gregson Williams and I hope the new composer will be able to do for Narnia what Williams did!
The music was beautiful in the two previous movies. He does have big shoes to fill, but I think he’ll do okay. Let’s hope. I am so ready for this voyage.
I think they are changing too much, if you ask me. Let’s change some voices, let’s change companies, let’s change the director…now let’s change the music writer. I want my old Narnia back! I hope he at least keeps the themes from the first two! Let’s just say that the more they change the people behind the movie, the harder it will be for them to keep it like the first two.
They announced this three years ago…
It is good that they have someone to do the music, but it is odd that everything is changing with this movie. It is interesting that the one line in the trailer says “You are all about to be tested.” That is so true with the new director, the new company, and the new composer. They are all about to be tested in a big way. Can they hold up to the test? I hope so for Narnia’s sake.
LoL I didn’t think about that! but that’s pretty funny. Pass the Test everyone!
Patrick ~aka akyperdude~
haha that made me laugh, your completely right! If they go on to Silver Chair, this puts them in a bad position if they fail.
its up to US to make it a success so they greenlight more! And that means keep the bad mouthing on the grapevine to a minimum so the average moviegoers dont hear it was bad when its really just the diehards nit-picking everything to death.
Is that the David Arnold who also works on Adventures In Odyssey?? And also Radio Thearter???
Nope, that’s Dave Arnold. They’re different guys.
Oh, Ok just checking 🙂
Why did they change the composer?
Because directors often work with specific composers, and Michael Apted happens to work with David Arnold.
I’ve also noticed that Pixar always works with Randy Newman (Bugs life, monster’s inc, and toy story 1-3) and Thomas Newman (Wall-E, Finding Nemo)… are the two Newmans I mentioned related?
I also loved the score for the first two films, but I have heard David Arnold before — if I’m not mistaken, he happens to be the one who did the score for the Radio Theatre Narnia CD’s (which, by the way, are amazing and I love them almost more than the films), and I absolutely loved his music there. He definitely gets the texture and feel of Narnia. But, of course, I’ll miss the old music. I am looking forward to seeing how Dave Arnold does, and I cannot wait for the movie!
Ah, I see I was mistaken after all — it seems that Dave Arnold and David Arnold are different guys. Ah well, I still can’t wait to see how the film and the music for it turn out.
I can’t wait to see what David comes up with. Good luck!
I am kind of sad that Harry Gregson-Williams has left though.
agreed, his music gets me all choked up!!
That is EXACTLY what it does to me! every time I hear his music I get all choked up!
harry gregson wiliams, that is, never heard the new guy’s stuff. what can i listen to to get a good feel of his work? Amazing grace is pretty cool… (even though it’s mostly bagpipes) You could try listening to some of the other stuff too.
well, i will say that i am rather nervous. i absolutely LOVE the soundtracks for both of the previous narnia movies…i think they’re perfect.
but i would think that the movie makers would be sure to be very careful w/ the score because of people like us who would be really upset if too much changed or wasn’t up to harry gregson-william’s standard.
anyway, i will be optimistic and hope that the score will be just as great as the other two. but if it’s not i will be extremely mad.
If I’m honest, I’m quite upset that Harry Gregson-Williams isn’t doing the music anymore. I absolutely LOVE the soundtracks for ‘LWW’ and ‘PC’; I’m listening to ‘Evacuating London’ from ‘LWW’ soundtrack as I type this (one of my FAVOURITES!). I’m confident that David Arnold will do a great job of it thought – I doubt that the film makers would let go of Williams if they were sure that they had someone else who could do just as well. Nevertheless, upset :(. I hope that Arnold takes the original theme (the five note thing) and adds it in to the score. If not, I will be very annoyed (grr…). Anyways, good luck Arnold!
I’m sure that David Arnold will do a great job. I liked Harry Gregson-Williams scores but David Arnold is a cabable composer as well.
Im really sad that Harry is leaving. But guess what? I saw the stand-up for Dawn Treader the other day! IT was wonderful to see it in person! I hope David is ready for this…
Personally, I am happy that David got this assignment, as he hasn’t gotten any fantasy/scifi assignments since GODZILLA/ID4/STARGATE/STEPFORD WIVES. I was worried that he would be pigeonholed as the resident Bond Movie composer and do little else, but here he can really explore some human sensitivity and epic power alike.And he can really do it if given the opportunity.
ya know, it’s funny when so many people can remember a great composer from a movie 🙂 and Harry made half the movies what they are today *tears up* i hope David can do the same without ruining it 😀
also, i don’t like Carry Underwood, but i do like the song, so i guess i can’t complain…
ya know who they should have do the next end song? Owl City! if it’s one for inspiration and fantasy 😀 Adam Young is your man!!! whooo