The site Narnianos.com found a new promo picture from the movie The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. The size of the poster is pretty small and it makes use of some of the artwork that is currently available, including what could very well be a screenshot from the trailer.
Hi, here’s Gloria from Narnianos.com.
We found the picture on a website about movies. We also don’t know if it’s a poster or not. We didn’t find it anywhere. That’s why we posted the news saying ‘New VDT poster?’. But I’m pretty sure the photo of Aslan it’s new. I don’t remember seeing this photo before. Comparing to this one http://narnianos.com/galeria/displayimage.php?album=88&pos=9 you can see that his mane it’s different. It’s not the same photo. You can also compare it to the poster (that Avatar-ish one), it’s not the same photo either.
We didn’t find a higher resolution. I personally have some doubts about this “poster”. The coloring intrigues me because I myself could get that coloring with a very simple edition.
Another interesting thing it’s the logos, at the bottom of the image.
If it’s not a true poster, I’d like to congratulate who made it lol
It is a real poster. I was at the movies the other day and they had that same poster hanging on the walls of the loby. The poster was much larger and looked the same. Someone could have taken that poster and changed it a bit, but I have seen this before at my theater. It is real. Cinemark in Moosic Pa.
Seriously?? I can’t believe Fox would release something so shonky looking into the public. And it doesn’t even have a date for when the movie is out! And (not that im complaining) but it doesn’t have any massive “3D” logos on it, advertising the fact that its in “3D”, like all the other posters did.
If that is real, then wowwwwwww is that bad.
I think it’s freakin’ GORGEOUS! the dawn treader looks AWESOME!
The Dawn Treader looks nice, but Aslan does not. The poster was high on the wall in the theater and I almost took a picture but didn’t. It is not as bad as everyone says it is.
the N on the sail is backwards
Okay, this Aslan reminds me of the one on the cover on one of teh editions of the LWW book. And those of you that saw the trailer (I’m pretty sure that’s most if not all of you) know that this is different from the Aslan of the trailer. This is probably only a publicity look for Aslan, and he probably look better in the film.
When I first saw it, it reminded me of a aslan poster from the BBC version of narnia. But IDK where they got the picture, good job whoever did it.
the painting on the wall in the movie is hanging on Eustace’s bedroom wall is it not…that is when the kids and their parents go and visit the scrubb’s for a holiday…147 and counting
Look at the “N” on the sail! its backwards…if this is professionally done i cant believe they didnt catch that…and i cant believe they did the color like that either. too bright!
What “N”? I don’t see a “N” that is backwards.
I don’t think thats an N
Whatever its supposed to be, its backwards.
NOTHING IS BACKWARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pbart1026: do you have paint shop pro or a program of the sort? if you do then copy the picture into it and press mirror, the N is regular when you mirror it… whoever did the poster mirrored the Dawn Treder and didn’t notice the N.
I see the N you were talking about. I was looking up at the words that run across the sail, not the actual sail. I see what you are saying now. I was wrong.
I forgive you pbart… lol, but ya, if you mirror it you can obviously tell that the person that did it mirrored it
Update from Narnianos.com [Google translation]: “We now have confirmation from people who live in the U.S. and saw the poster in cinema networks. We are expecting an official statement from Fox.”
So is it official or not? When will we know something for sure? I admit, if it’s fan art it’s really good! Maybe the original official poster from Fox looks a lot like this, and a Narnia fan just tinkered with it.
I think you have a good point there
I can’t wait until the movie comes out! I saw the trailer in the theater and it looks good. Every year the actress who plays Lucy has a differant hair style!!!! But she looks great and is a good actor. All of them are! Still can’t wait!!!
That has Fan Art written alllll over it! 😉
That’s what it looked like to me… a picture I’d find looking on google images
I think it’s totally fan art. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen both of these images before (the ship and aslan) separately.
Looks great…but wasn’t the sail purple?
It is. Look at the main image on the official website. That is just a mirror image, badly photoshopped version of that picture, with the colour balance all skewed out of whack.
Okay, thanks. That is what I thought, but looking at the pic up there you would never guess it to be purple! Glad it’s still purple. I think it will seem more like the Dawn Treader.
It’s pretty cool, but then of course nothing is quite awesome until they put Edmund and Eustace on it! = P = D
I also agree with daredevil that it’s kind of strange that they don’t have the release date on it.
The image of the lion in this poster is the same as that on the covering of the book, isn’t it?
It looks that the image from TLWW to me. Which book cover are you referring to? I really think it is fan made…I don’t think the colors would be so messed up if it was made by pros. Pretty good job with the editing though for a fan! 🙂
I just went and saw The Sorcerer’s Apprentice yesterday (great movie by the way. go see it) and they didn’t show the trailer for VDT. They did however, have trailers for HP7, Alpha and Omega, Tangled, and Secretariat. I felt it kind of ironic that they didn’t show it with a Disney movie this time around, but maybe that was just because I didn’t see SA in 3-D. Just felt I’d point that out. And do go see SA. If you liked Narnia, you’re going to like this too. There are actually a couple of similarities between this film and Prince Caspian. First, at one point, Nicolas Cage’s character, Balthazar, falls backwards off a building to be caught be a steel eagle (similar to the part in PC during the raid when Edmund falls off the tower and is caught by a griffin). Second, there is a similarity between the villain of SA, Maxim Horvath, and Miraz. They both look alike and have very similar personalities. Just thought I’d point that out as well. Please go see it. It did have a relatively low opening day gross (only $3 million, but that was probably because it opened on a weekday). It really is a great movie and I don’t think it should be regarded as a box office failure and not be considered the wonderful movie it is.
We went to the drive in the other day with my friends family and on the first screen they played the “sorcerers apprentice” and on the second screen they played “despicable me”. we watched despicable me on the second screen… before the movie started on the 1st screen (SA) they played the VOTDT trailer, and they didn’t on despicable me 🙁 🙁 🙁 We watched the trailer from where we were and kinda cheered for it but it stunk they didn’t play it at Despicable me… (FYI: I would highly advise that if you are going to see a movie not to see Sorcerers Apprentice (40% on rotten tomatoes). If you are thinking of going to see a movie I would HIGHLY advice you see Toy Story 3 (99% rotten tomatoes) or Despicable me (78% rotten tomatoes)(no offence “Queen Helen” It was just your opinion that you liked Sorcerers apprentice)
Conclusion: I think that the VOTDT trailer varies in what theater’s it plays in.
Patrick (AKA: ahyperdude)
I went and say Toy Story 3 (it was pretty good by the way!) and the trailer was there…I have seen it so many times already that it was not that exciting, but the 3D looks like it will be great! I am so looking forward to opening night. The people at the theater do not know which theater will be playing VDT yet! I want to buy my ticket as soon as a I can!
That’s weird, I saw Sorcers Apprentice and I saw The VODT trailer…. I guess the theater you all went to didn’t have the full film of the trailers. Some theaters get all the trailers, some get a few, some get different ones.
Do you people have no respect??I think it is beautiful just because it has Aslan.I think that anything that has to do with Narnia is beautiful and whoever does not agree I feel sorry for you.
P.S I think it should have Gorgie Henley
I love Narnia…but it not a religion LOL! 🙂 I don’t think you will find a bigger true fan than me and I know what you are saying…Aslan is gorgeous!
whats this!!!!!!!! LOL
This is kinda random, but does anyone know where I can get narnia desktop wall paper? I need to fill the narnia part of my webshots! lol.
Patrick (aka: ahyperdude)
I saw this artwork as a giant banner hanging from the ceiling at an AMC theater in Jacksonville, Florida. It is magnificent.
No artwork at my theater yet, although they do have HP7 posters. Why must Harry Potter be so much more important. I like the series, but I do think that anyone who goes to see those movies will get more out of the book, whilst those who have read Narnia and seen the movies will be given equally wonderful experiences. When a movie gives you the same magical feeling as reading the book, then it is, in my mind, a very good movie, and that’s what the Narnia movies gave me. I’m not dissing anyone who loves Harry Potter, but those are just some random chain of thought remarks. Think nothing of them, not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings here.
I agree with that, I really don’t care for Harry Potter and I love narnia!
I can’t stand the witchcraft in Harry Potter! Narnia is moral and wholesome! Just the like the man that wrote it. 🙂
Thank you! that one of the main reasons me and my family dont like it
My theater had Narnia and HP7, I have to admit the poster for HP is cool, but the Narnia Stand-up is cooler 🙂
Hey guys, you all say that thats Aslan on the poster, its not. Actually it’s the painting of Aslan in Lucy’s room. Aslan looks the same, remember the trailer? Aslan looked weird in the painting, but in the end where he roared he looked the same.
could anyone tell me where can i read some interviews with the cast of narnia???
cool poster! looove Narnia xxxxx