There is some new concept art that has been spotted on the Korean language version of the official Narnia website at Narnia.com!
There is some new concept art that has been spotted on the Korean language version of the official Narnia website at Narnia.com!
There have been several Narnia movies over the years, as well as TV series that have been re-edited from multiple parts into feature films. The earlier films are an animated version of The Lion, the Witch, […]
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader news is coming fast and furious today. We’ve got video from the set, of Skandar Keynes and Ben Barnes sparring on board the Dawn Treader, with other sailors on […]
Narnia.com, the official website for The Chronicles of Narnia, has been updated for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. There you can find the trailer, with room for more videos in the Media section, Character […]
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these are really cool concept art i love all of them. i think this movie will be the best yet. The trailer is now on itunes movie trailers you can download it now onto your iphone and ipod touch.
link for trailer
I was wondering when they’d put it on apple movies!
i know me too. glad now because even more people can view it other than youtube.
This is really cool art, and it captures the imagination of the series. I do question the middle picture though. If that is supposed to be the magician’s house, it doesn’t really fit with the rest of the film-related art and pictures we’ve seen.
I don’t think it was really meant to line up with the art.
The garden of the Magician’s House there looks a spot on match for the garden set we’ve already seen, and although we’ve yet to see the exterior of his house in real life, it does match up quite nicely with the interiors we’ve seen in the trailer, particularly the domed roofs (i.e. in the trailer when lucy looks up at the snow falling down.
so why do they get these games and we dont? waaaaah
Its a great movie. I liked the first part very much.It was awesome and inexplicable. Aslan and the war between the queen and the forces of good were equally good
looks pretty awesome! can’t wait to try it out!
you can now watch the VDT trailer on youtube in 3D.It only works with RED-CYAN Glasses so don’t get mad if you can’t see it with the red and blue ones.
the link for the 3D trailer
is it red and blue 3-D or the new 3-D? we have glasses for both…
sry I just relised what Grant Wilson said about it being the new 3-d. (Don’t mind my previous reply)
Ohhh,the coolest movie I ever seen,I love each and every part In this movie it makes me going Crazy about Nania.Wish I could visit Nania & the 4 family members.This will be my Favorite movie forever.This movie is :- FaNtAsTiC,AwEsOmE,MaRvELLoUs etc…I have no words to say about Nania that much I love it.I love it.I love it.
When will be the date that u realese the Nania movie 3 ?
We will also help to save Nania forever…:P