Coming this fall, a hardcover 60th anniversary edition of the Chronicles of Narnia!
The C. S. Lewis Society is delighted to present “The Path of C. S. Lewis and British Christianity,” a nine-day educational tour of England, May 31st through June 8th, 2009. With its main focus on […]
The much anticipated release of the second Narnia film, Prince Caspian, is just around the corner. While generations of believers have grown up loving the magical world of Narnia, many of the deeper spiritual overtones in the story can escape the casual observer. […]
As the phenomenally popular book comes to life on the silver screen in Disney’s long awaited animated film “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” viewers can discover the transformational story of the literary genius who brought them these honored tales as the life of C.S. Lewis unfolds on the small screen in “C.S. Lewis: Beyond Narnia,” premiering Friday, December 9 (8/7c) on Hallmark Channel. […]
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That looks so cool. I can’t wait to see it. I want it but i have three of every book already. This is so nice looking and just in time for the movie. Amazing
are the one’s you have in good condition? see though’s and buy this one
Almost all are good and some are very old copies (might even be ones from the sixties or fifties). My one LWW is gone and my one MN was peed on by my dog. I have one set in good order and some of the books in hard back. I don’t know if they would go for much and it would never cover the cost of this nice collection.
Been excited about this for weeks….My only problem is that I bet the books are in the wrong order.
Haha! ‘Twill always be in the wrong order for somebody though…
Yes, they really should start with HHB 😉
What order will the books be in? The way it was originally published, or they way it’s been republished?
Likely the way it’s been published for a little more than 30 years, since the 70s. It’s odd that it’s now been published in Chronological order for longer than it was published in the order he finished them.
The current order should not be called “chronological order.” Because HHB does not take place after LWW. It takes place during LWW.
So, if you want to read the series in chronological order, you have to:
1. Start reading LWW, and stop midway through the last chapter
2. Read HHB
3. Finish LWW
So I don’t know what to call the current order. Lewis’ original order was changed years after his death. He was alive for several years after finishing the series, but never tried to change the order.
Omigosh! I have to get this! This would be so cool. Call me a geek, but I have two copies of the entire series (my mom’s collier edition from the 80s and a newer reordered set that I got about two years ago that has images from the first movie on the slip cover), an edition of LWW that has pictures from the movie, and two books (PC and SC) that have a complete list of the main characters at the beginning. This would be so awesome to add to my already growing collection of Narnia memorbillia (Okay, so many of the papers are advertisements featuring the PC movie, a coupon to get it for two bucks off at Walgreens, and a picture and ariticle out of Time magazine, but it’s still a growing collection.)
wow………!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wud luv 2 have it(da new set of narnia books all 7) and ya congrats 4 completing 60yrs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Narnia rox !!!!!!!!!
pre-ordered on amazon…mega excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm… I’ve been looking for a series set in the original order for some time now, because the ones that I have are literally falling apart. I beleve that is was printed in 1970. I’ve never liked reading things “out of order”, or watching movies like that either. e.g., I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and I am starting to watch them in the order of filming. The only exception is when I saw the most recent Star Trek film at my youth group.
Cool!…But Expensive! May be after I get my guitar. 🙂
I am definetly looking forward to this. It’ll be nice to have the timeline inside.
I wish I could get those, it looks really cool!!!
I only have the LWW
I think they should do it chronological order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this book going to be a limited edition? So, do we have to hurry to get one of these? And is it possible, that it will be translated in other languages as well, to be available for non-english-speaking fans?
Wow! I’m putting that on my birthday wish list! 🙂
it says the lion the witch in the wardrobe was the first book.. the first book is the magicians nephew
That’s incorrect. The first book was The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Check the publication dates. 🙂
Which is why, in LWW, when the kids hear Aslan’s name for the first time, Lewis writes “None of the children knew who Aslan was anymore than you do.”
If you have already read MN, that line makes no sense.
One reason, among many others, why so-called “chronological” order weakens the series.
I just bought the leather bound version of the chronicles from Barnes. I wish they had put a map in with it. It was in chronological order I wonder how many copies of the chronicles I can buy.
was it in?
1. Magicians nephew
2.Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
3.Horse and His Boy
4.Prince Caspian
5.Voyage of the Dawn Treader
6.Silver Chair
7.Last Battle
Thats the order my family always read them in, hopefully thats how they made the new series.
i so want this!!! it’s officially on my christmas list!!!!
wow! i wish i could have it.., i dont even have one narnia book…, i just borrow from my classmate 🙁
Happy 60th anniversary by the way! 😀
The cover has such a beautiful colour!
I’d like they release a new edition with separated books =D
where is susan in the voyage on dawn treader ?
She’s mentioned twice. Once at the beginning and once with the Magician’s book.