After reading through the very long list of film content that will be at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Narnia will have very little representation this year. In the past, when the series was at Disney, Comic-Con was a major source of information for Narnia Fans. Now, only the film’s Production Designer is going to be there:
1:00-2:00 Motion Picture and Television Production Designers— Motion picture and television production designers might take us to a 1930s prison break, a ’50s drag race, a ’70s disco, or even today’s Comic-Con. Or, like this year’s panel, they’ll take you to unknown worlds that beggar the imagination—fully realized worlds with alternate architecture, interior design, cars, weapons, and more. In collaboration with a multi-person, highly skilled art department, they will conceive, hire, supervise, and even try to stay on budget as they create whole new worlds of the imagination. Panelists include moderator John Muto (Terminator 2: 3D), Mimi Gramatky (10,000 Days), Barry Robison (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader), Kirk Petruccelli (Blade), and Oliver Scholl (The Time Machine). Room 32AB
HarperCollins will also have a booth at the event, however, so perhaps we’ll see those new publications of the Narnia books that are due for release this fall. Stay tuned, and if you’re going, let us know what you learn!
Well, i guess something is better than nothing…. But is still very disappointing that Fox didn’t pull anything together for a proper Narnia panel, but i guess they just aren’t going for that sort of market this time round.
come on fox, you were doing so great promotional-wise, you need to take it a step further!
I know! they have been getting the word out and doing stuff that’s making me think they have high expectations! they can’t stop now!
not a step backwards. (completing the above comment made by myself)
Kristi and I will be going. Which day is this going to be Paul? Text me with it if you can. Richard Taylor is supposed to be at ComicCon as well doing other things. If you hear of anything else let us know.
maybe they did some sort of study that found comiccon didnt help the cause last time.
It’s not that it didn’t help, it did help the franchise. You really can’t beat that kind of publicity or the amount of press that came of it. Granted Howard Berger almost started a mini and highly unintentional riot when he started throwing t-shirts into the crowd. It’s never good when a room of 5,000 people start to rush a stage. I was there. It scared a few people…well, a lot of people. Howard was just being sweet as he always is. Since the trailer was put out earlier it’s not as pressing as last time when it wasn’t even close to being released yet. It’s disappointing that it won’t be there, but it’s expensive too. Anything at ComicCon is expensive. To have a light turned off over the Disney booth last time cost them around $200, which to me is crazy. They probably don’t want to release too many spoilers either since this is sort of a “fish or cut bait” movie in the franchise.