1. From what I’ve seen in the preview versus what’s happened in the book…. what…in… the… world… is happening? Susan and Peter aren’t in the book. So I hope those are just some serious flashbacks or something. Susan and Caspian didn’t have a love interest and really, Caspian was a little boy if you want to get techical. The Lion the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie followed the book, but as for Prince Caspian and Voyage… doesn’t seem that way. What’s the point of naming them after the books if they stray so far away? To be honest, the only thing that kept me watching Prince Caspian was because Ben Barnes was a piece of art to look at… other than that…. no thank you. What would C.S. Lewis think?

    • Peter and Susan both appear in the Dawn Treader book.Read it again if you don’t believe me. Also, Caspian’s age was described as between Peter and Susan, I believe, so no problem there. I believe, also that Lewis would have enjoyed the movies… but it is not OUR place to decide for him one way or the other.

      • wow… Peter and Susan were in the VTDT book!? I didn’t know that… I’m going to make my self read the books before the movies comes out so I can refresh my memory, and while I’m reading I’ll make sure to look for that. But what I think is weird is that they are advertising Peter and Susan so much and I don’t even remember them being in the book. (why would they advertise for a part that’s not supposed to be very important… or is it?)

        • They are only mentioned in the book. Peter goes to stay with the professor to study for exams, and the rest of the kids couldn’t come because in the time between LWW and VDT the professor lost his old house (but not the wardrobe) and the house he is living in now is too small for all of them. Mr. and Mrs. Pevensie took Susan on a trip to America, and they couldn’t take the younger Pevensies along. Susan is also mentioned in the magician’s house that Lucy finds a spell to ake he ore beautiful than Susan, and in the trailer you can see her as a picture in the book. It is also mentioned that Susan is the most attractive of the four, and that her parents thought she would get more out of a trip to America than the younger ones. There are already a couple of hints as to why she wouldn’t come back to Narnia. That should erase any confusion as to their part in the VDT book. However, they are being moderately promoted for the movie. I honestly don’t think that having William (though I like him a lot) in the movie will get more fangirls to see the film, and vice versa with Anna. I do know several people who will see it for Skandar. But I think that the majority of the people who see it will already be fans of the series, families who see it with their kids, or friends that take their other friends to see it because they think it’s awesome! I’m hoping that people outside of these three categories will see the film, but we’ll see what happens.

          • I love Narnia, so I would not go to see this movie just because William is in it, even though I really do like him!! Skandar on the other hand is not my favorite, but I also know people who will probably see this movie for him. I can honestly tell you that when I first saw the trailer for VDT, I was thoroughly surprised to see William and Anna in it. It’s been years since I read this book so I didn’t think they were going to be in the movie. It will be a pleasant surprise to see the two in the movie, even if it is just briefly.

  2. That’s kind of a poorly written synopsis. the phrase “on which rests the fate of Narnia itself” seems rather ill-placed and almost flat.

  3. I agree with Samuel- sounds like someone wrote it at 2 o’clock in the morning. 😛 And a river that turns to gold? Hmmm…

    • how can you not remember the river of gold!!! I vaguely remember what happens with it but what I do remember is VERY vivid. remember they put the boot in the water and it turns to gold, and they see a human in the water that fell in and turned into gold!

      • As I recall, Deathwater (or Goldwater if you prefer :-)) was actually a little mountain lake. I wonder why they changed that into a river? Personally, that chapter is one of my favorites of VDT! 🙂

  4. The people that maintain the site probably have not read the book. On the narnia.com site today they ask who made the Dufflepuds invisible. The answer they accept is “Coriakin”. It is the Chief Dufflepud’s younger daughter, Clipsie, that recites the spell that makes them invisible not Coriakin. It would be nice if the marketing people had read the book. There are many little facts they get wrong, but I still think that it will be a very good movie.

    • well also take into consideration that they probably aren’t going to follow the book perfectly, so they might make it that way in the movie (Coriakin’s daughter recites the spell)

      • Right you are, my friend. We have had this discussion before about books vs. movies. Some days I am in books mode, and other days I am in movies mode. Together we all go on and fight the good fight.

  5. I like that it is PG, but in a way PG-13 would be cool because that would mean a lot of action most likely. I still like that it is PG though. Not G. G is lame for fantasy adventures.

    • ya thats what me and my friend were saying, (we didn’t even consider that it would be G!) That PG would be good but PG 13 would be epic! but then you have to consider that they probably don’t want to lose the kid audience

      • It is, first and foremost, a kid’s book, and a family film. How would they make it PG-13? Having them all be slaves to a psychotic killer on the ship? I’M JUST KIDDING! DON’T TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY! I think that of all the books, VDT is the one would most likely get a PG rating moving closest to G.

        • You are right. There is no battle in the book or really any major danger going on so there is no reason for violence to bump the rating to PG-13. Unless they put every curse word in the world into the movie which I do not think they should. Never should they do such a thing. I heard that if Disney puts Prince Caspian out with extra footage and stuff it might be rated as PG-13 because of the one scene they took out.

          • Queen Helen@ I get that it’s a kids book and I see what you mean
            Pbart1026@ well in the commercial they put a battle in… (maybe some PG-13 material there, although I doubt it, unless a lot of blood) suspense (sea monster) and maybe language but I HIGHLY doubt it! thats scary about cut out scenes! how do they mean PG 13 with caspian.

          • I heard that Disney WAS going to do PC PG-13 because of one shot, which they altered to keep the PG rating. The one shot right after Miraz is killed, Peter kills a soldier that is coming at him, and a helmet falls to the ground. THAT is the shot that they had to alter because they had to show that the helmet did not contain a severed head. I personally couldn’t tell the difference in the film. I think that LWW was PG leaning more towards G, while PC was PG leaning more towards PG-13. Both films were very wonderful, and my 6-year-old (at the time) brother wasn’t phased by anything in the second film (not even the beginning :))

  6. i will stick that this movie will take a pg or pg-13 movie. I love narnia and i know that this is a fantasy movie for children( The books). But if they put the movie(in my opinion) pg or pg-13 this movie will atract allot of audience so lets have faith and narnia go and kick some butty lol!!!!!!!

  7. Actually it is a pool that turns objects into gold when they touch the water. I know that Peter & Susan are mentioned in the book so I’m ok with them having short appearences in the movie.
    This movie looks awsome, can’t wait!

  8. My guess is that Coriarkin will be the one who turns the Dufflepuds invisible to save on some dialogue. Judging from the trailer, he may be able to shift back and forth at will, which does make sense.

    I also think that the river may turn to gold itself rather than turn objects to gold. This will save screen time and also solve one anomaly in the book. If the water turns things into gold, how has the land directly in contact with the water not turned into gold?

  9. Based on the book by C.S. Lewis is what it says at the beginning of the movie. If you want the book read that, but I like seeing it on the movie screen. I like comparing my imagination with the film makers. I thought they did a good job on the first two. I enjoyed them, I also enjoy the books. They are not the same, but they are Narnia to me. I’ve read the books a lot since the 80’s. I love them. I hope the film makers do a good job on the Voyage. I think they will. But remember what it says at the beginning of the movie. I can’t wait for December!

  10. unlike some people, I’m putting the book out of mind when I see this movie. I could honestly care less if the movie doesnt subscribe to the book well. I’m going to see a great movie and I’m not going to judge it if people are in it that aren’t supposed to be there. If you’re a true Narnia fan you should respect that. I am obsessed with Will Moseley and I’m glad to see that all 4 siblins will be present in the VODT. I can’t wait for it to come out!

  11. can i just say here that i went to see toy story 3 for the 2nd time, and the trailer wasn’t played!! i was so mad! >:( it was there the first time i saw it, and both times it was in 2D. that was like the main reason i went, and i was very upset.

  12. sorry, i realize that comment was completely off topic, but i just had to vent!

  13. That “PG” has been there for months. Nothing is official yet. But it would be shocking if it wasn’t PG.

    • ya, I just hope it isn’t G! it looks like it should be PG (the battle scene) anyone know what the battle scene is about? and was it in the book?

      • The actual “battle” that was shown in the trailer, did not happen in the book, but I can tell you a little bit more about what you’re talking about. In the book, Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, and Reepicheep arrive on one of the Lone Islands, and they are both captured by slave-holders on the island and taken to the main city, Narrowhaven, to be sold. Caspian is sold to a man who turns out to be Lord Bern, oe of the seven lords, and they rescue the others without battle. They then barge in on Governor Gumpas, the head of the Lone Islands, who has neglected Narnia’s possesion of the Islands, and Caspian, without drawing his sword manages to single-handedly regain the possesion of the Lone Islands and end the slave trade that has been going on. You see, I’m guessing the battle was added for some cinematic appeal, but even in the trailer, it doesn’t look very big, which is a good thing. The battle does not take place in the book, the afore-mentioned is what it was about. Does that bring you up to speed?

        • Yes, thank you! I kind of remembered that part and I will be reading it soon (im rereading voyage of the dawn treader before the movie comes out) and I was thinking thats when the battle would be… I am fine with them adding a battle because they have to please all the crowds, 6-8 cant put too much violence 9-14 are going to want some action 15-21 will really want somthing to keep them watching it. i conclude that they have to make changes to please all the crowds and thats fine as long as it go’s along the main storyline.

          • I personally didn’t want that battle to be like one of the big ones from the first film, but rather something larger in scale than the duel but smaller than the castle raid. It’s not going to be the defining point of the story, so I don’t think that it should be as epic as the battles from the previous two films.

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