Narnia.com has updated it’s map of Narnia which you can sail around. If you click on your ship, and point your compass to the Magician’s Island, you can disembark there and explore the land. Dufflepuds appear and an invisible door for Lucy to enter to go into the Magician’s house, as we just saw in the second trailer released by 20th Century Fox.
Be sure to click on the Dawn Treader in the background!
Woa, Cool! Mercy
That’s so kool… I <3 Narnia… 😀
i love narnia so much
awesome! ^^,
we all love Narnia 😀
WOW! we love narnia
O boy! I cant wait to check it out!!!
k people what the heck is this magic door doing in the magicians garden!? I don’t get it. didn’t we already see out side of the house? so what is the random door doing here? I don’t understand how the film makers can say over and over again that they learned from there mistakes on Prince Caspian (not that they realized that before the box office recites came in)and have worked harder then ever to make this one true to the book. But so far everything we have seen from this movie makes it look as bad as Prince Caspian. If you want the fans to like it and you want it to be true to the book then make it true to the book! Don’t try to amp up the action or the magic be adding wars or making Romandu’s daughter into a star or making such a big deep of the magic book or adding a witch (BTW just because the writer changed her a little from one book to the other does not make it ok for you to) or adding the other kids just because they feel like it. I’m not saying everything they have done or what they are doing now is bad, I’m just saying I don’t think they know where they are going wrong. yes they say its going to be better then the last two combined, but from what I’ve seen so far it just looks worse or worse. The books have a magic of there own which is why they are so well loved. They aren’t like harry Potter. they are about wonder not action.
does anyone else feel the same way?
Well… For the most part, yes I do agree. The books don’t need to get buffed up to be worthwhile as movies. On the point of Ramandu’s daughter, though, there is a legitimate debate running as to whether she, being the daughter of a star, is pure star or half-star herself. And if the movie-makers choose to land on the side of the debate which claims she would be pure star, that’s one decision that I think isn’t too far off course for them.
What I would think and I think Lewis backs this up is that the full stars are the ones born at the beginning of narnia when Aslan sings them into existence in the magicians nephew. Lewis said that light came from romandu and his daughter had to carry a candle. “…And men said the blood of the stars flowed in her vains.”-Glimfeather ….not that she “was” a star.
I disagree. Books and movies are very different mediums. A movie does not change a book. My Narnia books are still on my book shelf just like Lewis wrote them. If you like the book, read it again. I have read mine many times. Please remember that for this movie to recover its expenses and make a profit, most of the people that will see VDT have never read the book or any of the Narnia books. If there are no profits; there are no more Narnia movies. The production company has to get the average person into the theater.
I knew that PC was going to have box office problems before the movie ever opened. That is just the nature of the book. I had very low expectations of the movie and was very pleasantly surprised. I enjoyed the movie. I saw it eight times, I still have the ticket stubs. I bought several copies of the DVD to do my part to make sure that there was going to be another movie. We die-hard fans can stick our noses in the air and be THE purist about the books, but we are talking movies here. Movies are different from books. Movies must appeal to a different audience and make money. Walden is doing a great job.
I have seen the super trailer. I wish everyone could see it. People might feel better about VDT when they see the super trailer. Some of the plot additions become clearer. The addition of Gael, the MLG, is a real plus. The super trailer shows a very nice scene between Lucy and Gael. Please give the movie makers a chance. I think that this will be a great movie. I can’t wait.
Silver Chair is going to have some of the same problems that PC had. We fans will have to rally around it to make it work.
Amen, brother! I’m glad SOMEbody of the hard core fans has a clue!
and please expound on the potential problems in Silver Chair, please.
i think its the worst in the series.
Both PC and SC have a lot of walking and not much action. I enjoyed SC, but it is weak. I think that it is the second worst of the series, but the play between Eustace and Jill is interesting. Puddleglum is interesting. We see too little of Caspian or Rilian is be interesting. The casting of Jill and Puddleglum will be critical. SC will be hard to adapt to a movie with a general audience appeal. Take a critical, arms-length view of SC, and you might agree. It is boring. PC is boring. LWW and VDT are great and are much more visual. HHB and LB will be great.
ya gotta get real about this issue, these are books written in 1950. in 1950 you may have been able to make a soft, sweet movie version and have it accepted, similar to the bbc versions in the 1980’s. But in today’s movie market, they are up against Ironman, Harry Potter, etc. Can you imagine primitive Dawn treader of the BBC up against Batman, etc.? its a different world, and they have constraints today. just be supporttive, would ya? be realistic….
I consider Prince Caspian to be the weakest of the books. If I were to rank them 1-7, it’d be 8th. 😉 I was actually surprised that the movie was as good as it was, and walked right up to Andrew Adamson after I saw it and thanked him for making it into something special. That said, I feel that you are jumping the gun on the movie. You shouldn’t judge that which you have not actually seen. I can give many examples to illustrate why this is a big problem. For instance, if you only read a page of Song of Songs in the Bible, you’d likely be very confused about what you read, and perhaps not understand the point of it. The same is true of the bits and pieces of footage that you see in the trailers. You have literally made assumptions based on less than three minutes of fractions of footage. Just wait and see. You will be pleasantly surprised.
I agree that Prince Caspian is the weakest of the series, and I think that Silver Chair is the next weakest. I think that Andrew did a great job with what he had to start. You and I have seen the super trailer. There is so much yet to be seen. The first two trailers are such a small sample. I think this will be a great movie.
This is probably very trivial in the grand scheme of things, but…What’s with the curvy bushes? It’s like something from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. The Magician’s Island is described in the book as looking very much like England…I can kinda see that, but the weird bushes?