Group Publishing’s Fun for the Whole Family Hour has been shipped, and I received mine yesterday. We’ve got them uploaded, and they’re terrific. In case you are wondering, the music is a temporary score, which is used for many reasons. The composer, in this case David Arnold, is currently writing the music that will take over the score for this film.
If you’re looking for something to do with a group of people at your church or youth group for an hour, look no further than Fun for the Whole Family Hour. Put together a family night. Included in the kit is a DVD with these clips and more videos related to the program. There is also a CD with music to learn from as well. Not only that but there is a 15 page leader’s guide that you can use, so that you know what to say, and what to play and when to do it. It’s an hour-long program in a box! Get yours today!
Major Spoilers!
The first clip is “The Adventure Begins.” In it, you’ll see Eustace has been writing in his Journal, which he promptly stuffs into his sock!
This second clip is called “Greedy Eustace.” In this, he falls into the area with the treasure. There’s not enough of it to tell if it’s all in a cave or if there’s a volcano nearby.
This third clip is called “Sea of Lilies.” It features Eustace talking a bit about his time as a Dragon.
Learn more about Fun for the Whole Family Hour and get it for your group!
Please hurry! 😛 The ones on Aslan’s Country aren’t working for me. 🙁
If you’re having a difficult time viewing them on our site, try viewing them on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/AslansCountry?v=app_2392950137
Looks like Eustace turns into a dragon in broad daylight. Interesting!
Or maybe not. Nevermind, haha.
Looks rushed these clips, but it is probably not so when seeing the film. Wow, Will Poulter is doing good at acting like a prick.
i agree. in the first clip though his voice sounded a bit close to Draco Malfoy.
thats funny. for me he doesnt sound like Draco malfoy as much as he is like him in the annoying way. They both turn out all right in the end though. 🙂
Now that I think about it, he kinda did, accent and all. But they’re very similar people at that point… spiteful, bullying…
I think you meant “prig”:)
I heard of both, so I just used whichever came first. Maybe there is only one term, but to me it seems both could work.
To see Eustace on the island really got me pumped! I am so excited to see this masterpiece on the screen!
Oh these are wonderful! And so exciting. Will seems to play Eustace well and Skandar seems to play both Annoyed and forgiving well. It’s nice to see he seems sorrowful in the second clip when they can’t find Eustace.
Sorrowful, and not glad or just annoyed sort of blowing it off.
AHHHHH! Is it ok if I watch these a million more times? AHHHH
OMIGOSH!!!!! These clips are so much better than the trailers! Will Poulter is spot on as Eustace, I like how in the first clip they took some cues from the book and put in those rhymes. Overall, very encouraged by this!
ya! and I thought his voice seemed really annoying! but thats how it is supposed to be!
i can
These are amazing. Love them and i can see a difference in the way it was filmed. It will be so cool. Yes, bring on more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
right there with you pal
OH MY GOODNESS! I HAVE TO SEE MORE! i WANT TO SEE MORE! iT IS SOO MUCH BETTER THAN PICTURED IN THE TRAILERS! Thank you for this website keeeping me updated on the things that are happening with this greatest movie ever! ^_^
awesome!!! 😀
i LOVE Eustace from the books, he is my favorite character among all of them, so you can understand my worry on how he will be interpreted onscreen. what i’ve seen so far definitely does a Eustace fan proud! 🙂
oh my goodness these are AMAZING!!!!!!! SO COOL! oh, and i went to see ramona and beezus in theaters and the trailer was there! i was so surprised because i thought it was exclusively for Toy Story 3! anyway, i am so pumped!!!!!!!!
I saw the trailer on big screen too! So cool!
i didnt -_-
Me neither… we went to see Toy Story 3 but the trailer wasn’t there… 🙁 Maybe because we saw it in 2D instead of 3… but 3D gives us headaches. 😉
Ooooo! Those clips look so neat! So very excited for the WHOLE movie!!! =)
sorry, can someone give me the youtube links? i can’t see it..
Why does he say “there once was two orphans”??
Probably typical Eustace, he tends to lie to get the upper hand in an argument. And he thinks that they can’t beat him up because they were guests, but as you can see in the first clip, Edmund comes pretty darn close to beating him up.
This was the one thing that struck me odd. I sure hope they don’t kill off the Pevinsie parents.
Well, they do die in The Last Battle…. so it isn’t too far a stretch of the imagination.
maybe because the pevensie parents went to america with susan and left lucy and edmund to stay at their cousins- abandoning them so to speak-
I was worried too when I heard him say that, maybe they’re just playing with us, or he was using it to get under Ed’s skin. (Go Ed!)
OMG! Clips are amazing? 😀
Can you write a transcript? 🙂
happy birthday ben!! i love you!! you rock! how old is he today??
cool. its his b-day? enjoy your youth before you are 80! trust me it comes faster than you think!
ps; i’m not 80 but i refuse to reveal my real age!
he turned 29 today….god he looks younger than he really is.
my most favourite movie forever
ok i pictured the dragons cave in a dense forest. I think Eustace talks to fast…. but i can’t wait till the movie comes out!! =)
i agree, i had trouble with the accents since the first movie. helps to watch the dvd with the captioning on, you pick up alot. those telemarines accents were even worse!
it will be slower in the movie. they tried to fit the whole clip in the time frame. so I think they sped the talking up.
Wow, they’re all so good… might not want to watch them if you haven’t read the book, though. Rather full of spoilers, aren’t they? 🙂
Can’t wait for December!
yeah I know! I wonder why they would put such a big spoiler as Eustace becoming a dragon?! cause thats like a HUGE part of the story!
wow cant wait foe the movie!!!!!!!!!!
The clips made me very excited, but why is that little girl along on the ship?!?
i think she is Darian’s daughter???
if any of you can remember the mysterious little girl (MLG), that is her character, Gael.
The second clip is the first time that Fox has shown Gael outside of the super trailer. We will see much more of her. Maybe she will get her own clip.
Paul, what time you want to post screen caps?
thank you FOX, for saving narnia for us!!!!!! it looks fantastic!!! please keep em coming!! (and hopefully every year!!!-the wait is excrutiating!!) LONG LIVE ASLAN!!!!!!!
Ain’t the wait a pain?
tell me about it.
Looking awesome. And wasn’t Georgie pretty!
Pretty hot!
I am glad Walden is letting Georgie look like a teenage. She looks good. I say that as someone who is much, much older that most of you. On the Internet no one knows that you are an old dog.
I like these clips being on a single subject.
Amazing. I’m so happy to see Eustace! It looks Fantastic! I’m so excited! It looks like Will is doing a wonderful job of being a prat! I can’t wait!
Thats exactly what I thought! he seemed SOO annoying in the commercial!
It wouldn’t let me see the videos! 🙁
oh my god i can wait for the movie mmmm they look so perfect the movie will be so epic but i still wondering about the appearances of peter and susan……….. that excited me more!!!!!!!!! see the 4 pevense together in narnia again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to admit, I’m really really proud of Will at playing Eusatce. He does it EXCATLY as I imagined it. Literally, it’s kind of creeping me out, but I like it.
Lucy and Edmund grow up so fast! Jeez, but they look amazing! It’s almost better then the trailer! Wait-It is 🙂
I can’t wait to see it!!!! It’s gonna be really good!!!!
Love Eustace!!! (Or rather, I don’t… not now… but Will does a fantastic job!). I really want to watch more clips, but honestly I think I’ll wait until the movie comes out.
(Yes, I know how the book goes, etc., etc., but I want it to be a surprise in movie form).
Oh shucks, Fox picked those up fast!
can we see those clips again..?????I couldn’t see them 🙁 🙁
unlucky me 🙁
can anyone produce a transcript????
please do…..
oh my word i love these clips!
Omg i saw the movie right after skool wen it came out. best movie i’ve ever seen. i wanna c it again.