Are you going to be in Oxford at King’s Bible College in the United Kingdom on November 27? I know that I would love to be there. Especially because England is a great place to be, but not just that, some great Lewis experts are going to be speaking on different topics surrounding Lewis, including the Narnia Code, George MacDonald and J.R.R. Tolkien!
It looks like it’s going to be a great experience for all who attend. If you do, feel free to send us an e-mail recounting your time there.
Visit the Facebook Event and/or the KBCTC Page about the Event.
Jointly sponsored by Paternoster and the King’s Bible College and Training Centre, Oxford
Have you ever wondered what inspired CS Lewis when writing the ‘Chronicles of Narnia’?
What shaped the stories and landscapes of that magical land?
Join us in Lewis’ beloved City of Oxford to explore the people, influences and events in his life and writings as we take another look through the wardrobe door.
Speakers and topics:
BOOK LAUNCH: Be the first to buy a signed copy of Michael Ward’s ‘The Narnia Code’ at a special discounted price on the day.
i wish i could go as a late birthday present. i’m only a child so i might not be able to go but it is on a saturday. i’ll see. sounds really good
I can tell you’re a child cause you don’t capitalize your “i’s”
I’m still pretty young too (13) so make sure you don’t feel like you’re the only young person on here!
I turned 13 today 🙂
haha you a boy or a girl?
I turned 15 in August.
Sounds like the conference in Oxford is going to be fun!!
I thought I was like the youngest person on here, haha
Queen Rose
That sounds like so much fun… now I just have to convince my mom to spend Thanksgiving in England! Haha, yeah, not gonna happen. I would love to go though.