VDT Set Visit Report has posted a lengthy set report from their time vising last summer’s production of “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” They write:

“The film was shot on location in Australia and was the only domestic outlet invited to the set. Not only did we talk to the director Michael Apted, but we were able to speak with the entire cast as well and watch them shoot a couple of scenes.

“A lot of the movie was shot on soundstages on the Gold Coast, which is about 45 minutes from Brisbane and 20 minutes from Surfer’s Paradise. The day after we arrived, we hung out at the studio which was nestled between the Warner Brothers’ Movie World and a Wet n’ Wild water park. It was interesting, because all day you could hear people screaming from the roller coasters next door as you walked around the different stages.”

The report continues:

“We were lucky enough to go on the boat and it was quite an experience. A ladder was placed near the ship and then we walked across a metal bridge one by one until we were on board. The attention to detail was incredible and we got to stand behind Apted for about an hour while he shot a scene with Ben Barnes.”

Click here to read the full report!


  1. This is a wonderful article and interview to read. And it’s really cool to read this interview with Michael Apted, which was conducted while the movie was shooting, and the one with him and Ben, which was done after filming had wrapped, and to see how his opinions and views had changed slightly. I can’t wait for the interviews with the cast! Update us when they turn up!

  2. Let’s see how many fans become outraged at the mention of Apted saying that in some areas he isn’t staying close to the book at all…

    Cue fan panic and anger and outrage.

    But it was a good article.

  3. I have some new stats for VDT in terms of lists of highest grossing films. VDT would need to gross the following amounts to make it onto these lists. (The film it would need t surpass is in parenthesis).

    50 Highest-Grossing films of all time: $624,386,746 (Hancock)

    Top Ten Highest-Grossing Films of 2010: $318,361,352 (The Karate Kid)

    The Chronicles of Narnia film series as a whole is currently not on the list of 20 highest grossing film series as of late, but with a great box office take I think we will make our way back on.

    These are films that could possibly change the stats:
    Megamind (maybe, but probably not)
    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 (Most likely will change the stats significantly)
    Tangled (longshot)
    Tron: Legacy (same as Megamind in the fact that it could change the stats but it probably won’t)

    I guess it’s a little bit of a disadvantage when the film is set to be released less the a month after HP7, especially when that film is one of the most anticipated films of the year, but we needn’t fret over this. We just need to really promote this and take our friends and family to see this, maybe more than once. But for now, we just can’t be certain of the box office turn-out.

    • Should I feel guilty that I want to see both HP and VDT… Multiple times?

      One isn’t going to necisarily affect the other, as long as the people who want to see HP have seen it all they can before VDT comes out, correct? Doesn’t HP come out in early november? Should be old news by dec 10th… Ahh so confusing.

      In other news, great article. Ty for posting!!

      • No, you shouldn’t feel guilty for wanting to see them both. I’m going to see both too. I’m just saying that Harry Potter probably has more fans and haas recieved more widespread attention, and on top of all that, it’s the first part of the last chapter in the series. True, it’s coming out a month before VDT, but some movies can have very, VERY lucrative sustained run at the box office. We want Narnia to be in the spotlight, not only because it’s going to be one of the biggest films of the year, but because it is a timeless classic ceries that has endured all these years and continues to enchant readers to this day.

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