The latest addition to the map on Narnia.com is Narrowhaven! The image in the background features our first look at who is likely Lord Bern! He appears to be handing Caspian a sword, which looks very intricate in design. We can’t see Bern’s face, however. I met Lord Bern when I was there, and he was a really great guy that had much to say about the national parks in America, which we spoke about for quite some time.
But that is beside the point. Narrowhaven looks terrific, and has a look that is very familiar while also being somewhat fantastical.
Clicking around will unlock a wallpaper and more. It should all be working properly in the next few days, much like the Magician’s island. With only three months left until the release of the film, these things are going to be coming faster and faster!
Visit Narrowhaven
Thanks to MundoNarnia, image courtesy Narniaweb
First! I like it!
Looks like a “You Have My Sword” moment.
So what is the day that it will be open? Is it uncertain at this point? 🙂
I tried getting onto Narrowhaven today and it said it was coming in September…so I couldn’t access the island.
I should add that I tried going to the map and clicking on Narrowhaven, but it said it was coming in September. The only way to get to Narrowhaven on the site for now is apparently through the above link.
doesn’t the centaur look awesome!!!
Minotaur you mean? There’s no centaur in/on Narrowhaven. 🙂
I believe the minotaur is supposed to be on the dawn treader. That’s what I’ve gathered from the trailer anyhow.