We’ve just spent a day on the Dawn Treader and a day off. The first day became so cold out at sea that they recommended that Courtney and I take a day off so that we don’t become sick while we’re on our honeymoon. That was very nice of them all. For those who don’t know, Courtney and I got married on Saturday and we’re now sailing around England on the Dawn Treader, aka The Matthew, for a week. We’re covering as much as we can with the second group of competitors. There are also some other promotional teams here, who are making spots for their various channels. Not sure I can talk about who they are just yet, but when we get closer to the release, you’re sure to see some of their videos.
On the first day, we went through some safety training and the competitors did a few tasks. Two of the three were there that day, and the third was able to join in on the second day of the event.
The crew is incredible and the boat looks terrific. They were given the blueprints of the head and tail of the Dawn Treader from the movie, and those parts were custom made to fit The Matthew for this promotion. They are smaller than the ones on the film’s ship, but no less striking.
There are cameras everywhere, filming just about everything, as we sail around.
Here are a few other things that I need to mention:
Everyone in the crew and all of the competitors and their guardians are just terrific people. That makes it really easy to have a great time and everyone gets along very well.
Courtney and I have a driver, called Christian, who is very helpful and also a Director of Photography who has an eye for great composition of shots. Everything that I’ve seen him shoot on this adventure is phenomenal. And he’s a really fun guy to hang out with!
We’re having a great time relaxing on board the Dawn Treader, and waving to those that sail by. It’s quite fun!
We’ll have more to report as we get some time and even more when we get back and I have proper video editing tools in front of me again.
Would i be correct in thinking that you two are the only people in the world to have set foot on both the Movie Dawn Treader and the Promotional Dawn Treader?
Either way you two are very very lucky people and i am sooooo jealous! Sounds like an awesome experience! 🙂
That’s very likely correct, at this point! Thank you very much!
NOOOOOOO fair!!! hahha good luck with the rest of you honeymoon!
Sounds like a good time despite classic weather of England. ;))