New “Voyage of the Characters” Profile: Edmund Pevensie

Our friend Poggin gave us a heads up that this month’s “Voyage of the Characters” profile is now on-line. September’s character is Edmund Pevensie. The profile looks at Edmund’s background, his journey before the Dawn Treader and where his journey in Narnia will take him this time.

You can read the profile here. Warning there are some spoilers for VODT in the profile. If you have not yet read the book, and are just waiting for the movie you may want to avoid reading the profile. Consider yourself warned.

Also, Poggin let us know that Aslan’s Country has upgraded it’s homepage . It’s much more user friendly and now includes direct links to the “Voyage of the Characters” feature as well as an exclusive interview with Dr. Michael Ward, author of Planet Narnia.


  1. We cannot open anything regarding the new Voyage of the Dawn Treader now. Just three weeks ago, we were daily watching as the movie has been in production. This is most disappointing.

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