For more than fifty years, The Chronicles of Narnia have captured our hearts and imaginations. Before Harry Potter’s Hogwarts or the world of Twilight there was the imaginative landscape of Narnia.
Now, with A YEAR WITH ASLAN: Daily Reflections from The Chronicles of Narnia (October 2010; HarperOne), readers can get their daily dose of Narnia inspiration. This first of a kind collection of 365 readings from the beloved children’s series takes the most thought-provoking and poignant passages from all seven books in the series and pairs them with questions for further reflection.
Both children and adults have discovered that rereading these books leads to entirely new experiences and insights. In the midst of these breathtaking stories of adventure, betrayal, and discovery in a magical land are profound messages about the true meaning of life.
This can be attributed to its author—C. S. Lewis. Lewis was one of the intellectual giants of the twentieth century and arguably the most influential Christian writer of his day. He wrote more than thirty books, including Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, and The Great Divorce, books that continue to garner new readers each year.
This book takes a special look at how the themes that are present in Lewis’s nonfiction appear through the children’s series that was near and dear to his heart.
- Reflective questions following each reading for further contemplation
- The Pauline Baynes illustrations marking the beginning of each month
A YEAR WITH ASLAN is sure to please Narnia fans young and old.
Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963) was a Fellow and Tutor in English literature at Oxford University until 1954 when he was unanimously elected to the Chair of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge University, a position he held until his retirement. His major contributions in literary criticism, children’s literature, fantasy literature, and popular theology brought him international renown and acclaim. Visit the author online at www.cslewis.com.
Daily Reflections from The Chronicles of Narnia
By C.S. Lewis
HarperOne, an Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers
Hardcover | $22.99 | 480 Pages | ISBN 9780061985515
October 2010
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