In September ComingSoon.net interviewed Voyage of the Dawn Treader Director Michael Apted. They also interviewed Ben Barnes who plays King Caspian. Today the website posted an interview with Georgie Henley who plays Lucy.
“ComingSoon.net: How does your character change or grow in this film?
Henley: I think what we learn about Lucy from this film is that she’s human. She’s growing up now. She’s a teenager. She’s got into her teens like I have and I think that she’s very much the purest of characters throughout the first two films and she’s very good and brave and true. This film kinda shows that she has a darker side. We all do things which we’re not proud of. I think this showcases Lucy’s not proud moments.
CS: Can you relate to Lucy?
Henley: Definitely. She’s the best person. She’s so great about everything. She’s so pure and understands everything. In this film, she’s a lot easier to relate to for me because of her dark side. Sometimes you feel sorry for her and sometimes you feel so happy for her. There’s so many layers to her and I hope I can do her justice.
CS: Is there someone’s career who you’d like to emulate or that you really admire?
Henley: I really look up to people who experiment in all areas and I think Johnny Depp is a really good actor to look up to because he’s done so many genres of films. I think Cate Blanchett is a good actress to look up to. They’re probably my two favs. My other two favorite actresses are French. They just seem to be able to express themselves a lot more. I just get such a vibe from them – Audrey Tautou and Marion Cotillard I get such vibes from them when they act. I love it.
Read more here on ComingSoon.net: Exclusive: Georgie Henly on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
great ı really enjoy readıng ıt ı am really bıg fan of narnıa and she ıs so lıfefull and cheerful 😀
I loved this interview. It’s still a little wierd having Georgie say that Lucy has a dark side. She has always been a perfect child….but it could give the character more depth.
I know! She’s always been the youngest, the sweetest, the kind of perfect character, but not entirely one sided.. Now she isn’t the youngest, though maybe still the sweetest, and apparently she isn’t so ‘perfect’ anymore LOL….
Should be interesting…
I like that she isn’t going to still be *perfect* but at the same time “a dark side” sounds too dark! why do they have to make these movies so dark and epic all the time! thats about all the complaints I have though… On a good note… doesn’t she sound so much older and wise in the interview! That would be so cool if her and Johny Depp were in the movie! Thanks for the interview Paul!
Patrick (aka: ahyperdude)
39 days!
6 hours!
45 Minutes!
I think when she says “dark side” she means the demonstration of Lucy’s imperfections, something we haven’t really seen in the previous films. I wouldn’t worry about it; after all, Lucy does show her “dark side” in the book: mainly her disobedience against what she knows is right.
I like Lucy’s character in this book(movie). It shows we all have areas we need help on, like Lucy trying to use witchcraft.
WHAT!? Whitchcraft?!
It is in the book when she uses the Book of Incantations to eavesdrop and make the Duffers visible.
Um, that’s magic. Big difference.
Not really.
yes, magic doesn’t actually exist, witchcraft really does. it’s called Wicca, and is legally protected as an official religion in the US. there are actually Wiccan chaplains in the armed forces, too.
When Lucy reads the spells, that is her use of witchcraft, and it isn’t shown as good. However, I wouldn’t say witchcraft is something she needs help on, but rather her vanity and jealousy of Susan (which I’m glad their expanding on).
What isn’t seen as good isn’t the “witchcraft.” It’s the fact that she eavesdropped/envied in any way. I think her “dark side” is a reference to the Green Mist’s temptation of the children. The question is, what is she saying about Lucy’s subsequent actions. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, read the interview with David Arnold.
First of all… THANKS GUYS! I wouldn’t call it witchcraft. And I think throughout the movie is what they are talking about… The mist, The eavesdropping, and I remember other stuff too. And as the movie goes along she learns the consequences!
Can’t wait till the movie is out… 😀 Only 39 days… 😛
same old Georgie….I just love her!
love it!!! 🙂
I love Georgie!
Does anyone know if there are any more trailers that we havent seen yet that have yet to be released? OR anything major until the movie comes out?
I think that she is a great example of the every day person. in her interview she (Georgie) says that this movie shows lucys dark side, which makes her more able to relate to which I agree with. I