HarperCollins has a Narnia Facebook Page for the Book Series

HarperCollins wrote to us, to spread the news of some new Narnia goodies they have over at the official Chronicles of Narnia book series fan page (http://www.facebook.com/TheChroniclesofNarnia).

There’s a Timeline tab where you can play trivia games and earn points to unlock special secrets. And if you’d like to send free Narnia-themed gifts to your friends on Facebook, there’s a Gifts tab, as well as a Books tab where you can read the first few chapters of all the Narnia books.

They’re excited for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader film, and they hope these special extras help in tiding over all the Narnia fans until the big opening day.

Visit the page today!


  1. omg ı waıt thıs movıe sınce july ım happy to see there are a lot of fans lıke me

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