The official website for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader film adaptation Narnia.com just added a page for Ramandu’s Island. Visitors to the site can now disembark and explore this island.
I found the most interesting part of the web page was what happened when you click on the spot between the trees. This opens the following description:
Near the edge of the world, old Ramandu watches. How long has he been observing the events of the world, and exactly how far does his gaze extend?
IMDB does not list an actor who will play Ramandu. This has led some fans to speculate that he may not be in the film, but this description hints that he may be mentioned in the film.
There is also a message on the page that says:
The stars guided you here, and they’ll guide you away, as well. You won’t find all the guidance you need in your first trip, so double back to this island later in your journey.
Clicking on Ramandu’s daughter Liliandil brings up the text description:
The Woman
On Ramandu’s island, a beautiful yet unearthly woman will advise the heros of the Dawn Treader. What message does she have for the adventurers, and what role will she play in their future? Moreover, what awaits at the ominous stone table?
Clicking on the Narnian Lord brings up the text description:
The Lord
These lost lords of Narnia never completed their journey: instead, they have fallen into an eternal slumber. Whether they can be revised rests on the shoulders of Lucy, Edmund, Caspian, and the rest of the Dawn Treader’s crew.
Finally, clicking on The Dawn Treader will allow you to download this desktop wallpaper of Ramandu’s Island.

The Dark Island and Aslan’s Country are scheduled to be added to the site in November. To explore Ramandu’s Island visit http://www.narnia.com/us/ramadu/
What!!!! The lords are still in it? That’s weird, guess the “swords”a re just added to the book, they don’t replace them. Now that’s better 8)
The lords were never cut out.
I never thought they were. I was concerned that Ramandu would not be in the film.
Beautiful set. I wish that Liliandil’s glow did not fog Lucy’s face.
I thought the same thing, Roger. I just hope its not a symbol of how the movie will be…