Narnia Exhibition Updated with Dawn Treader Items

Back when I first learned about the Chronicles of Narnia Exhibition, I asked them the first question that was on my mind: would the exhibition be updated with each new film that came out? They told me that plans were already in the works for those updates, and it appears that the time has come for those plans to see fruition. Details are still very vague as to what is currently included, as well as what will be added down the road, but there is one report of additions from the new film already. If you go to it, let us know if you see props or costumes from the new film!

The Huntsville Times reports: The official grand opening will include sword fighters and face painters from the Renaissance Festival and a large inflatable lion, reminiscent of Aslan, the story’s mighty lion king. The exhibit also includes items from the “Chronicles” third film, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” which opens in December.


  1. I wish I can be JILL POLE for their next movie series. I really love Narnia. I even have a complete set of books of The Chronicles Of Narnia. I love it and really miss Aslan and the Pevensie 🙂

  2. My parents took my younger siblings and I to the exhibition last week. There was a display with The Book of Incantations, Eustance’s journal and his costume and Lucy’s. Also, outside of the wardrobe, there was the actual picture that Lewis based the picture in Eustance’s room from.

  3. My parents took my younger siblings and I to the exhibition last week. There was a display with The Book of Incantations, Eustance’s journal and his costume and Lucy’s. Also, outside of the wardrobe, there was the actual picture that Lewis based the picture in Eustance’s room from.
    It was exciting to open the wardrobe and go into Narnia and see the lamp post. If you get a chance to go, don’t hesitate.

    • That is SO cool!! I loved the exhibit!!! (I went last year when it was in Kansas City.)

  4. I really want to go! Maybe and early bday present lol! I am only five or six hours away!

  5. paul are they still planning the Buffalo exhibit and were the dates firmed up yet? and do you have an answer on my request for an idea when they will be showing TV spots of VDT in the very near future??

    • It will be at the Buffalo Museum of Science from 2/5/2011 – 5/8/2011.

      As for the TV spots, they will be starting, very likely, around the second half of November.

  6. Do you know what? I was at the US Space and Rocket Center, staying in residence until Oct 1. The Exhibition opened the next day.
    It was completely heart breaking.

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