People magazine is going to feature a few new stills from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in next week’s issue. Look for it to hit newstands everywhere in the next few days.
If anyone is subscribed and can scan the article, please e-mail us the scans!
Thanks to Aslan’s Country for the news.
Yay! My school gets them subscribed! We don’t get all the issues though (weird) but HOPEFULLY we get this one!
I just got really excited. 🙂
Cool! My mom subscribes to this magazine!! 😀
i’ll go to7-eleven next week and get one. they’re really cheap up in traverse city.
Wow, Traverse City! Ha! I’m in Grand Rapids.
ever gone to cherry festival?
Nope, but I have heard good things about it.
i’ve been trying to get to the C.S. Lewis Festival in Petoskey.
I really want little somthing can you write your age under your comment please? i am doing a school newspaper so i want to know
what ıs traverse city and ı never heard people magazıne
kate134 ,13
🙂 thanks for wrıtıng your age
I looked at the issue for November 1, and didn’t see any DT stills. The date was partially covered (I say the ember 1), so I don’t know if it’s the issue….I looked on every page carefully and didn’t find any.
Thanks for the update. That’s crazy! Wonder why they’d say there were pictures going into the issue when there aren’t.
don’t know
I think fox secretly doesn’t want anyone to see, which i s crazy cuz it’s going to be awesome
the movie i mean
That’s kind of ridiculous. Fox wants people to see the movie. Period.
should be “saw”, not say.