Reactions to the new international trailer for “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” are beginning to pop up across the web.
One of the more interesting tidbits comes from Harry at Ain’t It Cool News, a fine website for movie news if one doesn’t mind the occasionally-salty language.
“I’ve had a source telling me that the 3D on this film is going to blow people’s minds. I can’t say who, but I will say if they’re excited, I’m excited. I’ve heard rumors of characters you’ll only SEE in the 3D version of the film.”
This doesn’t imply that things are missing from the standard 2D prints, but that the 3D version will have added depth and, apparently, some extra characters.
Plus, over at FirstShowing.net, writer Alex Billington says of the trailer, “This actually looks really good, I mean like really, really good.”
What are you hearing? Do people like the new Narnia trailer? Let us know in the comments section.
I never see anything in 3D after “Honey I Shrunk the Audience” in Disney World when I was about 7 years old. I will, however, be haunting the theater for the first three days of its release: that’s what I did with Prince Caspian
Depending on how long ago that was, you should try the new 3D it’s really changed over a lot of old technologies, but if you go to see one I would recommend seeing a pixar one first, they know how to do 3D right, dispite the reviewers excitement over the 3D, it has been well publicized that this 3D has been converted from 2D, so like alice in wonderland it probably won’t look as good as it could have been
and make sure you go to a higher quality theater! My family went to a not very popular theater to see toy story in 3D and it looked horable because they didn’t have the REAL 3D projectors
i think that from what i’ve seen, the movie is going to be really great but it’s a pity that the plot is almost completely changed. still, it’s going to be a great adventure movie.
thats exactly how I feel… other people… not so. My sister was REALLY mad that they changed it soo much!
I agree. There are going to be a lot of literary fans disappointed in the plot. But from the perspective of how it looks as a film, it looks pretty good from all the other important aspects.
Plot changes are always necessary from print to film–that I understand. But when they change the characters (as they did Peter’s character in Caspian) to the point where their motivations are totally different, THAT’S a problem. I’m looking forward to the movie, but with definite anxiety, as they seem to be toying with Edmund as they did with Peter.
I love these books and I don’t like it when they make big changes in the story. Still, when you think about Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the story is a string of adventures. There is really no story line that holds it all together other than they are looking for some long lost lords.
I hope the storyline they put into this movie is good. I can see why they did it. I just hope my favorite line from the book is in the movie, when Aslan whispers to a frightened Lucy, “Courage, dear one.”
Well, it sounds like they the part with Aslan as an albatross, so we may hear that, or something like it. I’m hoping for the exact line from the book.
yeah! I’m excited about it!
p.s. love the tattoo.
So excited. I bet this will be the best 3D we have ever seen.
I agree this looks really good and im probably going to see it in 3D
It looks great to me. I’m so ready for this voyage, 2 months to go!
it sure is another blockbuster movie!!!
Oh definetly yes. I’ve seen loads of comments on the trailers for the movie all on Youtube and here on NarniaFans and NarniaWeb. I myself can say that the movie looks very epic and exciting. Although yes, the plot has changed a bit, but even though if it has, that isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes adding more extra things to a film and boost it’s popularity and thrill for what is to come whenever watching it. I am praying that this movie does so well mainly because I’ve seen talks already about The Silver Chair film and Voyage of the Dawn Treader hasn’t even hit theaters yet… that tells me something big time! Also, knowing that they will be traveling to different islands, encountering new things, and sailing on a ship is definetly worth a new bump up for a Narnia adventure compared to the last 2 films! Wooot so excited!!! =]
I know! The first word that hit my mind when I saw the trailer was EPIC! The storyline was changed quite a bit which made me mad but at the same time I don’t exactly hate it either! some of the changes looked epically beastly awesome to me! (like the dragon and sea monster) but there are other parts that I didn’t like AT ALL! (swords/witch). And I truly think this movie will amp the narnia series up! looks very intriguing and exciting!
I agree that some changes could be good, BUT some I don’t like. Patrick, I totally agree that the witch should not come back. I can see how they would work that in, on the Island where dreams come true…but I wish they hadn’t. And the dragon and sea monster are in the book! Which I love, btw. I’m worried and excited. (-:
ya but they are making the witch and the swords the biggest part of the movie! that’s what bothers me. but if they just put it in the island of dreams I would be fine.
im so excited!!! for me this is the best trailer 4 VDT… just kinda nostalgic since the music on d background is like that of the LWW trailer.. but its good! i really dont mind if there are changes on the film.. for me change is for good! also, it doesnt matter if i will see susan, peter and the witch on this film… coz they are the reason why i first love this series!!! so lets just sit,relax and wait , for ASLAN!!! 😉
I can’t decide whether to see the film in 2D or 3D! I wish I could afford to see it in both…
But as for the trailer, it’s AWESOME!
Well I would definitely suggest going to a niser quality theater and seeing it in 3D! I can’t see 3D because I can’t see out of my right eye, but from what I’ve been hearing this sounds like it will be Avatar 3D with a *awesome* story like
What characters will we be able to see only in 3D?…extra characters?
Anyway..the voyage is just 60 days away.. 🙂
I for one will not see it in 3D. They never work right and it is absolutely horrible. The only 3D movies I will see is the ones in Disney World with the “Honey I Shrunk the Audience” and the Muppets one in MGM Studios.
On second thought, I will probably give this one a whirl in 3D, but I am not too fond of the idea. I should have read the article a bit more before over generalizing. Sorry.
There are different ways of turning a book into a movie, some try to stay as close as possible to appeal to the original book fans, but I like it when they treat the book respectfully yet keep even hard core fans on their toes. Looks awesome! I think Lewis would appreciate the positive impact the Narnia movies are having, after all, it was him who said: “we don’t need more Christian movies, we need more Christians making movies.”
I thought he said that we need more Christians writing BOOKS? Did he make two different quotes? But, you are right…the idea is the same!
I saw the quote in a world article: http://www.worldmag.com/articles/17126
They replaced the lords with “swords” in order to add the white wtich. Most people don’t like this but….as long as the rest of the story isnt changed it really only add’s to it. i LOVE the witch, she’s a great actress and add’s a lot to the movie’s and I’m glad they always bring her back 🙂 They said the graphics were bad, not really….maybe more cartoon looking but graphics are just as good(just a different type of graphics basically).
I am actually disappointed. It’s not even the Dawn Treader story! Why did they do that??? I like…can’t believe how different the story is and I am really disappointed. I am still going to go opening night…but I sure hope it’s not like this trailer makes it out to be. If it is…I don’t think Lewis would like it. Does anyone have Doug Gresham’s take on it all? That would be great to hear.
Are they even looking for they seven lord’s anymore? Or are they just a small part? Narnia used to be such a wonderful innocent story, why did they have to change the whole plot. And another “gag me” love story. We will see!
Lewis was such a strong Christian…Narnia wasn’t even his greatest work…hope they are caring more about that than the money that will be made.
Douglas is a producer/adviser for the films.
over all i am ridiculously excited. i am apprehensive about the changes in the story line, as any true fanatic would be, but i think that when i see it, the same thing will happen as with PC—i will just love it so much that i won’t care that they practically ditched the book. i have seen PC like 60 times, i could quote the whole thing thru by heart (i even wrote a script…yah i know…too much), but i thought it was a horrible book adaption!!
i don’t think i could even tell you in words why i like it so much…i could name so many reasons why i shouldn’t, but i do–i love it more than LWW. so i think that no matter how worried i am going into the theater, i will come out ecstatic 😀
btw, i was going to try to get a group of like 30 or 40 to go see it, but then i realized i should go several times with different groups so that i get to see it more!!!! strategic!!!!!!
oh, 1 more thing…totally off topic…saw secretariat—very good!!!!!!!!!! it made me cry, laugh, and get my adrenaline going, which is my criteria for a good movie.
You remind me of me… except I like LWW better than PC.
it’s FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR better and a MILLION times better than the first one..the first one to be honest dragged and did not make sense much, unless you were familiar with the books..it didn’t excite people or draw them in as films are suppose to be, especially to be a be blockbuster hit..This one is way better and should be played in theatres instead and on tv…get rid of the first one please, i wasn’t so pleased with the first one, but with this one it did make to come and see the film! its far more exciting and thrilling!
Are you talking about The Voyage of the Dawn Treader of Prince Caspian? Because you should know the first made almost twice as much as the second, and the second was heavily criticized.
I hadn’t even heard of narnia till watching LWW and I LOVED it, it made PERFECT sense and was amazing, don’t see why it bothered you? I’m guessing you like more action?
If you truly love Narnia and the BOOKS then I think it did draw people in. I was able to SEE Narnia…and it was wonderful! As like being in Narnia as it could be.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. People freaking out about the witch: Tilda Swann did minimal filming (I believe Paul said about 25 minutes? That translates to a few seconds in the movie world. Nothing to worry about.)
Dawn Treader was largely episodic, and it’s really necessary to have a plot that compels it forward to put in movie form. The book was great (my favorite Narnia book for years, in fact), but it simply won’t translate well to the screen. The audience will just keep asking, “Wait… WHY are we doing all this again?”
Remember that Michael Apted is a great director, and I honestly can’t see him changing anything for change sake.
That said, I simply can’t wait for this movie. It’s going to be AWESOME.
It seemed to work pretty well for BBC. Even if the effects were old and not too good, I thought it flowed well. BUT! I am not an director or producer or screen writer, so I really can’t say anything can I? 🙂
I don’t really mind changes in movies but other people get absolutely torn down by them. (such as The Lightning Thief, I found that a pretty good movie even though it didn’t follow the book very well at all.) Someone I know is a Narnia/C.S. Lewis fanatic so he’s not going to be happy at all that they changed it. Hopefully though it will attract a large enough audience to keep going with the series.