ComingSoon Interviews Skandar Keynes has interviewed Skandar Keynes about The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. These are a few of the very interesting questions that they asked him.

CS: How do you think your character has changed since the previous movies?

Keynes: He’s continued on the path that he did when he changed from the first and second. He’s now even more sure of [himself]. He’s trying to now become a leader, but Caspian is still there and that’s where the contention lies. He’s completely grown up and he’s a completely different person than he was in the first film.

CS: This book seems to be the favorite of most people who are a fan of the series. Is that true for you as well?

Keynes: Yeah, well it’s funny because the second one didn’t do as much business as the first one, but the book wasn’t as well known. Quite often I’d be talking to people and they would ask if we were going to make a second film. I would tell them, “Yes, it’s in the cinemas now.” The same people would want to know when they would be making “Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” It’s great because so many people I’ve talked to seem so enthusiastic about this film. The second one didn’t quite meet the expectations even though it made so much money. You’ve got to think that it made so much money and people went to see it and nobody really hated it. I’m excited to do a movie that people are more enthusiastic about.

Read more: Exclusive: Skandar Keynes on The Voyage of the Dawn Treader –


  1. Seems repetitive of what happened to Peter… but I guess we all do have to grow up and become a “leader”. I love that there are a lot more enthusiastic people out there about this one! like he said PC wasn’t as well known as the others thats probably one of the reasons why it didn’t do very well. Hopefully this one brings in a lot of money so the next can be more AWESOME! Skanders growing up!
    Great interview!
    Paul: any idea what the budget is for VOTDT?


    • Yes, life does feel that way sometimes, doesn’t it? Like we’re all trying to save the world from evil.
      That comment was purley for my own enjoyment. No money has been or ever will be made from it. Yes, Peter is the best of the Pevensies(though Edmund seems to be the best with swords). It’s called selective hearing. But this movie looks awesome.

  2. ı am huge narnıa fan so ı lıke all charecters but ı wısh ısnt there any pıctures paul? It wıll be better

  3. Nobody hated Prince Caspian? Well, I didn’t, so whatever.

    I’m a little sad about the repetitive, Peter-like nature of his growing up, but at least he’s not starting fights this time around.

      • first of all sheelybelly: how do you know theres a fight!
        second: I do not know anyone who didn’t like PC, but I’ve seen people on narnia fans who don’t… I loved it though!
        and thirdly it’s in all our nature to go through that stage! now Edmund is growing to Peters age and he’s going through it! it’s a stage to adulthood!

        36 DAYSS!

  4. well it may sound repetitive, but i’m sure it’ll be different enough….and i just love skandar so i don’t care!!!!!!! i can’t wait to see him as the oldest…not just in peter’s shadow so to speak

  5. Omg, he is verry cute ☺ . i’am verry like skandar. skandar make me crazy. i’am verry wan looked him, but i from indosia, so? i cannot looked him.. (-_-“)/maybe next weeks i want go to london . i want looked skandar ☺

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