Today Aslan’s Country posted four new Voyage of the Dawn Treader clips. Click more to view the clips. There are spoilers about Gael’s character and the film’s story.
The first clip is the dialogue that Lucy and Aslan have before returning to our world. This shows that the line from the book where Aslan’s dialogue about being in our world, but under a different name is in the movie.
This clip can be viewed on Aslan’sCountry.com
The second clip shows the scene with the painting and how Lucy, Edmund, and Eustace transition into Narnia. This was posted last week so it is not new. The great thing about this clip is that there was a line in the version of the film I saw two weeks ago (click here for screening report) where King Caspian said something like,”I’ve got you Susan” before rescuing Lucy. This was edited out of the film in this clip and the version of the film I saw last night. If you watch the clip carefully you can still see his lips mouthing the word Susan, but thankfully the dialogue’s audio has been cut out. I was very relieved to see that they edited this line out. There was a second line of dialogue in the movie where Caspian references his romance with Queen Susan. Hopefully this will be edited out of the final film as well.
This clip can be viewed on Aslan’sCountry.com
The third clip features Coriakin showing a map of the world and explaining the danger behind the Dark Island.
This clip can be viewed on Aslan’sCountry.com
The fourth clip features a scene where Reepicheep sings a song about the utter east and then talks to Lucy about Aslan’s Country.
This clip can be seen on Aslan’sCountry.com
The fifth clip shows some dialogue between Gael and Lucy.
This clip can also be seen on Aslan’sCountry.com
@Danieljofficial has shared some screenshots of these clips here.
I tried uploading the videos to youtube, but only one of them is visible because Fox blocked the other ones (I’m not sure why they didn’t block the one, haha). But here it is: Reepicheep http://goo.gl/KseVK
I liked the magicians island one, is pretty good.
And paul dont you think you should change site’s wallpaper? Lets prepair our home for the premiere !
It takes quite a lot of work to change website designs, especially if you’re busy with real life. He’ll change it when he gets the chance, don’t worry. 🙂 I still like it, and besides that, it has an image from Dawn Treader on the right side of the screen. 😉
I love the clips, and shared them with my dad.
THEY HAVE THEEEEEEE BEESSSTTT LINE OF THE ENTIRE BOOK!!!! i am soooooo happy! that is the one aslan says he has a name in our world. i’m soooooo soooooo happy! (sorry, i’m just excited)
no I am soo exited too! don’t be sorry! I love all the christiantity they are putting in this movie! here is that 3-D poster some people saw http://cgi.ebay.com/NARNIA-VOYAGE-DAWN-TREADER-LENTICULAR-3D-POSTER-/330497545022?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cf330533e
I’m not a Christian, and I LOVE the scene as well. Just beautiful work. Whoever animated Aslan in that scene needs a raise!
The clip of the end is FABULOUS (the Reep one is very moving also). For the inclusion of that one line alone, I can forgive all that nonsense about Gael’s magical Telmarine swords. As I said long ago, everything else is negotiable, if they give me that one line. I love it.
Hmm, while it’s in my mind, is there any word on whether the Lords have lost THEIR Telmarine accents? Berne I could almost understand, but the others…? Is this “Caspian elocution lessons” or “pretend you didn’t hear that in the last movie”?
i miss my mummy. dont get offended anyone, but i laughed at the clip, even if its supposed to be emotional. i’m from America so when she said that i thought of king tut! i loved the clips though! especialy the first one. I AM GOING TO CRY ON DECEMBER 10th!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m from America. That’s still not funny.
I’m crying already ,just saw the first clip..They’ve did it AWESOME..Let me see the other ones now..Comments later.
REALLY GREAT….It is exactly what I wanted it to be..Love Reep’s lil tune and am singing it at the top of my lungs… 😀 ..I don’t think I mind Gael now,though I’ll see what she adds to the film..Really can’t believe we’re just weeks away.I remember it being 10 whole months away….My calender shows that Dec 3 is round the corner so… Excited..PRAISE GOD>>
I don’t understand why we Americans have to wait so long for this film!!! ARGGHH!
awesome!!!! the movie looks so AMAZING!!! I literally can not wait!!!
Clips and trailers, photos, I just want to see the movie!
I am happy that they got that line from the book, “I have a different name in your world…”! I am looking forward to watching the movie! Isn’t REEP great? Oh, does anyone know when VDT will be made into DVD and easy to buy from stores? I’d so love to know! By the way… I live in Brisbane, very close to Cleveland and we often saw the Dawn Treader ship during shootings when we had a picnic at the bay! It was wonderful…