A German website has posted 30 second previews for most of the tracks from David Arnold’s score for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will release on December 7, 2010. Also, the tracks give away the order of events in the movie. If you want to keep fresh, be aware of that. SPOILERS AHEAD!
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It sounds like generic Star Wars music. Disappointed. 🙁
so cool! i love them all,,, i feel like I’m also part of them! ;))))
I must say, I like the other soundtracks better, but this one may grow on me once I’ve watched it and can picture the scenes. 🙂
I agree with Melanie. It’s a nice score but I can’t say it’s better than HGW’s work.
Oh yeah I love them!!
There is much more violins than the last two!
Woooo!!!! I play violin, it’s actually my major in college, so that makes me SO happy =)
I love the “Green Mist”
It isn’t at all what I excepted!
thats what I was thinking… Some of the songs I LOVE the difference, but the others I can’t decide!
You’re also going to have to wait to hear it WITH the movie – soundtracks are made to fit with visual images on the screen and really can have a whole different feel when played by themselves.
Can’t wait for December 10!
I songs are all kinda short!
I mean “the songs”
these are just clips…
I know, but I’m looking at the length right next to it.
oh, ya I noticed that too… and I realized that wasn’t the clip length after I posted this! haha
Ahhh it just whets my appetite…I want to hear the full tracks now! Good thing I have the soundtrack pre-ordered…
Very magical sounding!
I love “Aslan Appears”
GEE!! “Lilliandil and the Dark Island” is a long song!
To tell the truth this soundtrack sound good, really good, just not exactly what I excepted or really wanted to hear.
ya, thats what i’ve been thinking
I LOVE “The Duel.” Very Irish sounding!
The temptation of Lucy is very hypnotizing.
I can’t hear the “theme” for the mission! Does anyone else no where it is?
The Only one i love is the green mist. all others sound like they’ve been made for a disney animation movie (e.g snowwhite). Hope it works for the movie.
It’s very different from the first two, but that’s what they were going for I think. Like what I’m hearing! Very Arnold……y, or somthing like that! Love the soundtrack for stargate so I think I’ll like this one too.
It was okay,but I can’t judge from 30 sec. previews I guess. My favorite parts are when you here the old theme for the movie, it reminded me that it was actually Narnia music that I was listening to. It was closer to Harry Potter/Star Wars music in my opinion, which is okay, but it is a large change from the previous movies. I just really hope all of the big changes (director, composer, Disney to FOX, etc)wont make the new movie “un-narnian” and I hope it will still feel familiar. But I’m still really optimistic about the whole thing and am really excited!!!
“Sweet Water” is amazing! In my opinion it captures what the edge of the Narnian world is like!
I can’t listen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It took 30 minutes to listen to 10 seconds of one song! What can I do? I MUST listen!
I actually really REALLY like “The Duel” =) I have a feeling it might be the Reepicheep-Eustace fight. It sounds really playful, and I LOVE Irish-sounding folk music….
I have a few comments. First of all, I think I like it, but I think I will like it even more after I see the movie. The reason being that I like picturing the scenes as I listen to the soundtracks.
The cover is very good, but it looks more fitting for LWW. I wonder why the third track is called ‘High King and Queen of Narnia’…? Peter is the High King, not Edmund. ‘The Green Mist’ sounds very White Witchish! I love ‘Market Forces’ and ‘The Duel’! Edmund and Caspian’s fight?!
Most of all, does anyone know if ‘There’s a Place for Us’ will be released on the soundtrack? I beginning to get worried that is won’t. Anyway, I guess that was a bit more than just a few comments! Can’t wait for Dec. 10th! 😀
amazon is showing a diff. cover: http://www.amazon.com/Chronicles-Narnia-Voyage-Dawn-Treader/dp/B0046CUJJA/ref=dp_return_2?ie=UTF8&n=5174&s=music
hmm……insert? more than one cover? front? back? amazon used to have the pic with aslan and snow/stars. interesting…….
The new cover is such a downgrade from the original. I really hope they stick with the original in the actual release.
1: There is a new cover that is a lot better…
2: It is called “High King and Queen” because I think it is for the scene with Peter and Susan in it…
3: The green mist scene is I think on the dream island and Edmund only sees the Witch through his *dreams* or imagination.
4: Market forces must be, when they try to save Lucy, Eustace, and Caspian, there must be “Market forces” to try to prevent them from rescuing the slaves. (probably an added scene, that was not in the book)
5: The duel must just be when they are on the boat Caspian and Edmund duel for *fun* the song sounds very joyful, not as if they were trying to wound each other.
6: someone suggested that ‘There’s a Place for Us’ was not posted on it because it probably isn’t an international song.
Hope that helped with your comments (questions) David.
Sail on Dawn Treader
May Aslan return soon!
24 days!!!
(I mean) @Tawre
Sorry ’bout my mix up with the names but I posted this really late at night, when I said @David… I meant to say @Tarwe, the Narnian Elf… and also when I said Hope that helped with your comments (questions) David. I meant to say I said Hope that helped with your comments (questions)Tarwe, the Narnian Elf… hahaha sorry about that!
Peter is the actual high king, but if you read VDT, there’s a hint that Ed and Lu are actually higher ranking than Caspian, essentially making them high king and queen of Narnia. Just not THE high king and queen. I think Susan and Peter appear around “The Temptation of Lucy” in a vision sequence.
Thanks for replying, you guys. You make some good points!
Sorry my first comment was so disjointed! It’s a little confusing; I realized that after I read it again.
Oh, and I believe the dual is Reep and Eustace’s swordfight, as a report from a screening said that there was “piraty music” playing.
I love it!
It is different from the others, but certainly great!
Goosebumps when I heared HGW’s theme!
LOVE LOVE,LOVE it ALL!!!!! Can’t wait to get the soundtrack!!!! It is AWESOME!!!!!
I like how they have a little bit of
the old music in there and add some new music in, it’s really AWESOME!!!!1 I CAN’T WAIT
i will not listen, i will not, i will not!!! i just know i’ll regret it b/c it’ll take yet another element of surprise from the movie! agghh but i don’t think i can stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good, but seems to lack the “magic”, but I’m sure the movie will make that change 😉
aslan appears almost sounds like the one from the last film.
Ok, after listening to these clips a few times in the past few days and comparing them to the other two Narnia soundtracks I have, here’s what I’ve concluded:
LWW’s music sounded very magical and majestic at the same time. Great intro to the movie series.
PC’s music darkened significantly, and makes the listener rather nervous and tense to go along with the action in the movie (I don’t recommend DRIVING with this in the car lol).
And from what I can tell, VDT’s music returns to that “magical” feel that we got in LWW, but also adds a playful aspect that I really REALLY like. The music itself seems more alive….
Okay… thanks for the input… I think that is the affect they were going for with the LWW sounding like VOTDT!
I think that it will be great.
I’m little disapointed because the Gregson’s wonderful score was used only twice. I love this score and i don’t imagine that this film can be without it.
But we’ll see.