If you live in the UK, you’ll likely see these two spots for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on tv very soon. Spoilers ahead for those that don’t want to see anything from the movie before you see it on the big screen. Here’s the first, and the second is after the break.
Also check out some screenshots from the tv spots.
This looks really awesome!
it’s great, but it said something about the white witch…..not to happy about that…..
It covers a lot for only 30 second spot.
“The White Witch will rise..” – only in Edmund’s imagination!
Great..”I’ll be with you always”. Most important line
If the White Witch really is NOTHING more than a dream, as in not behind the darkness, then some people will call this film a rip-off.
TV Spot 4: Enemies Unite is my favourite!
Where are the other 2 TV spots, number 1 and 2 ?
So is it official that Susan and Peter will be in the Voyage of the Dawn Treader or what? If so, I’m never forgiving Walden Media and 20th Century Fox for doing that…
Susan does appear in the book as does Peter. When you read the book, you just might have missed when they are referenced. Wait until you see the movie before you pass judgment toward their inclusion.
The more I watch previews, the more it looks like Harry Potter! They changed everything, no matter what anyone says! :L
Clearly you weren’t reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, then.
clearly he was. for almost three years now I have been trying to and convince myself and all my friends that all the changes they were making were for the best, because I love the books so much. But I’m just not sure if its worth defending their bad choices anymore. And don’t get me wrong, from a visual standpoint this film looks amazing and I’m definitely going to see it in 3D. I think the narnian films have always had an amazing design. The ship, The picture, the wall of water (way better then I imagined by the way) have all been adapted perfectly. But it just looks like the story line is going to really suck. Someone asked me the other day what “this one was about? good and evil?” And I really wish I could have told them that no this is an epic adventure voyage to the end of the world in search of aslans Country!!!!! But I couldn’t. instead I had to tell them honestly that yes the film despite some amazing visuals, looks like just another narnian adventure to rid the world of evil. how many times have we seen movies, fantasy movies in particular that are about just that? A lot. I have tried my hardest to give these people as much artistic freedom as possible, because I know that the voyage of the dawn treader would be such a hard book to adapt. ….but it just looks like its been poured into their little hollywood mold…
When you actually watch the movie, you’ll see that where it ends up is where the book ends up.
…and the green mist? anyone else think of death eaters?
Yep, I totally agree with Jesse, It looks a bit harry potter-ish. This movie looks like it’s going to be too magical and this may pull one out of the story, One thing i love about the first two movies was that the magic in them felt real. (e.g Aslan’s resurrection did not have dazzling visual effects etc ). This one looks like it would have a lot of dazzling visual effects (e.g The swords turning blue, the green mist, e.t.c). I also seems to me that Aslan looks smaller than He was in prince caspian. I really hope that He looks the same size as he was in prince caspian. The magician’s garden reminds me of alice in wonderland.
I really hope the movie turns out to be Great!
I don’t know, ReepicheepFan. You can’t really tell anything from the previews. Some of the clips might be cut out completely, and others might actually fit in once you see them in the movie. Movie makers want people to watch the movie. To do that, they have to make the previews appeal to people who aren’t crazy about Narnia, trusting that Narnia’s true fans will go to the movie anyway. People who don’t really know or care about the characters will think the movie is just a bunch of sentimentalism if the trailers are only full of Aslan’s Country and heart-to-heart talks between characters. Besides, now all the good stuff can be saved for the actual viewing of the movie. 😉
From the very beginning they were making changes, and the director even said, “I’m not making it off the book, I’m making it how I remember the book as a child.” He also said, “It’s so hard to make this movie the way I want it with so many Narnia Police running around!”
Hmm…maybe if you stuck to the book, you wouldn’t have “Narnia Police” after you! :L
My dad, who I have been telling about all the changes, finally saw a preview for it on TV, and he said it made him not want to see it, (but he is going to see it anyway, I don’t know if I will, I know eventually I will).
I think the director is putting too much Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Pirates of the Caribbean, At Worlds End (GREAT MOVIE BY THE WAY) into this movie. The production crew said they were going to recapture the magic of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe. Well, I don’t know if they recaptured it, but they certainly put a lot into the magic bit.
Everyone go buy the BBC Presentation of VDT, and watch it. I want to know what you think. I’m sure it is more true to the book. It isn’t as magical, and certainly not super well done with great acting, but it is the book! And the book is what is important. 😀
P.S. I’m sorry, but I’m not even a big fan of Reepicheep anymore. I’ve moved on, sadly. I knew it would happen, and it did. I don’t even know what I’m a fan of now…
Wait until you see him in this film.
Reep, that quote comes from Andrew Adamson. Michael Apted was practically an adult when the books were written. Also, I have the BBC VDT, but cannot get through those anymore. They’re just too difficult to watch.
Lol They ARE so difficult to watch! Especially The Silver Chair, that movie is such a snooze fest! 😀
It looks really good. I can tell a few things have been added rather than original parts deleted. Pretty much it does well with the book. The only thing I am questioning is the part where Edmund, Susan, and Peter are dressed as if there at a wedding or something in TV spot 3. I don’t recall that part in the book, but anyways hopefully it will give more helpful content than not.
I think thats when they are in England… before Edmund and Lucy went to narnia…
…so a flashback?
I know it isn’t in Narnia, but I never recall them having such an occasion in the book.
Looks interesting – the whole sword instead of Lord things still gets me wondering why. And the CG work on Aslan looks quite a bit poorer than the previous movies.
I noticed that about Aslan too. I am going to take my mom to see it in theaters, and I hope it is good. Anymore, when you watch a movie based on a book, you have to just imagine it as another adventure because it is so different from the book!
Wow! I can’t wait for this movie! It looks great. Only 19 more days…