Relevant Magazine has interviewed Narnia producer and C.S. Lewis’ stepson Douglas Gresham about the Narnia films. They talk about the new one, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, including what themes that the film explores and later talk about how the series may continue after this one.
It looks like it will continue to be up to us to make sure that it does continue. Let’s make this one a stunning success, so that there is no doubt that they will continue with the series!
You can read the full interview on pages 70-72 of the digital magazine linked here: Relevant Magazine.
Is Gresham seriously pontificating in this article about how much he “resists the temptation” to make plot and dialogue changes to the Narnia movies? Peter Jackson at least used the occasional line of dialogue from the books; I don’t think the movies ever do, that I can recall.
Now you can argue that the changes they made were good ones (on balance I’d say 60/40), or that they were legally prevented from using Lewis’ words because of some scriptwriter’s union or somesuch, but this is all a bit much, in this article. The first things I noticed on a first viewing of both Narnia movies was how much they gutted the power and authority of Aslan and de-theologized his dialogue (eg, WE can never know what would have happened; Beaver told me your names, etc).
you dont always have much choice when dealing with atheistic hollywwod.
That is SAD!
Thanks, Paul, for posting this. This is an excellent interview. I liked his talking about creative license vs creative ego and what Christian artists can learn from Lewis. I for one must confess to the sin of confusing my thoughts about the books for what the Lord is actually trying to tell us. It is so easy to wrongfully use the Lord’s name when discussing the Narnia books. Again, this is an excellent interview.
I’m proud of the way Mr. Gresham has protected the books while still working on the films with secular directors. He’s right – the movies do convey, at their heart, the central themes from their corresponding Narnia books, themes that come straight from the Bible itself.
I know that we’re all huge fans of the books here, and are more than a little worried about how these movies are going to turn out. So let’s just take a minute to remember this one thing:
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” -Romans 8:28
God has a plan. These movies are a part of it.
Now isn’t that something to be joyful about?
Sure,Katy…..One of the most important reasons for why I love Narnia is that it is more than just stories,It has a greater depth..I fervently pray everyday that through this movie ,the world will know Christ as the true living God and Savior,that he is the only one who can redeem us from our sins..because I wouldn’t want to stand on the judgement day before God and say I didn’t work hard enough to let the world Aslan by another name..
I’ll meet all the believers here in heaven 🙂
to let the world know Aslan by another name…sorry for the mistake.
Everybody please pray for the cast & crew too,that they’ll see the truth.
Amen to that. Thanks, voyager!
Yeah AMEN to that!!
they’ll need it.
Are you a christian? just wondering.